You are here: exportrepository


Export a repository from a mainline branch to add it to a new or existing mainline.

sscm exportrepository DestinationName [-lConnectionID|-dDestRepository] [-bSourceBranch] [-pSourceRepository] [-ccComment|-cpCommentPath|-c-] [-h] [-y[Username:Password|+|=]] [-zSCMServerAddr:PortNum] [+u]

Option Description
DestinationName Name of the new mainline or existing branch.
-b Branch that contains the repository to export. If not specified, default working directory branch is used.
-c Enter a comment or the comment text file path. Enter -cc to prompt for comment, -cp to prompt for the comment file path, or -c- if a comment is not needed. CommentPath can be full path of a local text file, partial path if file is in a subdirectory of current directory, or file name if file is in current directory.
-d Full destination repository path on the existing branch specified in the DestinationName. Cannot be used with -l.
-h Display online help for the command.
-l RDBMS Connection ID for the location to create the mainline branch and corresponding files in. Default is 0, which is the server database location. Cannot be used with -d.
-p Full source repository path. If not specified, default working directory repository is used.
-y Enter a Surround SCM username and password if you do not want to use the default value. To use single sign-on, enter -y+. To use external authentication, enter -y= and the external authentication plug-in directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\Seapine\Surround SCM\client_authentication).
-z Enter the Surround SCM Server host computer address and port number if you do not want to use the default value. IPv6 addresses must be in square brackets.
+u Display output in Unicode (Windows only). Output cannot be sent to a file. If output is enabled for all commands, enter +u- to disable it for this command.


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