You are here: Configuring Projects > Setting project options > Setting general project options

Setting general project options

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Project Options.

The Project Options dialog box opens with the General category selected.

2. Enter a Project name and Description.

3. Select any Login Options to give TestTrack Pro, TestTrack RM, and TestTrack TCM users access to the project.

4. Select any Workflow Options.

Note: If this option is enabled, system comments are never generated for escalation rules that recalculate field values.

5. Select Enable stamping to allow users to insert stamps in multi-line text fields, such as the issue description. Stamps help users identify comments added to fields. See Inserting stamps in text fields.

Enter the Stamp format. You can enter any value or use the following field codes:

Note: To insert a field code in the Stamp Format field, select a code from the Available field codes list and click Insert.

6. Click OK to save the changes.


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