Searching for committed changelists

You can search for committed changelists based on changelist name, filename, and committed date to further narrow the changelists displayed.

1. Choose Tools > Changelists.

The Changelists dialog box opens.

2. Select a committed changelist filter in the Filter changelists by list.

The corresponding committed changelists are displayed.

3. Select <Search> in the Filter changelists by list to specify additional filter criteria.

The Changelist Search dialog box opens.

4. Select the criteria that changelists must meet to pass the filter.

The Restriction dialog box opens. The options change based on the selected restriction.

5. Select the restriction value.

6. Click OK.

7. Repeat steps 4 - 6 to add additional restrictions.

8. Click Search.

Changelists that meet the criteria are displayed and the Search results filter is applied.