Helix ALM Data Warehouse 2017.2 - 2018.2 ERD
List of tables
Table details
LS_AUTHENTICATION_METHODContains authentication methods available for the LS_LDAP_SERVER table
LS_EMAILContains email addresses for license server users (email)
LS_EMAIL_TYPEContains email types stored in the LS_EMAIL table
LS_EVENTLists license server events with a date/time component (Event)
LS_EVENT_DETAILContains license server event details referenced by license pool, number of licenses available, and number of licenses used (EventDetails)
LS_EVENT_TYPEContains event types from the license server (EventType)
LS_EVENT_USERLists users affected by the license server event with product and license type (EventUser)
LS_LDAP_FIELDRelates the LS_LDAP_SERVER table to a user field that stores the LDAP_FIELD information
LS_LDAP_SERVERContains LDAP and Active Directory (AD) servers configured in the license server (lsldapserver)
LS_LICENSELists licenses added to the license server (License)
LS_LICENSE_TYPELists types of licenses available in the license server (LicenseType)
LS_PHONELists user phone numbers (PhoneNum)
LS_PHONE_TYPELists types of phone numbers stored in the LS_PHONE table. Phone number types are stored in the license server application only.
LS_POOLContains a list of license pools used by the license server. A pool is an allocation of product licenses that can have usage limits. (Pool)
LS_PRODUCT_NAMEProducts supported by the license server (ProductName)
LS_SSO_SETTINGDescribes the single sign-on setting for the license server
LS_USERUsers registered with the license server (lsuser)
LS_USER_FIELDContains user field information
LS_USER_LICENSEContains associations of users to licenses, often in a pool (UserLicense)
LS_USER_LICENSE_TYPELists the available user license types. This is an enumerated value in the source system, but in the data warehouse, it is translated to a lookup table for end user use.
QAW_LOAD_TESTRepresents a load test. Provides information about load test playback sessions.
QAW_PLAYBACK_SESSIONUser-initiated session that performs a test in QA Wizard Pro. From the user interface, the run starts from the Run, Run Multiple, Run Remote, Run Multiple Remote, Run Load Test, Run Main Script, or Run Main Script Remote commands. Debug Script, Record Into Script, and Debug Main Script commands are not included because they are not recorded. From the command line, the run starts using QAWRunScript or QAWRunLoadTest with any options.
QAW_SCRIPTA script that ran.
QAW_SCRIPT_LINE_RUNAn individual line of script that ran.
QAW_SCRIPT_LINE_RUN_MESSAGEA message (error, warning, or output) that occurred on a script line during playback.
QAW_SCRIPT_RUNAn instance of a script that ran.
QAW_STACK_FRAMEA group of related script lines in the context of a script, function, or subroutine call or Try, Catch, or Finally block. Provides a logical division of the script run. A new frame is created for each context and added to the call stack.
REP_AVAILABLE_TT_REPORTContains a row for each report created in Helix ALM. Used to display Helix ALM reports in ALMRP dashboards.
REP_SOURCELists the source systems that populate the data warehouse
REP_USERLists the association between users of different products. Users are mapped between Surround SCM (SCM), Helix ALM License Server (LC), and Helix ALM (TTP, TCM, and RM).
REP_USER_QAW_USERMaps a data warehouse user to one or more QA Wizard Pro users in one or more sources.
REP_USER_SCM_USERMaps a data warehouse user to one or more Surround SCM users in one or more sources
REP_USER_TT_USERMaps a data warehouse user to one or more Helix ALM users in one or more sources. Helix ALM users are defined by project so there can be multiple Helix ALM users per data warehouse user. The user may also exist across many Helix ALM sources.
SCM_ARCHIVE_FILEContains the master list of files in Surround SCM (ARCHIVEFILE)
SCM_ARCHIVE_FILE_TYPELookup table for the bitwise FILE_TYPE field in the ARCHIVE_FILE table
SCM_BRANCHLists the branches for the mainline branches in the RDBMS database (BRANCH)
SCM_BRANCH_CREATIONInformation about who created a branch and when
SCM_BRANCH_FILEAssociates SCM_BRANCH to SCM_ARCHIVE_FILE. A branched file also has its own attributes such as status, current version, and time last renewed. (BranchFile)
SCM_BRANCH_FILE_STATUSDecodes the bitwise STATUS_FLAG values in the SCM_BRANCH_FILE table
SCM_BRANCH_FILE_VERSIONContains file version data for Surround SCM branches (BranchFileVersion)
SCM_BRANCH_FLAGLists allowed flags for a branch. A branch can have multiple flags simultaneously.
SCM_BRANCH_FLAG_BRANCHBreaks out the BRANCH_FLAG attribute from the SCM_BRANCH table in a many-to-many relationship for branches with multiple flags
SCM_BRANCH_REPOSITORYContains repository data for Surround SCM branches (BranchRepository)
SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATHLists the fully qualified path to the repository. Useful when constructing sscm links to the application in reports.
SCM_CHANGELISTContains information for pending and committed changelists (Changelist)
SCM_CHANGELIST_CUSTOM_FLDVALContains the custom field values associated with a changelist (ChangeListCustomFieldValue)
SCM_CHANGELIST_EVENTContains the events associated with a changelist (Changelistevent)
SCM_CHECKOUT_FILEContains all file check out information (CheckoutFile)
SCM_COMMANDLists security commands used to assign Surround SCM permissions
SCM_CUSTOM_FIELDContains custom field rules used in filters, reports, and triggers (ScmCustomFlds)
SCM_EVENTContains a list of events performed in Surround SCM (event)
SCM_EVENT_CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUEContains historical information about file custom field value changes (eventcustomfieldvalue)
SCM_EVENT_DEFECT_ATTACHRelates a Helix ALM defect to a Surround SCM file and the event that describes the attachment
SCM_EVENT_REQUIREMENT_ATTACHRelates a Helix ALM defect to a Surround SCM file and the event that describes the attachment
SCM_EVENT_TESTCASE_ATTACHRelates a Helix ALM test case to a Surround SCM file and the event that describes the attachment
SCM_EVENT_TYPELists the event type used for the SCM_EVENT table. This is an enum value in the source product. For reporting purposes, the value is decoded into this table and a foreign key was created to the SCM_EVENT table.
SCM_FILE_CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUEContains all file custom field values (filecustomfieldvalue)
SCM_FILE_REVISIONContains the master list of file revisions in Surround SCM (filerevision)
SCM_GROUPContains information about Surround SCM security groups (SCMGroups)
SCM_GROUP_COMMANDLists commands for a Surround SCM security group. The commands are a list in the Surround SCM code. (scmgroupcmds)
SCM_LABELContains all Surround SCM labels (Label)
SCM_LABEL_EVENTContains all events related to Surround SCM labels (Labelevent)
SCM_LABEL_EVENT_TYPEList of Surround SCM label event types
SCM_LABEL_FILEContains label association and file information (Labelfile)
SCM_MAINLINEContains the list of Surround SCM mainline branches that reside in the RDBMS database (Mainline)
SCM_MERGE_EVENTStores the file versions that were merged into the same file on a different branch
SCM_REPOSITORYContains the master list of Surround SCM repositories (Repository)
SCM_STATEContains information about Surround SCM workflow states (scmstates)
SCM_TTP_DB_CONFIGURATIONContains information about Helix ALM connections configured in Surround SCM (Helix ALMDBCONF)
SCM_USERContains information about Surround SCM users (scmusers)
SCM_USER_GROUPContains users in Surround SCM security groups (scmusergrp)
SCM_WORKFLOWContains information about Surround SCM workflows (scmworkflows)
SCM_WORKFLOW_STATEContains states associated with Surround SCM workflows (scmwrkflwstates)
TT_ASSIGNED_DEFECT_USERLists the users currently assigned to a defect. Can also be used to view the defects assigned to a user across multiple projects. This table is not available in Helix ALM and is a break out of a multi-list.
TT_ASSIGNED_DOCUMENT_USERLists the users currently assigned to a requirement document. Can also be used to view the documents assigned to a user to across multiple projects. This table is not in available in Helix ALM and is a break out of a multi-list.
TT_ASSIGNED_REQUIREMENT_USERLists the users currently assigned to a requirement. Can also be used to view the requirements assigned to a user across multiple projects. This table is not in available in Helix ALM and is a break out of a multi-list.
TT_ASSIGNED_TESTCASE_USERLists the users currently assigned to a test case. Can also be used to view the test cases assigned to a user across multiple projects. This table is not in available in Helix ALM and is a break out of a multi-list.
TT_ASSIGNED_TESTRUN_USERLists the users currently assigned to a test run. Can also be used to view the test runs assigned to a user across multiple projects. This table is not in available in Helix ALM and is a break out of a multi-list.
TT_AUDITLOGContains the changes made to defect, test case or test run records. Each row records changes made to an entity and information regarding who, when, and how changes were made. Change information isstored in such a way that, if the user information is modified or deleted at a later date, the audit log table represents the information as it was when the changes were made.
TT_CUSTOM_DEFECT_EVENT_VALContains custom field values for defect workflow events. Each row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DEFECT_EVENT and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type.
TT_CUSTOM_DEFECT_VALUEContains information related to defect custom fields. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single defect. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DEFECT and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP FIELD tables are set depending on list value type. (CUSTMVAL)
TT_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_EVENT_VALContains custom field values for requirement document workflow events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT and the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending value list type. (CSRDEVTVL)
TT_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_VALUEContains information related to custom fields on a requirement document. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single document. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DOCUMENT table and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending value list type. (CSDOCVAL)
TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELDContains custom field pop-up menu values. Each table row represents one pop-up menu item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FIELD_POPUP_LIST table. Each row in this table has a pop-up menu record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_FIELD_POPUP_LIST table. (FLDCUSTM)
TT_CUSTOM_REQMENT_EVENT_VALContains custom field values for requirement workflow events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT and the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type. (CSREVTVL)
TT_CUSTOM_REQUIREMENT_VALUEContains information related to requirement custom fields. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single requirement. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_REQUIREMENT and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type. (CSREQVAL)
TT_CUSTOM_TESTCASE_EVENT_VALContains custom field values for test case workflow events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type. (CSTTCEVTVAL)
TT_CUSTOM_TESTCASE_VALUEContains information related to custom test case fields. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single test case. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTCASE table and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type.
TT_CUSTOM_TESTRUN_EVENT_VALContains custom field values for test run workflow events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTRUN_EVENT and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type. (CSTTREVTVAL)
TT_CUSTOM_TESTRUN_VALUEContains information related to test run custom fields. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single test run. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTRUN and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type. (CUSTTRVAL)
TT_DATABASE_OPTIONContains database option name/value pairs.
TT_DEFECTContains Helix ALM defect information. Each table row represents one defect. Additional information associated with a defect is in the TT_DEFECT_EVENT table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the TT_STATE, TT_FIELD_TYPE, TT_FIELD_PRODUCT, TT_FIELD_DISPOSITION, TT_FIELD_PRIORITY, TT_FIELD_COMPONENT, and TT_FIELD_SEVERITY tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the TT_USER table. (DEFECTS)
TT_DEFECTITEM_ATTACHMENTContains defect file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the defect record. (ATTACHMT)
TT_DEFECT_ATTACHMENTContains defect file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the defect report record. (ATTACHMT)
TT_DEFECT_EVENTContains workflow event information for each event recorded on a defect. Each table row represents a single defect event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DEFECT, TT_EVENT, TT_USER, and TT_STATE tables. (DEFECTEVTS)
TT_DEFECT_EVENT_ASGN_USERList of assigned users for a defect event. This table is not available in Helix ALM and is a break out of the multi-user AsgndUsers field.
TT_DEFECT_EVENT_ATCHMTContains defect event file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DEFECT_EVENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record in the TT_DEFECT_EVENT table. (ATTACHMT)
TT_DEFECT_LOGContains historical log information about changes made to defect records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in a defect record. Each row has a defect record ID that matches a record in the TT_DEFECT table. (DEFLOG)
TT_DEFECT_REPORTContains defect reported by information. Each table row represents one defect report. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DEFECT table because Helix ALM allows multiple reports in one defect. Each row in this table has a defect record that matches a record in the TT_DEFECT table. (Reportby)
TT_DEFECT_SELECT_FIELDIf the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Not available in the Helix ALM application.
TT_DEFECT_SELECT_USERIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table. Not available in the Helix ALM application.
TT_DEFEVENT_SELECT_FIELDIf the event custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table
TT_DEFEVENT_SELECT_USERIf the defect event custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table
TT_DOCEVENT_RESULT_STATELists the states for a requirement document workflow event. In the source system, the Event.RsltStates field is a space-delimited list of states for the event. The data warehouse breaks these states into a normalized list for easier reporting.
TT_DOCEVENT_SELECT_FIELDIf the requirement document custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table
TT_DOCEVENT_SELECT_USERIf the requirement document custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table
TT_DOCUMENTContains requirement document information. Each table row represents one requirement document. (DOCUMENT)
TT_DOCUMENT_ATTACHMENTContains requirement document file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DOCUMENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_DOCUMENT table. (ATTACHMT)
TT_DOCUMENT_CHANGEContains the original values for fields that changed after a requirement document snapshot was created. The document always stores the current value. (DOCCHNGS)
TT_DOCUMENT_EVENTContains workflow event information for each event recorded in a requirement document. Each table row represents a single document event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DOCUMENT, TT_EVENT, TT_USER, and TT_STATE tables. (DOCEVTS)
TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT_ASGN_USERLists assigned users for a requirement document event. This table is not available in Helix ALM and is a break out of the multi-user DocEvts.AsgndUsers field from the application.
TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT_ATCHMTContains requirement document workflow event file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT table. (ATTACHMT)
TT_DOCUMENT_LOGContains historical log information about changes made to requirement document records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the document records. Each row has a document record ID that matches a record in the TT_DOCUMENT table. (DOCLOG)
TT_DOCUMENT_REQUIREMENT_TREEContains the requirement relationship tree for the current version of the requirement document (DOCTREE)
TT_DOCUMENT_SELECT_FIELDIf the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table
TT_DOCUMENT_SELECT_USERIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table
TT_DOCUMENT_SNAPSHOTContains requirement document snapshot information. Each table row represents one document snapshot. (DOCSNPST)
TT_EMAILContains tracked email information. Each table row represents one email. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the group of tables that used to be emailassoc in the application (e.g., TT_EMAIL_DEFECT, TT_EMAIL_DOCUMENT, etc.). (EMAIL)
TT_EMAIL_DEFECTContains information about defects that tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity. (EMAILASSOC)
TT_EMAIL_DOCUMENTContains information about requirement documents that tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity. (EMAILASSOC)
TT_EMAIL_RECIPIENTContains email recipient information. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_EMAIL table.(EMAILRECP)
TT_EMAIL_REQUIREMENTContains information about the requirements that tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity. (EMAILASSOC)
TT_EMAIL_TESTCASEContains information about the test cases that tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity. (EMAILASSOC)
TT_EMAIL_TESTRUNContains information about the test runs that tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity. (EMAILASSOC)
TT_EMAIL_TYPELists email types. Not available in the Helix ALM application. Used to describe email types to data warehouse users.
TT_ENTITY_TYPEContains Helix ALM entity codes that correspond to the table they represent. Can be used filter states, events, and other areas based on a specific entity type
TT_EVENTContains workflow event definition information. Each table row represents one event definition. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table. (EVENTS)
TT_EVENT_RESULT_STATEList of states for a workflow event. In the source system, the Event.RsltStates field is a space-delimited list of states for the event. The data warehouse breaks these states into a normalized list for easier reporting.
TT_EXTERNAL_PROVIDERContains external source control provider information (Git, GitHub, etc.)
TT_FIELD_COMPONENTContains the Component field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDCOMP)
TT_FIELD_DEFINITIONContains definitions for fields of all entity types and event fields. Each table row represents a single field. Custom pop-up fields, for both entity and entity events, have many-to-one relationship with the TT_FIELD_POPUP_LIST table that links to pop-up menu items in TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. (FLDDFNTN)
TT_FIELD_DISPOSITIONContains the Disposition field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDDISPO)
TT_FIELD_POPUP_LISTContains pop-up list names. The TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table maps to TT_FIELD_POPUP_LIST record for each pop-up menu item. The list of actual values for each pop-up menu is stored in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. This relationship generally exists only for FieldType of 1 (Dropdown), but in the data warehouse, all possible list items that relate to an encoded list type are pushed to this table as a custom list with values. (FLDPULIST)
TT_FIELD_PRIORITYContains the Priority field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDPRIOR)
TT_FIELD_PRODUCTContains the Product field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDPROD)
TT_FIELD_REPRODUCEDContains the Reproduced field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDREPRO)
TT_FIELD_REQUIREMENT_PRIORITYContains the requirement Priority field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDRPRIO)
TT_FIELD_SEVERITYContains the Severity field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDSEVER)
TT_FIELD_STYLEContains field value style information
TT_FIELD_STYLE_POPUPContains associations between field value styles and pop-up menu items or workflow states
TT_FIELD_STYLE_STATEContains associations between fields and workflow states with field value styles
TT_FIELD_TESTOBJECT_TYPEContains test object Type field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDTOTP)
TT_FIELD_TYPEContains the Type field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDTYPE)
TT_FOLDERContains folder information. Each table row represents one folder. Folder item information is in the area-specific TT_FOLDER_* tables (e.g., TT_FOLDER_DEFECT). This table has a one-to-many relationship with the TT_FOLDER_* tables. (FOLDER)
TT_FOLDER_DEFECTContains folder information for defects. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRITEM)
TT_FOLDER_DETAILContains the additional folder details for the Folder table (FLDRDTL)
TT_FOLDER_DOCUMENTContains folder information for requirement documents. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRITEM)
TT_FOLDER_LOGContains historical log information about changes to folders. Each row in this table represents a log entry for a folder. Each row has a folder record that matches a record in the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRLOG)
TT_FOLDER_REQUIREMENTContains folder information for requirements. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRITEM)
TT_FOLDER_TESTCASEContains folder information for test cases. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRITEM)
TT_FOLDER_TESTRUNContains folder information for test runs. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRITEM)
TT_FOLDER_TYPEContains folder type information. Each table row represents one type value. (FLDRTYP)
TT_LINKContains a list of items added to a link (LINKS)
TT_LINK_DEFINITIONContains a list of user-defined link definitions (LINKDFNTN)
TT_LINK_HISTORYContains a history of changes made to links (LINKHISTRY)
TT_LINK_ITEMContains information for a single item in a link in the TT_LINK table (LINKITEM)
TT_LINK_WORKFLOWContains the options that describe the workflow behavior for items in the TT_LINK_DEFINITION table (LINKWRKFLW)
TT_LOCATION_TYPEBreaks out the list of Helix ALM location types. This table is not available in Helix ALM.
TT_NOTIFY_DEFECT_USERLists users or customers to notify about defect changes
TT_NOTIFY_DOCUMENT_USERLists users or customers to notify about requirement document changes
TT_NOTIFY_REQUIREMENT_USERLists users or customers to notify about requirement changes
TT_NOTIFY_TESTCASE_USERLists users or customers to notify about test case changes
TT_NOTIFY_TESTRUN_USERLists users or customers to notify about test run changes
TT_PHONE_TYPELists phone number types allowed for Helix ALM users
TT_PROJECTContains the list of Helix ALM projects stored in the RDBMS database (Helix ALMJECTS)
TT_REQEVENT_RESULT_STATELists the states for a requirement workflow event. In the source system, the Event.RsltStates field is a space-delimited list of states for the event. The data warehouse breaks these states into a normalized list for easier reporting.
TT_REQEVENT_SELECT_FIELDIf the requirement custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table
TT_REQEVENT_SELECT_USERIf the requirement custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table
TT_REQMENT_EVENT_ATCHMTContains requirement workflow event file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT table. (ATTACHMT)
TT_REQUIREMENTContains requirement information. Each table row represents one requirement. (REQMNT)
TT_REQUIREMENT_ATTACHMENTContains requirement file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_REQUIREMENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_REQUIREMENT table. (ATTACHMT)
TT_REQUIREMENT_CHANGEContains the original values for fields changed after a requirement version was created. The requirement always stores the current value. (REQCHNGS)
TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENTContains workflow event information for each event recorded in a requirement. Each table row represents a single requirement event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_REQUIREMENT, TT_EVENT, TT_USER, and TT_STATE tables. (REQEVTS)
TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT_ASGN_USERLists users currently assigned to a requirement. Can use to view requirements assigned to a user across all projects. This table is not available in Helix ALM.
TT_REQUIREMENT_LOGContains historical log information about changes made to requirement records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the requirement records. Each row has a requirement record that matches a record in the TT_REQUIREMENT table. (REQLOG)
TT_REQUIREMENT_SELECT_FIELDIf the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table
TT_REQUIREMENT_SELECT_USERIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table
TT_REQUIREMENT_VERSIONContains requirement version information. Each table row represents one requirement version. (REQVRSN)
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_DEFECTContains source control changelist information for defects
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_DOCUMENTContains source control changelist information for requirement documents
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_REQUIREMENTContains source control changelist information for requirements
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_TESTCASEContains source control changelist information for test cases
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_TESTRUNContains source control changelist information for test runs
TT_SCM_FILE_DEFECTContains source control file information for defects. Each table row represents one file attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.
TT_SCM_FILE_DOCUMENTContains source control file information for requirement documents. Each table row represents one file attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.
TT_SCM_FILE_REQUIREMENTContains source control file information for requirements. Each table row represents one file attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.
TT_SCM_FILE_TESTCASEContains source control file information for test cases. Each table row represents one file attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.
TT_SCM_FILE_TESTRUNContains source control file information for test runs. Each table row represents one file that is attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.
TT_SNAPSHOT_REQUIREMENT_TREEContains the requirement relationship tree for a snapshot of the document (SNPSTTRE)
TT_STATEContains information about states that an entity can transition to (STATES)
TT_STEPDATAContains the step or expected result in the STEP_DATA field. The results field is only populated when the record is a step.
TT_SUBTYPEContains requirement type information. Each table row represents one type value. (SUBTYPE)
TT_SYSTEM_CONFIGContains test configuration information. Each table row represents one system test configuration. (SYSCONF)
TT_SYSTEM_CONFIG_TYPEContains a break out of the system configuration types. In Helix ALM, the types are stored in memory, but this lookup table may be helpful to data warehouse users.
TT_TCEVENT_RESULT_STATELists the states for a test case workflow event. In the source system, the Event.RsltStates field is a space-delimited list of states for the event. The data warehouse breaks these states into a normalized list for easier reporting.
TT_TCEVENT_SELECT_FIELDIf the test case custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table
TT_TCEVENT_SELECT_USERIf the test case custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table
TT_TESTCASEContains test case information. Each table row represents one test case. Additional information associated with a test case is in the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the TT_STATE and TT_FIELD_TESTOBJECT_TYPE tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the TT_USER table. (TESTCASE)
TT_TESTCASE_ATTACHMENTContains test case file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTCASE table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_TESTCASE table. (ATTACHMT)
TT_TESTCASE_ATTACHMENT_INFOContains additional information about test case file attachments. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has one-to-one relationship with TT_TESTCASE_ATTACHMENT table. (ATTACHINFO)
TT_TESTCASE_EVENTContains workflow event information for each event recorded in a test case. Each table row represents a single test case event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTCASE, TT_EVENT, TT_USER, and TT_STATE tables. (TCEVTS)
TT_TESTCASE_EVENT_ASGN_USERLists users currently assigned to a test case. Can be used to see test cases assigned to a user across all projects. This table is not available in Helix ALM
TT_TESTCASE_EVENT_ATCHMTContains test case workflow event file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_TESTCASE table. (ATTACHMT)
TT_TESTCASE_LOGContains historical log information about changes made to test case records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the test case records. Each table row has a test case record that matches a record in the TT_TESTCASE table. (TCLOG)
TT_TESTCASE_SELECT_FIELDIf the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values are related back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table
TT_TESTCASE_SELECT_USERIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table
TT_TESTRUNContains test run information. Each table row represents one test run. Additional information associated with a test run is found in the TT_TESTRUN_EVENT table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the TT_STATE, TT_FIELD_TESTOBJECT_TYPE and TT_TESTRUN_SET tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the TT_USER table. (TESTRUN)
TT_TESTRUN_ATTACHMENTContains test run file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTRUN table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_TESTRUN table. (ATTACHMT)
TT_TESTRUN_ATTACHMENT_INFOContains additional information about test run file attachments. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has one-to-one relationship with TT_TESTRUN_ATTACHMENT table. (ATTACHINFO)
TT_TESTRUN_EVENTContains workflow event information for each event recorded in a test run. Each table row represents a single test run event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTRUN, TT_EVENT, TT_USER, and TT_STATE tables. (TREVTS)
TT_TESTRUN_EVENT_ASGN_USERLists users currently assigned to a test run. Can be used to view test runs assigned to a user across all projects. This table is not available in Helix ALM. It is a relational table for the AsgndUsers multi-list field.
TT_TESTRUN_EVENT_ATCHMTContains test run workflow event file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTRUN_EVENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_TESTRUN table. (ATTACHMT)
TT_TESTRUN_LOGContains historical log information about changes made to test run records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the test run records. Each table row has a test run record ID that matches a record in the TT_TESTRUN table. (TRLOG)
TT_TESTRUN_SELECT_FIELDIf the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table
TT_TESTRUN_SELECT_USERIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table
TT_TESTRUN_SETContains test run set pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDTRSET)
TT_TILEContains information about widgets used on the Home page
TT_TILE_COLOR_MAPContains color settings for Home page widgets
TT_TREVENT_RESULT_STATELists the states for a test run workflow event. In the source system, the Event.RsltStates field is a space-delimited list of states for the event. The data warehouse breaks these states into a normalized list for easier reporting.
TT_TREVENT_SELECT_FIELDComment If the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table
TT_TREVENT_SELECT_USERIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table
TT_USERContains user and customer information. Each table row represents one user or one customer. (USERS)
TT_USER_HIDDEN_TILEContains a row for each Home page widget hidden by a user
TT_USER_SCM_FILE_DEFECTContains associations between a parent defect source control file record and one or more user records
TT_USER_SCM_FILE_DOCUMENTContains associations between a parent requirement document source control file record and one or more user records
TT_USER_SCM_FILE_REQUIREMENTContains associations between a parent requirement source control file record and one or more user records
TT_USER_SCM_FILE_TESTCASEContains associations between a parent test case source control file record and one or more user records
TT_USER_SCM_FILE_TESTRUNContains associations between a parent test run source control file record and one or more user records