Adding Helix ALM item number restrictions

Restrictions are criteria that files must meet to be included in reports, filter results, and advanced find results. You set restrictions when you add reports, add filters, or perform an advanced find.

Helix ALM item number restrictions limit results to files attached to issues, requirements, and test cases in a specific project that are equal to, less than, or greater than a specified number or in a range or list of numbers. For example, you can create a restriction to find all files attached to issues numbered 100-200 in a project.

Note: Preconditions, which are similar to restrictions, are used in triggers and email notifications. The following information also applies to preconditions.

1. Select a restriction.

The Restriction dialog box opens.

2. Select the Helix ALM connection for the project to search.

3. Select is or is not to indicate if the files are attached to items with the specified number or number in the specified range or list.

4. Select an option to specify the numbers to include.

5. Enter the item number or range.

If In list is selected, separate multiple item numbers with commas.

6. Click OK to add the restriction.