Surround SCM 2017.1 ERDs
List of tables
Table details
CommentContains the master list of files in Surround SCM

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
FileIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
OrigRepoIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the REPOSITORY table. Original repository where the archive file was added.
OrigFileNameNoVARCHAR(255)YesOriginal archive filename
FileTypeNoNUMERIC(2)YesArchive file type - 0: ASCII, 1: Binary, 2: MacBinary, 3: UTF8, 4: UTF16, 5: Symlink
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file was destroyed. Destroyed files cannot be restored.
CommentContains information about Surround SCM files attached to Helix ALM items

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
AttachActionIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ChangelistIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the CHANGELIST table. Changelist the attach action is associated with.
ChangelistEventIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the CHANGELIST table. Changelist event.
SCMFileNoVARCHAR(4096)NoSurround SCM path for the attached file
FileVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile version
DefectRecordIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the attached item
DefectNumberNoNUMERIC(10)NoItem number the file is attached to
TTDbConfigIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TTPRODBCONF table. Helix ALM connection to use.
UserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. User who attached the file.
DTimestampNoTIMESTAMPYesDate/time the file was attached
CommentsNoVARCHAR(4096)NoAttach action comments
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the attach action was destroyed. Destroyed actions cannot be restored.
TTItemTypeNoNUMERIC(10)NoHelix ALM item type attached to
CommentContains a list of branches in the RDBMS database

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
BranchIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
DeletedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the branch was deleted. Deleted branches can be restored if they were not destroyed.
BranchNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoBranch name. Unique for mainline, baseline, and snapshot branches. Workspace branches can have the same name only if the OwnerID value is different.
BranchTypeNoNUMERIC(2)NoBranch type - 0: Workspace, 1: Baseline, 2: Snapshot
OwnerIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. Branch owner. Null for baseline and snapshot branches.
ParentBranchIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCH table. Parent branch. Null indicates the branch is the mainline.
BaseRepositoryIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the REPOSITORY table. Base repository for the record.
DateCreatedNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the branch was created
DateModifiedNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the branch was last modified
BranchFlagNoNUMERIC(10)NoBranch flag description (e.g., Frozen, Destroyed, Inactive, Hidden, Cache on Demand, Case Sensitive Filenames)
SecuritySettingsNoNUMERIC(1)NoSecurity type - 0: Security applies to all branches 1: Branch has its own security, 2: Branch inherits the parent branch security
BasePathNoVARCHAR(1024)NoBase repository path for the branch
DateAccessedNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the branch was last accessed
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the branch was destroyed. Destroyed branches cannot be restored.
CommentsNoVARCHAR(4096)NoBranch description
CommentContains branch creation information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
BranchIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the BRANCH table. Branch ID.
CreatorIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. User who created the branch.
CreationTypeNoNUMERIC(2)NoBranch creation type. Indicates how files are retrieved, the initial custom field values for files, and if removed files are included - 1: Latest version with default custom fields values set, 2: Latest version with custom field values from parent branch, 3: Timestamp with default custom field values set and removed files included, 4: Timestamp with default custom field values set and removed files excluded, 5: Timestamp with custom field values set from parent branch and removed files included, 6: Timestamp with custom field values set from parent branch and removed files excluded, 7: State with default custom field values set and removed files included, 8: State with default custom field values set and removed files excluded, 9: State with custom field values set from parent branch and removed files excluded, 10: State with custom field values set from parent branch and removed files excluded, 11: Label with default custom field values set and removed files included, 12: Label with default custom field values set and removed files excluded, 13: Label with custom field values set from parent branch and removed files included, 14: Label with custom field values set from parent branch and removed files excluded
idStateNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMSTATES table. Workflow state used when creating the branch. Null if the branch was not created by state.
LabelIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the LABEL table. Label used when creating the branch. Null if the branch was not created by label.
DateCreatedByNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the branch was created
CommentContains file data for branches

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
BranchFileIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
BranchRepoIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCHREPOSITORY table. Repository the file is in.
FileIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the ARCHIVEFILE table. Base file of the branched file.
DeletedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file was deleted
StatusFlagNoNUMERIC(10)NoBranch file status - 1: Branched, 2: Shared, 4: Shared base
FileNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoBranch filename
CurrentVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent file version number
ExpandKeywordOptionNoCHARACTER(1)NoKeyword expansion - 0: User server default, 1: Expansion off, 2: Expansion on
TimeLastRenamedNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time branch file was last renamed
ShareBaseBranchFileIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID in the BRANCHFILE table. Base share file if the file is shared. Not an enforced foreign key relationship.
InheritedFileRevisionIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile revision inherited from parent branch
InheritedStateIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoState ID inherited from parent branch
InheritedBranchFileIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoBranchFileID inherited from parent branch
InheritedVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile version inherited from parent branch
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the branched file was destroyed. Destroyed files cannot be restored.
CommentContains file version data for branches

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
BranchFileIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the BRANCHFILE table. Branch file the version applies to.
LocalVersionYesNUMERIC(10)YesFile version
FileRevisionIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the FILEREVISION table. Internal Surround SCM version tree of the file.
VersionTimestampNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the file version was added
VersionFlagNoNUMERIC(5)NoFile version flag - 0: Inherited, 1: Alternate version is promoted/no merge, 2: Alternate version is promoted with merge, 3: Alternate version is rebased/no merge, 4: Alternate version is rebased with merge, 5: Promoted, 6: Rebased, 7: Version was rolled back, 8: Analyzer marked unfixable
StateIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMSTATES table. Workflow state of the file version.
AltFileRevisionIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoAlternate file revision ID. References the FILEREVISION table. Used to track versions promoted and rebased to other branches.
InheritedBranchIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a branch record in the BRANCH table if VersionFlag field indicates the version was inherited from another branch
PromotedFromBranchIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a branch record in the BRANCH table. Branch the file version was promoted from.
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file version was destroyed. Destroyed versions cannot be restored.
CommentContains repository data for branches

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
BranchRepoIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
RepositoryIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the REPOSITORY table. Base repository.
DeletedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the branched repository was deleted
ExcludedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the branched repository was excluded by the branch template
RepositoryNameNoTEXTNoRepository name
BranchIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCH table. Branch where the repository is located.
TimeLastRenamedNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the repository was last renamed
WorkflowSettingsNoCHARACTER(1)NoRepository workflow settings - 0: No workflow, 1: Inherit parent workflow, 2: Use specific workflow
UseWorkflowIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMWORKFLOWS table. Workflow used for the repository.
ParentBranchRepoIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign to the BRANCHREPOSITORY table. Parent repository.
InheritTTIntegrSettingsNoNUMERIC(1)NoRepository Helix ALM settings - 0: Use specific Helix ALM settings, 1: Inherit parent settings
TTIntegrOverrideDefaultNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the Helix ALM settings can be overridden for the repository
TTIntegrDbConfigIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TTPRODBCONF table. Helix ALM connection to use.
TTIntegrDefectOptionNoNUMERIC(1)NoRepository 'Attach to Helix ALM issue' setting - 0: No change, 1: Enabled, 2: Disabled, 3: Required
CommentsNoVARCHAR(4096)NoRepository description
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the repository was destroyed. Destroyed repositories cannot be restored.
TTIntegrTestcaseOptionNoNUMERIC(1)NoRepository 'Attach to Helix ALM test case' setting - 0: No change, 1: Enabled, 2: Disabled, 3: Required
TTIntegrRequirementOptionNoNUMERIC(1)NoRepository 'Attach to Helix ALM requirement' setting - 0: No change, 1: Enabled, 2: Disabled, 3: Required
InheritCodeReviewSettingsNoNUMERIC(1)NoRepository code review settings - 0: Use specific code review settings, 1: Inherit parent settings
CodeReviewCheckinOptionNoNUMERIC(1)NoRepository 'Code review on check in' setting - 0: No change, 1: Enabled, 2: Disabled, 3: Required
CodeReviewAddOptionNoNUMERIC(1)NoRepository 'Code review on add files' setting - 0: No change, 1: Enabled, 2: Disabled, 3: Required
CommentContains pending and committed changelist information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ChangelistIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ChangelistNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoChangelist name
BranchIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to BRANCH table. Branch where the changelist is located.
UserIdNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMUSERS table User who created the changelist.
ComputerNameNoVARCHAR(64)NoComputer name the changelist was created on. Changelists can only be committed from the computer they were created on.
IsPendingNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the changelist is pending
DateTimeNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the changelist was created
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the changelist was destroyed. Destroyed changelists cannot be restored.
CommentContains changelist code review information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ReviewIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent code review ID
ChangelistIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the CHANGELIST table. Changelist for the code review.
ChangelistEventIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the CHANGELISTEVENT table. Changelist event for the code review.
CommentContains custom field values associated with changelists

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ChangelistEventIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the CHANGELISTEVENT table. Changelist event for the custom field.
CustomFieldIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMCUSTOMFLDS table. Identifier for custom fields that are modified.
ChangelistIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesParent changelist ID
TextValueNoVARCHAR(255)NoText custom field value
IntegerValueNoNUMERIC(10)NoInteger custom field value
DoubleValueNoDOUBLE PRECISIONNoDouble custom field value
DateTimeValueNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time custom field value
CheckBoxValueNoNUMERIC(1)NoCheck box custom field value
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the custom field value was destroyed. Destroyed values cannot be restored.
CommentContains Helix ALM item actions associated with changelists

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ChangelistIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the CHANGELIST table. Changelist the attach action belongs to.
DefectActionIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the DEFECTACTION table. Changelist the attach action belongs to.
CommentContains events associated with a changelist

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ChangelistEventIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ChangelistIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoChangelist the event is associated with
EventTypeNoNUMERIC(3)NoEvent type - 1: Add, 2: Remove, 3: Rename, 5: Check in, 8: Create Repository, 13: Move
MachineNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoComputer that triggered the changelist event
FileVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile version the changelist was committed on
BranchRepoIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCHREPOSITORY table. Repository the event was performed on.
BranchFileIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCHFILE table. File the event was performed on.
OrigBranchNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoOriginal branch name
OrigRepoNameNoVARCHAR(1024)NoOriginal repository name
OrigFileNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoOriginal filename
KeepCheckoutOrBitMaskNoNUMERIC(1)NoFor an add event, indicates if the file should be checked out. For check in, indicates if the file should remain checked out. For rename, indicates if the file is shared or if the rename is a repository rename. For remove, indicates destroy, force delete of empty subrepositories, and repository destroy. For move, indicates if the move is a repository.
LocalFileOrNewNameNoVARCHAR(1024)NoIndicates local file path for adding new files. If an item was renamed, indicates the new name.
ExclusiveLockNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the check out after an event is exclusive
DoNotReturnCopyNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the server copy should be retrieved
EOLFormatNoCHARACTER(1)NoEnd of line format used with adds and check ins
FileTypeNoNUMERIC(2)NoFile type. Used for adds.
FileModifiedTimeNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the file was last modified
UndeleteAndCheckinIfDeletedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if a deleted file should be undeleted and have a new version checked in when performing an add
MakeFileWritableNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the get after the event makes the file writable
LabelIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the LABEL table. Label used in the changelist event.
AllowLabelOverrideNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the current file version in a label is replaced
FileStateIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to SCMSTATES table. Workflow state used in the changelist event.
ForceCheckinWOMergeNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the check in is forced if no merge is required
UpdateIfNoChangeNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if an update occurs on check in if there are no changes
RemoveLocalFileNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the local file is removed after the event
MergedVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoMerged file version number. Used with forced check in.
ModifiedVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoModified file version number. Used with check in without check out.
CommentsNoVARCHAR(4096)NoChangelist event comments
RollbackEventIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoID for the event that rolled back the changelist action
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the changelist event was destroyed. Destroyed events cannot be restored.
CommentContains file check out information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
BranchFileIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the BRANCHFILE table. Checked out file.
UserIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. User who checked out the file.
FileVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoChecked out file version
CheckoutTimeNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the file was checked out
CheckoutComputerNoVARCHAR(64)NoComputer the file was checked out to
DestinationInfoNoVARCHAR(255)NoLocation the file was checked out to
CommentsNoVARCHAR(4096)NoCheck out file comments
CheckoutFlagNoCHARACTER(1)NoCheck out type (e.g., promote or rebase, rollback promote or rebase, copy file, duplicate changes, or CMIS) and if the check out was exclusive
RebasePromoteBranchIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCH table. Branch the check out event was rebased or promoted from.
RebasePromoteBranchVerNoNUMERIC(10)NoRebase or promote file version
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the checked out file was destroyed. Destroyed files cannot be restored.
CommentContains CMIS private working copy file information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
BranchFileIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the BRANCHFILE table. File the CMIS private working copy belongs to.
UserIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. User the CMIS private working copy file belongs to.
FileBranchedFlagNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file is branched
FileRevisionIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the FILEREVISION table. File revision for the CMIS private working copy file.
CommentContains information about code reviews

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ReviewIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
NameNoVARCHAR(255)NoCode review name
NotesNoVARCHAR(1024)NoCode review notes
StatusNoNUMERIC(10)NoCode review status
DueDateNoTIMESTAMPNoCode review due date
LastNotificationDateNoTIMESTAMPNoLast time a notification was sent about an overdue code review
HasFilesNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if code review has files
IterationNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent review iteration
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the code review was destroyed. Destroyed reviews cannot be restored.
CommentContains code review comment information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
CommentIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ReviewFileIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoParent code review file ID
UserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. User who entered the code review comment.
CommentDateNoTIMESTAMPNoCode review comment date
CommentsNoVARCHAR(4096)NoCode review comment
AddressedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if code review comment is addressed
FileRevisionIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the FILEREVISION table
BranchFileVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoBranch file version the code review comment was added to
StartLineNoNUMERIC(10)NoSelected code review comment text start line
StartColumnNoNUMERIC(10)NoSelected code review comment text start column
EndLineNoNUMERIC(10)NoSelected code review comment text end line
EndColumnNoNUMERIC(10)NoSelected review comment text end column
AddressedUserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. User who addressed the code review comment.
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the code review comment was destroyed. Destroyed comments cannot be restored.
CommentContains code review event information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
EventIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ReviewIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoParent code review ID
EventTypeNoNUMERIC(10)NoEvent type - 0: Create code review, 1: Modify code review, 2: Add code review file, 3: Modify code review file, 4: Remove code review file, 5: Add code review comment, 6: Modify code review comment, 7: Start code review, 8: Code review file complete, 9: Code review file overdue, 10: Code review complete approved, 11: Code review complete needs attention
EventDateNoTIMESTAMPNoCode review event date
UserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. User ID who performed the code review event.
UserNameNoTEXTNoUser who performed the event
NotesNoVARCHAR(1024)NoEvent notes
DueDateNoTIMESTAMPNoCode review due date
ReviewFileIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReview file ID associated with the event
IterationNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent review iteration
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the code review event was destroyed. Destroyed events cannot be restored.
CommentContains code review file information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ReviewFileIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ReviewIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoParent code review ID
BranchFileIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCHFILE table. File the code review is for.
StatusNoNUMERIC(10)NoStatus - 1: Work in progress, 2: Awaiting review, 3: Needs attention, 4: Approved
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the code review file was destroyed. Destroyed files cannot be restored.
CommentContains code review file user information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ReviewFileIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent code review file ID
UserIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMUSERS table
LastReviewedVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoLatest file version the user reviewed
HasReviewedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user reviewed the file
LastCompletedVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoLatest file version the user marked completed
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the code review file user was destroyed. Destroyed users cannot be restored.
CommentContains code review file version information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ReviewFileIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent code review file ID
VersionYesNUMERIC(10)YesFile version in the code review
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the code review file version was destroyed. Destroyed versions cannot be restored.
CommentContains code review user information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ReviewIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent code review ID
UserIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMUSERS table
RoleIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRole ID - 1: Author, 2: Reviewer
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the code review user was destroyed. Destroyed users cannot be restored.
CommentContains Helix ALM issue event information, such as fix

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
DefectActionIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
DefectRecordIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoAttached item record ID
DefectNumberNoNUMERIC(10)NoAttached item number
TTDbConfigIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TTPRODBCONF table. Helix ALM connection to use.
TTEventRecordIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoHelix ALM event record ID
ParentMultiUserEventIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID if the event was generated in response to a multiuser event
EventDefinitionIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoHelix ALM event definition ID
EnteredEventDateTimeNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the event occurred
EventNoteNoVARCHAR(4096)NoHelix ALM event note
EventAddOrderNoNUMERIC(2)NoOrder the events were added
EventTimeSpentNoDOUBLE PRECISIONNoTime spent on the event
EventResultingStateIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoResulting Helix ALM state
EventReferenceCounterNoNUMERIC(10)NoEvent reference counter
EventReleaseVersionNoVARCHAR(32)NoHelix ALM release notes version
EventGeneratedByNoNUMERIC(5)NoEvent generator type (e.g., user or auto-assignment)
EventCreatorIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoID of the auto-assignment or escalation rule that generated the event
EventWorkflowOverrideNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event was entered from a workflow override
TTOverideWFUserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who performed the workflow override
EventDefAssignEffectNoNUMERIC(5)NoEvent definition settings when event was added
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the issue event was destroyed. Destroyed events cannot be restored.
TTUserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoHelix ALM user who performed the event
CommentContains Helix ALM user assignment information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
DefectActionIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the DEFECTACTION table. Helix ALM action associated with the assigned user.
TTUserIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesHelix ALM user ID
CommentContains Helix ALM issue event custom values

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
DefectActionIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the DEFECTACTION table. Helix ALM event associated with the custom field value.
TTCustomFieldIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesHelix ALM custom field
TTCustomValueRecordIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoHelix ALM custom field value
CValueNoVARCHAR(255)NoCustom field value to set
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event custom value was destroyed. Destroyed values cannot be restored.
Table: EVENT
CommentContains a list of events performed in Surround SCM

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
EventIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
BranchIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCH table. Branch where the event was performed.
BranchRepoIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCHREPOSITORY table. Branch repository where the event was performed.
BranchFileIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCHFILE table. File the event was performed on.
FileVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile version the event was performed on.
EventTypeNoNUMERIC(5)NoEvent type - 1: Added to repository, 2: Added to branch, 3: Added from branch, 4: Checked in, 5: Rebased, 6: Rebased with merge, 7: Promoted (deprecated), 8: Labeled, 9: Attached to issue, 10: Deleted, 11: Undeleted, 12: Promoted to branch, 13: Promoted from branch with merge, 14: Promoted from branch without merge, 15: File share created, 16: File share broken, 17: Branch renamed, 18: Branch removed, 19: Branch restored, 20: File renamed, 21: Repo renamed, 22: Branch destroyed, 23: File destroyed, 24: Repo destroyed, 25: Branch type change, 26: Branch owner change, 27: Rollback rebase, 28: Rollback promote, 29: Rollback file, 30: Custom field changed, 31: State changed, 32: Unlabel, 33: Attached to test case, 34: Attached to requirement, 35: Duplicate changes, 36: File moved, 37: Repository moved, 38: Attached to external, 39: Rollback Changes, 40: Repository exported to mainline
EventDateNoTIMESTAMPNoEvent timestamp
UserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. User who performed the event.
UsernameNoTEXTNoUser who performed the event
ChangelistIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the CHANGELIST table if the event was part of a changelist
AltName1NoTEXTNoText field that contains additional event data based on event type
AltName2NoTEXTNoText field that contains additional event data based on event type
AltInteger1NoNUMERIC(10)NoNumeric field that contains additional event data based on event type
AltInteger2NoNUMERIC(10)NoNumeric field that contains additional event data based on event type
AltInteger3NoNUMERIC(10)NoNumeric field that contains additional event data based on event type
CommentsNoVARCHAR(4096)NoEvent comments
AltTypeNoNUMERIC(5)NoEventType for the rolled back changelist action
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event was destroyed. Destroyed events cannot be restored.
CommentContains historical information about file custom field value changes

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
EventIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to EVENT table. Event the custom field value was set for.
CustomFieldIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMCUSTOMFLDS table. Custom field set for the event.
IsPreviousValueYesNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the value is the original value before the event or the value set by the event
TextValueNoVARCHAR(255)NoText custom field value before the event or set by the event
IntegervalueNoNUMERIC(10)NoInteger custom field value before the event or set by the event
DoubleValueNoDOUBLE PRECISIONNoFloat custom field value before the event or set by the event
DateTimeValueNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time custom field value before the event or set by the event
CheckBoxValueNoNUMERIC(1)NoCheck box custom field value before the event or set by the event
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the custom field value was destroyed. Destroyed custom field values cannot be restored.
CommentContains information about external issue attachments

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ExternalIssueAttachmentIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ChangelistIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoChangelist the external issue attachment is associated with
IsChangelistAttachedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if a changelist is attached
PluginUUIDNoVARCHAR(38)NoUniversally unique identifier for the external issue plug-in
ConnectionNoVARCHAR(256)NoExternal issue attachment server connection to use
IssueIdNoVARCHAR(256)NoExternal issue the attachment is associated with
IssueSummaryNoVARCHAR(1024)NoExternal issue description
IsFixNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file was attached with a fix event
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the attachment was destroyed. Destroyed attachments cannot be restored.
CommentContains custom field information for external issue attachments

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ExternalIssueAttachmentIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the EXTERNALISSUEATTACHMENT table. External attachment associated with the custom field value changes.
DisplayValueNoVARCHAR(256)NoCustom field name
DisplayIDNoVARCHAR(256)NoCustom field ID
DisplayTypeNoNUMERIC(5)NoExternal issue custom field type - 0: DropDown, 1: CheckBox, 2: TextField, 3: TextBody, 4: Date, 5: DateTime, 6: HTML
ValueNoVARCHAR(2048)NoCustom field value if type is TextField, TextBody, Date, DateTime, or HTML
ValueIdNoVARCHAR(256)NoCustom field value if type is DropDown
CheckedNoNUMERIC(1)NoCustom field value if type is CheckBox
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the custom field was destroyed. Destroyed fields cannot be restored.
CommentContains file information for external issue attachments

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ExternalIssueAttachmentIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the EXTERNALISSUEATTACHMENT table. External attachment associated with the external issue custom field value change.
ChangelistEventIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the CHANGELISTEVENT table. Changelist event the external issue custom field value change belongs to.
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the attachment was destroyed. Destroyed attachments cannot be restored.
CommentContains all file custom field values

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
BranchFileIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the BRANCHFILE table. File the custom field value applies to.
CustomFieldIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMCUSTOMFLDS table. Custom field the value applies to.
TextValueNoVARCHAR(255)NoText custom field value
IntegerValueNoNUMERIC(10)NoInteger custom field value
DoubleValueNoDOUBLE PRECISIONNoDouble custom field value
DateTimeValueNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time custom field value
CheckBoxValueNoNUMERIC(1)NoCheck box custom field value (checked or unchecked)
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the custom field value was destroyed. Destroyed values cannot be restored.
CommentContains the master list of file revisions

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
FileRevisionIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
FileIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to ARCHIVEFILE table. Archive file the revision is associated with.
RevisionNoVARCHAR(256)NoRevision number string. Used internally to build a revision tree of file changes.
ParentRevisionIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the FILEREVISION table. Parent revision.
ArchiveDateNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the file revision was created
ModifyDateNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the archive file was modified
FileSizeNoBIGINTNoFile size
FileCRCNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile CRC. Used for binary, MacBinary, and UTF16 files.
DeltaCountNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of delta chunks
DeltaChunkSizeNoNUMERIC(10)NoDelta chunk size
DeltaSizeNoBIGINTNoDelta size
DeltaEOLTypeNoNUMERIC(1)NoDelta end of line type
TextCRCNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile text CRC. Used for ASCII, UTF8, and symlink files.
NextBranchNumNoNUMERIC(10)NoNext number to add to the FILEREVISION.REVISION value if the file is branched
UsernameNoTEXTNoUser who created the revision. Used for keyword expansion.
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file revision was destroyed. Destroyed file revisions cannot be restored.
Table: LABEL
CommentContains all label information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
LabelIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
BranchIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCH table. Branch the label applies to.
IsHiddenNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the label is hidden
LabelNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoLabel name
LabelDescriptionNoVARCHAR(1024)NoLabel description
OwnerIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. Label owner.
TimeCreatedNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the label was created
FileCountNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of files the label is applied to
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the label was destroyed. Destroyed labels cannot be restored.
CommentContains all events related to labels

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
LabelEventIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
LabelIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the LABEL table. Label the event is associated with.
EventTypeNoNUMERIC(5)NoEvent type - 0: Create label, 1: Label applied to file, 2: Label removed from file, 3: Label renamed, 4: Label hidden, 5: Label unhidden, 6: Update labeled file version
UserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. User who labeled the file.
EventTimeNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the label event occurred
FileCountNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of files labeled
CommentsNoVARCHAR(4096)NoComments entered when the files were labeled
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the label event was destroyed. Destroyed events cannot be restored.
CommentContains information about labels and files they are applied to

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
LabelIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the LABEL table. File label.
BranchFileIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the BRANCHFILE table. Labeled file.
FileVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile versions associated with the label and file
LabelEventIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the LABELEVENT table. Label event.
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the label was destroyed. Destroyed labels cannot be restored.
CommentContains a list of mainline branches stored in the RDBMS database

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
MainlineNameNoVARCHAR(128)NoUnique mainline name
MainlineUUIDNoVARCHAR(114)NoUniversally unique mainline identifier
DisassociatedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the mainline was removed, but not destroyed, from the Surround SCM Server
MainlineVersNoVARCHAR(30)NoMainline schema version number
LoadBranchNoVARCHAR(1024)NoComma separated list of branch IDs to load in the server cache when the mainline loads
NameCaseSensitiveNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the mainline allows case-sensitive file and repository names. Default is false.
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the mainline was destroyed. Destroyed mainlines cannot be used or restored.
CommentContains a list of mainline options

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
idMainlineOptnYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
OptValueNoVARCHAR(255)NoMainline option value
CommentContains information about file merges

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
MergeEventIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
BranchFileIDFromNoNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the BRANCHFILE table. File the changes originated from.
LocalVersionStartNoNUMERIC(10)YesMerge from file version to start searching in
LocalVersionEndNoNUMERIC(10)YesMerge from file version to end searching in
BranchFileIDToNoNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the BRANCHFILE table. File changes are merged to.
LocalVersionNoNUMERIC(10)YesMerge to file version
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the merge was destroyed. Destroyed merges cannot be restored.
CommentContains legacy labels found when upgrading a non-RDBMS mainline branch

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
OldLabelIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
LabelNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoOld label name
OwnerIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoDate/time the old label was created
TimeCreatedNoTIMESTAMPNoOld label owner
UpgradedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the old label was upgraded
CommentContains legacy labeled file revisions

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
OldLabelIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the OLDLABEL table. Old label applied to the file.
FileRevisionIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the FILEREVISION table. File revision labeled with the old label.
UserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who applied the old label to the file
EventTimeNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the old label was applied to the file
CommentsNoVARCHAR(4096)NoComments for the old label event
CommentContains information about the database version and Surround SCM Server it is associated with

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
idOwnerLckYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
OwnerValueNoVARCHAR(114)NoOwner value. Either the Surround SCM Server database version or the universally unique identifier for the server the database belongs to.
CommentContains RDBMS vendor-specific options used for database connections

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
idRdbmsOptnsYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
OptDescNoVARCHAR(63)NoOption description
OptValueNoVARCHAR(255)NoOption value
CommentContains the master list of repositories

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
RepositoryIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ParentRepoIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key reference to the REPOSITORY table. Parent repository.
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the repository was destroyed. Destroyed repositories cannot be restored.
CommentContains information about security group permissions set for the repository and branch

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
BranchIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesBranch ID the security is set for. Branch ID 4294967294 indicates repository security is set.
RepoPathNoVARCHAR(2048)YesPath to the repository that security is set for
SecurityGroupIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMGROUPS table. Parent security group the repository security belongs to
PermissionsNoNUMERIC(10)NoSecurity permissions set for the repository
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the repository security was destroyed. Destroyed settings cannot be restored.
CommentContains a list of file delta data

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
FileRevisionIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the FILEREVISION table. Revision the file delta belongs to.
DeltaIndexYesNUMERIC(10)YesDelta chunk data order number. Deltas are split into smaller pieces for database storage and use this order for reassembly.
FileDeltaNoIMAGENoBinary file delta contents
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the revision delta was destroyed. Destroyed revision deltas cannot be restored.
CommentContains thumbnails generated for images

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
FileRevisionIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the FILEREVISION table. File revision the thumbnail is for.
OrigXNoNUMERIC(10)NoOriginal image width
OrigYNoNUMERIC(10)NoOriginal image height
ThumbXNoNUMERIC(10)NoThumbnail image width
ThumbYNoNUMERIC(10)NoThumbnail image height
FileThumbNoIMAGENoBinary file thumbnail contents
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the revision thumbnail was destroyed. Destroyed thumbnails cannot be restored.
CommentAudit log of electronically signed events

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
EventIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
BranchFileIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoKey to the BRANCHFILE table. File the event was performed on.
FileVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile version the event was performed on.
FileRevisionIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoKey to the FILEREVISION table. Internal Surround SCM version tree of the file.
EventTypeNoNUMERIC(5)NoEvent type - 1: Added to repository, 31: State changed
EventDateNoTIMESTAMPNoEvent timestamp
UserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoKey to the SCMUSERS table. User who signed the event.
UserNameNoTEXTNoUser who signed the event
FullNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoFull name of user who signed the event
MeaningNoVARCHAR(4096)NoReason text collected with electonic signature
MachineNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoMachine name where user signed from
ClientTypeNoNUMERIC(10)NoClient type where user signed from
VerificationHashNoVARCHAR(255)NoHash used to validate data consistency
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event was destroyed. Destroyed events cannot be restored.
CommentContains custom field rules used in filters, reports, and triggers

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
idCustomFieldYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
DeletedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the custom field was deleted
NameNoVARCHAR(128)YesCustom field name
TypeNoNUMERIC(5)NoCustom field type - 1: Text, 2: Integer, 3: Float, 4: List, 5: SCM user, 6: Date/time, 7: Check box
DisplayOrderNoNUMERIC(10)NoCustom field display order
FieldCodeNoVARCHAR(128)NoCustom field code
DfltNotSetNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the custom field has a default set of values
LimitsNoTEXTNoCustom field minimum and maximum value and other value limits
DfltIntValueNoNUMERIC(10)NoInteger custom field default value
DfltTextValueNoTEXTNoText custom field default value
DfltDateValueNoTIMESTAMPNoDate custom field default value
DfltBoolValueNoNUMERIC(1)NoCheck box custom field default value
DfltDoubleValueNoDOUBLE PRECISIONNoFloat custom field default value
CommentContains security group information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
idGroupYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
NameNoVARCHAR(128)NoSecurity group name
DescriptionNoVARCHAR(1020)NoSecurity group description
NotesNoTEXTNoSecurity group notes
SecurityVersionNoNUMERIC(5)NoSecurity version
CommentContains workflow state information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
idStateYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
DeletedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the state was deleted
NameNoVARCHAR(128)YesState name
DescriptionNoVARCHAR(1020)NoState description
ESigRequiredNoNUMERIC(1)NoState requires electronic signature
AutoResetNoNUMERIC(1)NoState resets to default on version change
CommentContains Surround SCM user information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
idUserYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
UsernameNoTEXTNoSurround SCM username
TTProUsernameNoTEXTNoHelix ALM username
TTProPasswordNoTEXTNoHelix ALM password
ExternalIssueUsernameNoVARCHAR(255)NoExternal issue tracking tool username
ExternalIssuePasswordNoVARCHAR(2721)NoExternal issue tracking tool encrypted password
CommentContains workflow information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
idWorkFlowYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
NameNoVARCHAR(128)YesWorkflow name
DescriptionNoVARCHAR(1020)NoWorkflow description
idDefaultStateNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMSTATES table. Default workflow state.
RollbackOptionNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if state is rolled back with file rollback
CommentContains default workflow information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
idDefaultWorkFlowYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMWORKFLOWS table. Default workflow for the mainline branch.
CommentContains workflow states

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
idWorkFlowYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMWORKFLOWS table. Workflow that contains the states.
idStateYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMSTATES table. Workflow state.
DisplayOrderNoNUMERIC(5)NoWorkflow state display order
CommentContains workflow transitions

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
idWorkFlowYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMWORKFLOWS table. Workflow that contains the transitions.
idStateFromYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMSTATE table. Workflow state to transition from.
idStateToYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMSTATE table. Workflow state to transition to.
EnabledNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if transition is enabled
Table: SHELF
CommentContains a list of shelves for the mainlines in the RDBMS database

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
ShelfIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
OwnerIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. Shelf owner.
ShelfNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoShelf name
ShelfDescriptionNoVARCHAR(1024)NoShelf description
SharingOptionNoNUMERIC(2)NoSharing option - 0: Sharing disabled, 1: Share with all, 2: Share with selected
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the shelf was destroyed. Destroyed shelves cannot be restored.
CommentContains file data in shelves

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
ShelfFileIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ShelfIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SHELF table. Shelf.
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
BranchIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCH table. Branch the shelf is from.
FileIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the ARCHIVEFILE table. Shelved file archive file ID.
BranchFileIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCHFILE table. Shelved file branch file ID.
ParentBranchRepoIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCHREPOSITORY table. Shelved file parent branch repository ID.
FileVersionNoNUMERIC(10)NoOriginal file version before shelved
RepositoryPathNoVARCHAR(1024)NoShelved file repository path
FileNameNoVARCHAR(255)NoShelved filename
RelativePathNoVARCHAR(1024)NoShelved file relative path. Used for new files added to a shelf.
FileTypeNoNUMERIC(2)NoArchive file type - 0: Unknown, 1: AutoDetect, 2: Text, 3: Binary, 4: MacBinary, 5: UTF8, 6: UTF16, 7: Symlink.
FileRevisionIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCMFILTERS table. Shelved file revision ID.
DestroyedNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file was destroyed. Destroyed files cannot be restored.
CommentContains information about users shelves are shared with

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
ShelfIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SHELF table. Shared shelf ID.
MainlineIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID
ShelfSharedUserIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCMUSERS table. User the shelf is shared with.
CommentContains information used to track the last time changes were made to tables to sync mainlines stored in other RDBMS databases

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TrackIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList to sync record ID - 1: Workflow, 2: State, 3: User, 4: Security group, 5: Helix ALM connection, 6: Custom field
SyncTimeNoTIMESTAMPNoDate/time the list was last synced
CommentContains Helix ALM connection information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
idTTProDbConfYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ConfigNameNoVARCHAR(128)NoHelix ALM connection name
DisplayOrderNoNUMERIC(5)NoHelix ALM connection display order
TTServerIPNoVARCHAR(512)NoHelix ALM Server IP address
TTServerPortNoNUMERIC(5)NoHelix ALM Server port number
TTDbNameNoVARCHAR(128)NoHelix ALM project name
TTDbIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoHelix ALM project ID
TTProjUUIDNoVARCHAR(38)NoHelix ALM project universally unique identifier
TTPublicKeyNoVARCHAR(1024)NoHelix ALM Server RSA exchange public key