You are here: Configuring the Surround SCM Server > Setting general mainline options

Setting general mainline options

Note: These options apply to all branches and users, but can be overridden for specific mainline branches. See Overriding server options for specific mainline branches.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Server Options.

The Server Options dialog box opens.

2. Select General from the Mainline Options category.

3. Select Allow check in of files without check out to allow users to check in files that are not checked out.

If this option is selected, when users check in a repository, all checked out files and any files in a Modified status are checked in. You may want to select this option if users previously used another software configuration management tool that supports checking in files without check out and prefer this method for working with files.

Note: We do not recommend selecting this option because it provides less control over files.

4. Select Allow multiple users to check out a file to enable multiple check outs of the same text file.

Allowing multiple check outs can increase productivity because users can work on the same files in parallel without waiting for files to be checked in. Changes are auto-merged when users check in files.

5. Select Expand keywords to enable keyword expansion.

Keywords are case-sensitive placeholders that can be inserted into text files and expanded when files are viewed or checked in. See Supported keywords.

Note: Binary files are always exclusively checked out.

6. Select Allow workflow state changes during check in to allow users to change file states during check in.

You may want to disable this option if you use triggers to set states during check in.

7. Enter the Minimum comment length for actions to require users to enter comments for all actions with comment fields, such as check in or rebase.

This setting does not apply to check outs or workflow state changes.

8. Enter the Minimum comment length for state changes to require users to enter comments for workflow state changes.

9. Select any Unicode File Options.

Unicode file options are used when auto-merging text files.

Note: The international version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) contains character conversion classes and support for locales other than the US English locale. If you use this JRE you can enter the character encoding set you want to use. Refer to Guiffy’s Help file for a list of all supported character sets.

10. Enter the Thumbnail size to set the thumbnail pixel size.

The default size is 128 by 128 pixels.

Tip: If you change the thumbnail size, you can also compact the database to purge the existing, cached thumbnails.

11. Enter or select the maximum file size for adding or checking in Large Files.

12. Click OK to save the changes.


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