You are here: Controlling Security and User Access > Controlling access with security groups

Controlling access with security groups

The Security Groups window is used to manage security groups and settings. Many users will not have access to this view. This view includes group name, description, and security permissions information.

Server security is set in security groups. The commands you enable or disable in a security group apply to all repositories and branches in the mainline branch. See Adding security groups.

Server security commands are grouped in the following categories:

See Security Commands for information about the commands in each category and what they provide access to.

Note: Users do not need read/write access to the database directory on the Surround SCM Server. Only the Surround SCM Server requires read/write access to this directory. All access permissions are controlled using the Surround SCM Client and the changes are made by the server in the database. This adds an additional level of security and prevents users from making changes directly to the files using a third-party editor and bypassing version control.