You are here: Configuring the Surround SCM Server > Setting server merge options

Setting server merge options

By default the Surround SCM Server uses Diff3 for merging and comparing files. You can also enable Guiffy, which is installed with Surround SCM.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Server Options.

The Server Options dialog box opens.

2. Select Merge from the Global Server Options category.

3. Select Enable Guiffy for automatic merges to use the Guiffy diff/merge application. You must enable this option if you want to auto-merge Unicode text files.

The Diff3 merge application is faster than Guiffy and uses less memory. Each application uses different algorithms for determining conflicts. You may want to use the same application on the client and server computers.

4. Enter the number of MB of memory you want Guiffy to use.

The recommended setting is 128 MB. The minimum setting is 96 MB and the maximum setting is 1024 MB.

Tip: This setting should not exceed 50% of the server computer’s physical memory. Other applications can be negatively affected if you set the amount of memory too high. However, if this setting is too low, large text files may not be merged.

5. Select Ignore case to ignore the case of characters within lines.

This is useful if you are comparing or merging files for case-insensitive programming languages.

6. Select Ignore whitespace to ignore spaces and tabs.

7. Select Ignore blank lines to ignore inserted or deleted blank lines.

This option only applies to lines that are completely empty. It does not affect lines that look empty but contain space or tab characters.

8. Enter the Tab size.

This option sets the number of spaces displayed for one tab character. The default is 8 spaces.

9. To Ignore columns, enter the corresponding column numbers.

You can enter two sets of columns. For example, 1-3 and 7-8.

10. To Ignore regular expressions, enter each expression on its own line.

Guiffy supports standard regular expressions. Changed, inserted, or deleted lines that match any of the regular expressions are ignored during the compare or merge.

11. Click OK to save the changes.


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