Merging files

You can merge files to compare, accept, or reject differences between files and combine the changes. Surround SCM automatically merges changes when files are checked in. If there are conflicts, you are prompted to manually merge the files.

Note: You can specify the application used for merging files. See Setting diff/merge options.

1. Select the file and choose Activities > Merge.

The Merge dialog box opens.

2. Select Copy on server to merge changes with the latest version in Surround SCM.

3. Click Advanced to select a different file.

The Second File area expands with the following options:

4. Clear Merge should first attempt auto-merge to manually merge the changes.

5. Click Merge.

If the file to merge into is checked out, the merge application opens. If the file is not checked out, the Check Out Files dialog box opens.

The files are merged and the merge application closes. If you checked out files during the merge, you are prompted to check in the files when the merge is complete.