You are here: Performing Code Reviews > Editing code reviews

Editing code reviews

You can edit code review names, notes, authors, and reviewers, even after reviews are started. For example, you may want to add additional reviewers or provide additional information in the review notes.

Note: You cannot edit a review in a Needs Attention or Approved status. If a review needs attention, you must restart it after addressing review comments. If a review is approved, you can create a new review to request additional feedback. See Starting code reviews and Creating code reviews.

1. Choose View > Code Reviews.

The Code Reviews dialog box opens.

2. Select the review and click Open Code Review.

3. Make any changes on the Properties tab.

4. Click OK to save the changes.

If you added reviewers to a review that already started, an email is automatically sent to the added reviewers when the changes are saved.


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