You are here: Configuring TestTrack Integration > Enabling TestTrack integration

Enabling TestTrack integration

You can rename issue, requirement, and test case field labels in Surround SCM after you enable the TestTrack integration.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Server Options.

2. Select TestTrack Integration from the Global Server Options category.

The Server Options dialog box opens.

3. Select Enable TestTrack integration to enable the integration between Surround SCM and TestTrack.

4. Select a TestTrack field and click Edit to change the field label value.

Renamed field labels are only used in the Surround SCM Client.

5. Click Sync with TestTrack to synchronize the field label values with labels in a specified TestTrack project. See Syncing field labels with TestTrack.

6. Click Restore Default Values to replace all renamed field labels with the default values.

7. Click OK to save the changes.


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