You are here: Organizing Items with Folders > Using the Folders list

Using the Folders list

The Folders list provides access to folders and the items in them. From this list, you can add, view, modify, or delete folders. You can also open items for viewing or editing, add items to or remove them from folders, rank items, and perform many of the same actions available in other item lists. See Using item lists.

To open the Folders list, click Folders.

Folder information is displayed in the following areas.

# Area Displays:
Folders tree The folder hierarchy in the project and provides access to add, delete, and reorganize folders.
Contents tab Items in a folder in different views: items list, folders list, and task board.
Details tab Additional information about the selected folder, such as notes about the project or a link to a web page related to the folder.
Release Planning tab A release schedule overview if release planning information is configured for the folder.
History tab Historical folder information.