Helix ALM 2017.1 Server Database ERD
List of tables
Table details

NoteContains email being imported for projects.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies the records in the table.
PROJUUIDNoVARCHAR2(152)NoUniversally unique project identifier for project email is destined for.
TRACKCODENoVARCHAR2(1020)NoContains the email tracking code for tracked email.
MAILDATANoCLOBNoContains the contents of the email.
DTRECEIVEDNoDATENoDate and time email was received.
PROCESSEDNoNUMBER(10)NoReserved for future use.
NoteContains email message details.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a mail message.
DATESENTNoDATENoDate and time the email was sent from the project.
SENDERADDRNoVARCHAR2(252)NoEmail address of the sender.
SENDERNAMENoVARCHAR2(252)NoName of the sender.
SUBJECTNoVARCHAR2(1020)NoSubject line for the email.
BODYTEXTNoCLOBNoBody of the email.
MSGPERRECPNoNUMBER(1)NoFlag indicating if a separate email should be sent to each recipient.
DATELSTTRYNoDATENoThe date and time the last time the server tried to send the email.
NUMOFTRIESNoNUMBER(5)NoThe number of time the server has tried to send the email.
MSGHTMLNoNUMBER(1)NoIf the message is to be sent as HTML this field contains the HTML version of the email body.
SENDERRORNoVARCHAR2(1020)NoContains the error message of the last attempt to send the email.
MSGTYPENoNUMBER(5)NoContains the message type:
0 - Normal message text
1 - Raw message being forwarded
ADDLHEADERNoCLOBNoIf the message is a raw message being forwarded this field contains the message header.
PROJUUIDNoVARCHAR2(152)NoContains the universally unique project identifier of the project the email was sent from.
PRNTMSGIDNoVARCHAR2(1020)NoThe message id of the parent message in an email thread.
ISTRACKEDNoNUMBER(1)NoFlag indicating if the email is being tracked.
CREATEMTHDNoNUMBER(5)NoContains the creation method:
0 - New email
1 - Reply to existing email
2 - Reply to tracked email being forwarded
ENTITYTYPENoNUMBER(10)NoContains the entity type a tracked email was sent in relation to.
PRNTMAILIDNoNUMBER(10)NoParent tracked email record id.
COREITEMIDNoNUMBER(10)NoRecord id of the parent entity.
SENDERIDNoNUMBER(10)NoRecord id of the user sending the email.
NoteContains the list of recipients specified for an email being sent.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a recipient record.
IDMAILMSGNoNUMBER(10)NoThe parent mail message record id.
NAMENoVARCHAR2(252)NoThe name of the recipient.
ADDRESSNoVARCHAR2(252)NoThe email address of the recipient.
ADDRTYPENoNUMBER(2)NoThe address type:
0 - Unknown
1 - From
2 - To
3 - Cc
4 - Bcc
RECIPTYPENoNUMBER(1)NoRecipient type:
1 - To
2 - Cc
3 - Bcc
CLDNOTSENDNoNUMBER(1)NoFlag indicating if the message failed while sending to the recipient.
NoteContains the server message log.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies each log entry.
LOGDATENoDATENoDate and time log entry was made.
LOGLEVELNoNUMBER(1)NoLog entry level:
1 - Severe Error
2 - Error
3 - Warning
4 - Unusual Activity
5 - Information
MESSAGENoVARCHAR2(4000)NoMessage contents.
ERRORNUMNoNUMBER(10)NoError number.
DBNAMENoVARCHAR2(1020)NoProject name.
NoteOwner lock table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesUnique record identifier.
DBVERSIONNoVARCHAR2(10)NoVersion of the server database.
NoteContains the RDBMS connections defined for the server.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies each connection within this table.
CONNTYPENoNUMBER(5)YesConnection type:
0 - ODBC
1 - Oracle
2 - MySQL
3 - PostgreSQL
HOSTNAMENoVARCHAR2(1020)NoDatabase server host name.
DATASOURCENoVARCHAR2(1020)NoDatabase source.
USERNAMENoVARCHAR2(1020)NoConnection username.
PASSWORDNoVARCHAR2(1020)NoConnection password.
MINCNCTSNoNUMBER(5)NoMinimum connections in pool.
MAXCNCTSNoNUMBER(5)NoMaximum connections in pool.
PORTNoVARCHAR2(128)NoDatabase server port.
CONNOPTNSNoVARCHAR2(1020)NoDatabase connection options.
NoteContains configuration options unique to the RDBMS connection types.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies each record within this table.
OPTDESCNoVARCHAR2(63)NoOption descriptor.
OPTVALUENoVARCHAR2(255)NoOption value.
NoteContains the server universally unique identifier.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies each record within this table.
SERVUUIDNoVARCHAR2(38)NoServer universally unique identifer.
REFIDNoNUMBER(10)NoServer reference count.
SERVSTARTNoDATENoDate and time server was started.
NoteContains server options.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies each record within this table.
OPTDESCNoVARCHAR2(63)NoOption descriptor.
OPTVALUENoVARCHAR2(255)NoOption value.
NoteContains list of server admin users.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies each record within this table.
USERNAMENoVARCHAR2(356)NoUser login name.
PASSWORDNoVARCHAR2(356)NoUser password.
Table: TTDBS
NoteContains the list of TestTrack projects that the TestTrack server is hosting.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies each project within this table.
DBDESCNoVARCHAR2(128)NoProject description.
DBPATHNoVARCHAR2(1020)NoPhysical path on the server that contains the folders and files for the project.
LISTORDERNoNUMBER(5)NoPosition of the project within the server's project list.
ACTIVENoNUMBER(1)NoFlag indicating if project is active on the server.
WEBUSERNoNUMBER(1)NoFlag indicating if the project should be included in the web client login list.
NATIVEUSERNoNUMBER(1)NoFlag indicating if the project should be included in the client login list.
COMPALWNoNUMBER(1)NoFlag indicating if the project should be compacted every time the server is started.
COMPONCENoNUMBER(1)NoFlag indicating if the project should be compacted the next time the server is started.
PROJTYPENoNUMBER(5)NoIndicated the project type of native or RDBMS.
RDBMSCONNNoNUMBER(10)NoIf the project type is RDBMS this indicates which RDBMS connection to use.
TTPROJNAMENoVARCHAR2(128)NoContains the project name.
TTPROJUUIDNoVARCHAR2(38)NoContains the universally unique project identifier.
TTPROJVERSNoVARCHAR2(10)NoContains the project version number.
NOTESNoCLOBNoContains the project notes.
NoteContains phone home data.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMBER(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies each project within this table.
-1 - Invalid
0 - Last phone home time
1 - Client OS
2 - Client type
3 - Source control provider
4 - Browser
LABELNoVARCHAR2(256)NoUsage label (e.g, Native for the TestTrack Client)
USAGETIMENoDATENoDate/time the client connected to the server