Helix ALM Data Warehouse 2017.2 - 2018.2 ERD
List of tables
Table details
CommentContains authentication methods available for the LS_LDAP_SERVER table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
AUTHENTICATION_METHODYesNUMERIC(10)YesAuthentication method index
AUTH_METHOD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)NoAuthentication method description
CommentContains email addresses for license server users (email)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
EMAIL_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEmail address unique identifier (idrecord)
LS_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesEmail address owner. Foreign key to the LS_USER table. (userid)
EMAIL_ADDRESSNoNVARCHAR(63)NoUser email address (address)
EMAIL_TYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoEmail address type. Foreign key to the LS_EMAIL_TYPE table. (typeid)
CommentContains email types stored in the LS_EMAIL table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
EMAIL_TYPE_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)YesEmail type description (e.g., Internet, MAPI, or Other)
CommentLists license server events with a date/time component (Event)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent unique identifier (id)
EVENT_DATENoDATETIMEYesDate/time the event occurred (eventdate)
EVENT_TYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesEvent type. Foreign key to the LS_EVENT_TYPE table. (eventtypeid)
CommentContains license server event details referenced by license pool, number of licenses available, and number of licenses used (EventDetails)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent recorded. Foreign key to the LS_EVENT table. (eventid)
POOL_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPool the licenses were retrieved from. Foreign key to the LS_POOL table. (poolid)
USEDNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of licenses used in the pool when the row was created (used)
AVAILABLENoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of licenses available in the pool when the row was created (available)
CommentContains event types from the license server (EventType)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
EVENT_TYPE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent type unique identifier (id)
EVENT_TYPE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(40)NoEvent type description (name)
CommentLists users affected by the license server event with product and license type (EventUser)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
EVENT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent user unique identifier (id)
EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesEvent that occurred. Foreign key to the LS_EVENT table. (eventid)
LS_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesUser affected by the event. Foreign key to the LS_USER table. (userid)
PRODUCT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesProduct in use for the event. Foreign key to the LS_PRODUCT_NAME table. (productid)
LICENSE_TYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLicense type in use for the event. Foreign key to the LS_LICENSE_TYPE table. (typeid)
CommentRelates the LS_LDAP_SERVER table to a user field that stores the LDAP_FIELD information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
USER_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the LS_USER_FIELD table
LDAP_FIELDNoNVARCHAR(max)NoField information related to the LS_LDAP_SERVER table indicated by the row relationship
CommentContains LDAP and Active Directory (AD) servers configured in the license server (lsldapserver)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
LDAP_SERVER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesLDAP/AD server unique identifier (idrecord)
UORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoLDAP/AD server ordinal index in the license server Server Options dialog (uorder)
DISABLEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIf 1, LDAP/AD server is disabled (disabled)
SERVER_NAMENoNVARCHAR(192)NoLDAP/AD server alias used in the license server (name)
SERVER_BASENoNVARCHAR(765)NoBase domain name (DN) used to find user objects in the LDAP/AD server (base)
SERVER_HOSTNoNVARCHAR(384)NoHostname of the primary LDAP/AD server (host)
SERVER_PORTNoNUMERIC(10)NoPort the primary LDAP/AD server listens on (port)
BK_HOSTNoNVARCHAR(384)NoHostname of the backup LDAP/AD server (bkhost)
BK_PORTNoNUMERIC(10)NoPort the backup LDAP/AD server listens on (bkport)
ANONYMOUS_LOGINNoNUMERIC(1)NoIf 1, bind to LDAP/AD server anonymously (anonlogin)
USER_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoUsername for binding to the LDAP/AD server (username)
USER_DNNoNVARCHAR(765)NoUser DN for binding to the LDAP/AD server (userdn)
PASSWORDNoNVARCHAR(max)NoPassword for binding to the LDAP/AD server (password)
IS_ADNoNUMERIC(1)NoIf 1, server is Active Directory (isad)
DOMAINNoNVARCHAR(765)NoActive Directory domain the AD server belongs to (domain)
SSONoNUMERIC(10)NoSingle sign-on setting- 0: disabled, 1: enabled, 2: required (sso)
AUTHENTICATION_METHODNoNUMERIC(10)NoPassword encryption setting- 0: Simple (plain text), 1: MD5, 2: GSSAPI, 3: Simple +SSL, 4: MD5+SSL, 5: GSSAPI+SSL (authmeth)
SYNC_ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoIf 1, synchronize user activation settings from AD (syncactive)
CommentLists licenses added to the license server (License)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
LICENSE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesLicense unique identifier (idRecord)
DISABLEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the license is disabled (Disabled)
MAINTENANCE_EXTENSIONNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the license is a maintenance extension key (MainExt)
CommentLists types of licenses available in the license server (LicenseType)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
LICENSE_TYPE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesLicense type unique identifier (id)
LICENSE_TYPE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(40)NoLicense type description (name)
CommentLists user phone numbers (PhoneNum)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PHONE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPhone number unique identifier (idRecord)
PHONE_TYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoPhone number type. Foreign key to the LS_PHONE_EMAIL_TYPE table. (TypeID)
LS_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesUser the phone number belongs to. Foreign key to the LS_USER table. (UserID)
PHONE_NUMBERNoNVARCHAR(63)NoUser phone number (Num)
CommentLists types of phone numbers stored in the LS_PHONE table. Phone number types are stored in the license server application only.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
PHONE_TYPE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPhone number type unique identifier
PHONE_TYPE_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)YesPhone number type description (e.g., Invalid, Work, Fax, Home, Pager, Mobile)
Table: LS_POOL
CommentContains a list of license pools used by the license server. A pool is an allocation of product licenses that can have usage limits. (Pool)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
POOL_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPool unique identifier (id)
POOL_NAMENoNVARCHAR(40)YesPool name (name)
PRODUCT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesProduct the pool represents. Foreign key to the PRODUCT_NAME table. (productid)
LICENSE_TYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLicense type the pool represents. Foreign key to the LICENSE_TYPE table. (typeid)
DELETEDNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the pool was deleted (deleted)
IS_SYSTEMNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag that indicates if the record is a system pool
CommentProducts supported by the license server (ProductName)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
PRODUCT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesUnique product identifier (id)
PRODUCT_NAMENoNVARCHAR(40)NoUnique product name (name)
CommentDescribes the single sign-on setting for the license server

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SSO_SETTING_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)NoSingle sign-on setting value description
Table: LS_USER
CommentUsers registered with the license server (lsuser)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
LS_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesUser ID from the license server (idRecord)
LDAP_SERVER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLDAP server the user is related to. Foreign key to the LS_LDAP_SERVER table. (ldapsrvid)
FIRST_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoUser first name (FirstName)
LAST_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoUser last name (LastName)
LOGIN_NAMENoNVARCHAR(2000)YesLogin name field (LoginName)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(max)NoNotes about the user (Notes)
LOGOUT_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the user last logged out (dateLogout)
COMPANYNoNVARCHAR(63)NoUser company name (Company)
DIVISIONNoNVARCHAR(63)NoUser division (Division)
DEPARTMENTNoNVARCHAR(63)NoUser department (Department)
ADDRESSNoNVARCHAR(255)NoUser address (Address)
IS_CUSTOMERNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user is a customer (IsCustomer)
COMM_DENIEDNoNVARCHAR(255)NoString of numbers that indicate the license server functionality the user can access- 1, 2, 3: no access; 1, 2: unable to log in, but can retrieve user records from applications; 2, 3: able to log in, but only able to add/edit/delete user information; (empty string): full administrative access (CommDenied)
IS_DISABLEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user is disabled (IsDisabled)
DATE_PWD_CHANGEDNoDATETIMENoLast date/time the password was changed (dtPwdChg)
PWD_MUST_CHANGENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the password needs to be changed (pwdMustChg)
IS_DELETEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user was deleted (IsDeleted)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate of the last modification to the user record (dateModify)
CAN_CHANGE_PWDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user can change the password (CanChngPwd)
ALLOWS_SSONoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if single-sign on is allowed (AllowSSO)
INITIALSNoNVARCHAR(8)NoUser initials (Initials)
ADDITIONAL_INFONoNVARCHAR(max)NoAdditional user information (AddlInfo)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate user was created. NULL for existing users.
CommentContains user field information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
USER_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPrimary key for the row
USER_FIELDNoNVARCHAR(15)NoUser field description
CommentContains associations of users to licenses, often in a pool (UserLicense)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
USER_LICENSE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesUser/license combination unique identifier (idRecord)
LS_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesUser ID for the license (UserID)
LICENSE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks the license to the user (namedSNID)
POOL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoAssociates the license to a specific pool. A license can only belong to one pool. (poolid)
CommentLists the available user license types. This is an enumerated value in the source system, but in the data warehouse, it is translated to a lookup table for end user use.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
USER_LICENSE_TYPEYesNUMERIC(10)YesUser license type unique identifier (in license server code only)
USER_LICTYPE_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(180)YesLicense type description (e.g., Invalid Serial Number, Windows Dedicated, TCM Named)
CommentRepresents a load test. Provides information about load test playback sessions.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
LOAD_TEST_IDYesBIGINTYesLoad test unique identifier
PLAYBACK_SESSION_IDNoBIGINTYesLoad test playback session unique identifier
TOTAL_VIRTUAL_USERSNoINTEGERYesTotal number of virtual users for the load test
PEAK_CONCURRENT_VIRTUAL_USERSNoINTEGERYesPeak number of virtual users running concurrently during the load test
NUM_PAGE_HITSNoINTEGERYesNumber of page hits during the load test
NUM_BYTES_SENTNoBIGINTYesTotal number of bytes received during the load test
NUM_BYTES_RECEIVEDNoBIGINTYesTotal number of bytes received during the load test
MIN_RESPONSE_TIME_MSNoBIGINTYesMinimum time it took the server to respond in milliseconds
MAX_RESPONSE_TIME_MSNoBIGINTNoMaximum time it took the server to respond in milliseconds
AVG_RESPONSE_TIME_MSNoBIGINTYesAverage time it took the server to respond in milliseconds
NUM_WARNINGSNoBIGINTYesTotal number of warnings that occurred during the load test
NUM_ERRORSNoBIGINTYesTotal number of errors that occurred during the load test
CommentUser-initiated session that performs a test in QA Wizard Pro. From the user interface, the run starts from the Run, Run Multiple, Run Remote, Run Multiple Remote, Run Load Test, Run Main Script, or Run Main Script Remote commands. Debug Script, Record Into Script, and Debug Main Script commands are not included because they are not recorded. From the command line, the run starts using QAWRunScript or QAWRunLoadTest with any options.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PLAYBACK_SESSION_IDYesBIGINTYesPlayback session unique identifier
PLAYBACK_SESSION_TYPENoSMALLINTYesPlayback session type - 0: Run, 1: Batch, 2: LoadTest
START_TIMENoDATETIMEYesDate and time the playback session started in millisecond precision. UTC format.
END_TIMENoDATETIMENoDate and time the playback session ended in millisecond precision. UTC format.
USER_NAMENoNVARCHAR(256)YesUsername that initiated the playback session. May not be the username that ran the playback session. For example, the username "bob" may start a remote load test from his workstation, but the remote computer may be set up to run as "automationuser". In this case, the USER_NAME value is "bob".
CONTAINER_NAMENoNVARCHAR(1024)NoPlayback session container (workspace or logical name with extension), if available
RUN_STATENoSMALLINTYesRun state for the entire playback session - 0: Active, 1: Succeeded, 2: Failed, 3: Inactive (has not sent information to the server in over 30 minutes), 4: Canceled
CONTAINER_FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(1024)NoPlayback session container (workspace or batch file name with extension), if available
HOST_NAMENoNVARCHAR(256)NoFor standard tests, host name the playback session occurred on. For load tests, name of the initiating host, even if the test was distributed across multiple hosts.
IS_REMOTENoBITNoIndicates if the playback session was run remotely. Null indicates the value is not relevant. Load test value is always null.
LS_AUTHENTICATEDNoBITNoIndicates if the playback session user authenticated with the Helix ALM License Server
TT_PROJECT_UUIDNoNVARCHAR(38)NoUnique identifier for the Helix ALM project the associated test run is is included in. Null indicates the playback session was not associated with a test run.
TT_TESTCASE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUnique identifier for the Helix ALM test case the associated test run was generated from. Null indicates the playback session was not associated with a test run.
TT_TESTRUN_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUnique identifier for a Helix ALM test run. Null indicates the playback session was not associated with a test run.
PLAYBACK_SESSION_NAMENoVARCHAR(1024)NoName set for the playback session
PROTOCOL_VERSIONNoSMALLINTNoDatabase version the playback session was created in
CommentA script that ran.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
SCRIPT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesScript unique identifier
SCRIPT_NAMENoVARCHAR(1024)NoLogical script name. Does not include file system details, such as filename, extension, or path.
CommentAn individual line of script that ran.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
SCRIPT_LINE_RUN_IDYesBIGINTYesScript line run unique identifier
SCRIPT_RUN_IDNoBIGINTNoScript run unique identifier. QA Wizard Pro 2016.0 and earlier only.
PARENT_SCRIPT_LINE_RUN_IDNoBIGINTNoScript line run parent unique identifier. For example, script lines running in a function call reference the script line of the call to that function. QA Wizard Pro 2016.0 and earlier only.
RUN_STATENoSMALLINTYesRun state of the script line run - 0: Active, 1: Not active (succeeded), 2: Not active (failed)
START_TIMENoDATETIMEYesDate and time the script line started running in millisecond precision
END_TIMENoDATETIMENoDate and time the script line stopped running in millisecond precision
SCRIPT_CONTEXT_SWITCH_NUMBERNoINTEGERYesContext switch number. When the playback session switches context by running a different script or calling a function, the number increases. Includes Script.CallScript. Starts at 1. The same script run can have script line runs in different context switches. QA Wizard Pro 2016.0 and earlier only.
LINE_NUMBERNoINTEGERYesLine number in the running script. Uses 1-based indexing.
LINE_TEXTNoNVARCHAR(1024)NoText of the running script line
SEQUENCE_NUMBERNoBIGINTYesNumber used to order events in a playback session. Sets to 1 when a playback session starts and increments when the next event starts.
STACK_FRAME_IDNoBIGINTNoFrame unique identifier. Groups related script lines in the same context.
CommentA message (error, warning, or output) that occurred on a script line during playback.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
SCRIPT_LINE_RUN_MESSAGE_IDYesBIGINTYesMessage unique identifier
SCRIPT_LINE_RUN_IDNoBIGINTYesScript line run unique identifier
SCRIPT_LINE_RUN_MESSAGE_TYPENoSMALLINTYesMessage type that occurred when running a script line - 0: Warning, 1: Unhandled error, 2: Handled error, 3: Output
MESSAGE_TEXTNoNVARCHAR(1024)YesMessage text (if any)
SEQUENCE_NUMBERNoBIGINTYesNumber used to order events in a playback session. Sets to 1 when a playback session starts and increments when the next event starts.
CommentAn instance of a script that ran.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
SCRIPT_RUN_IDYesBIGINTYesScript run unique identifier
PLAYBACK_SESSION_IDNoBIGINTYesPlayback session unique identifier
SCRIPT_NAMENoNVARCHAR(1024)NoLogical script name. Does not include filesystem details, such as filename, extension, or path.
START_TIMENoDATETIMEYesDate and time the script run started in the playback session in millisecond precision. UTC format.
END_TIMENoDATETIMENoDate and time the script run ended in the playback session in millisecond precision. UTC format.
RUN_STATENoSMALLINTYesRun state of the script run - 0: Active, 1: Not active (succeeded), 2: Not active (failed)
DATASHEET_ITERATIONNoINTEGERYesIf a script has an associated data-sheet, the current row/iteration number of the script run. Uses 1-based indexing. For example, a script that runs once has an associated datasheet with 4 rows. Four script run rows in this table, each with an associated datasheet iteration number (1, 2, 3, 4).
RUN_NUMBERNoINTEGERYesIndicates the nth time a script runs within a playback session, regardless of the reason. Uses 1-based indexing.
SEQUENCE_NUMBERNoBIGINTYesNumber used to order events in a playback session. Starts with 1 when a playback session begins and increments with each event that begins.
SCRIPT_IDNoBIGINTYesScript unique identifier
CommentA group of related script lines in the context of a script, function, or subroutine call or Try, Catch, or Finally block. Provides a logical division of the script run. A new frame is created for each context and added to the call stack.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
STACK_FRAME_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesFrame unique identifier. Groups related script lines in the same context.
SCRIPT_RUN_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesScript run unique identifier
DECLARING_SCRIPT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUnique identifier of the script the context was declared in
CALLING_SCRIPT_LINE_RUN_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoScript line run parent unique identifier. For example, in the context of a function call, this identifies the script line that calls the function.
STACK_FRAME_NAMENoVARCHAR(1024)NoFrame name that describes the context. In the context of a called script, function, or subroutine, the called item’s name is used. In the context of a Try, Catch, or Finally block, the block name is used.
SEQUENCE_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber used to order events in a playback session. Sets to 1 when a playback session starts and increments when the next event starts.
CommentContains a row for each report created in Helix ALM. Used to display Helix ALM reports in ALMRP dashboards.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
REPORT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
REPORT_NAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoHelix ALM report name
OWNER_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoHelix ALM user who created the report
ACCESS_STATENoNUMERIC(1)NoReport access setting - 1: Shared, 2: Private
CommentLists the source systems that populate the data warehouse

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPrimary key to the REP_SOURCE table
SOURCE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(50)YesUnique source name
SOURCE_TYPENoNVARCHAR(20)YesSource type (License Server, QA Wizard Pro, Surround, or Helix ALM)
OWNER_LCK_DBVERSIONNoNVARCHAR(114)NoDescription of the database version the source is associated with. References the OWNERLCK.OwnerValue table/column.
SERVER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUnique reference to the server where the data originated. References the SERVERID.idServer table/column.
SERVER_UUIDNoNVARCHAR(114)NoUnique reference to the server where the data originated. References the SERVERID.ServUUID table/column.
SERVER_NAME_PORTNoNVARCHAR(180)NoServer and port used by the data warehouse to construct ttstudio or sscm links from a report to the source application
ITEM_UUIDNoNVARCHAR(114)NoUniversally unique identifier of imported source item
CommentLists the association between users of different products. Users are mapped between Surround SCM (SCM), Helix ALM License Server (LC), and Helix ALM (TTP, TCM, and RM).

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
REP_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesData warehouse user unique identifier
DISPLAY_NAMENoNVARCHAR(180)NoName to display on reports
LS_SOURCE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoSource for the license server user identity. Does not need to match the source for other entities.
LS_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUsername from the license server
LOGIN_NAMENoNVARCHAR(2000)NoLogin name field
CommentMaps a data warehouse user to one or more QA Wizard Pro users in one or more sources.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
REP_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRepository username
QAW_USER_NAMEYesNVARCHAR(256)YesUsername indirectly associated with a playback session
CommentMaps a data warehouse user to one or more Surround SCM users in one or more sources

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
REP_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesData warehouse user the Surround SCM user is mapped to. Foreign key to the REP_USER table.
SCM_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesSurround SCM user the data warehouse user is mapped to. Foreign key to the SCM_USER table.
CommentMaps a data warehouse user to one or more Helix ALM users in one or more sources. Helix ALM users are defined by project so there can be multiple Helix ALM users per data warehouse user. The user may also exist across many Helix ALM sources.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
REP_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesData warehouse user mapped to the Helix ALM user
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesHelix ALM project the user belongs to
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesHelix ALM user mapped to the data warehouse user
CommentContains the master list of files in Surround SCM (ARCHIVEFILE)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID (MainlineID)
FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (FileID)
ORIGINAL_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCM_REPOSITORY table. Original repository where the archive file was added (OrigRepoID)
ORIGINAL_FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)YesOriginal archive file name (OrigFileName)
FILE_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)YesArchive file type unique identifier. Foreign key to the SCM_ARCHIVE_FILE_TYPE table.
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file was destroyed. Destroyed archive files cannot be restored. (Destroyed)
CommentLookup table for the bitwise FILE_TYPE field in the ARCHIVE_FILE table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
FILE_TYPEYesNUMERIC(2)YesArchive file type identifier
FILE_TYPE_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)NoArchive file type text description (e.g., ASCII, Binary, MacBinary, UTF8, UTF16, Symlink)
CommentLists the branches for the mainline branches in the RDBMS database (BRANCH)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesSurround SCM branch ID (MainlineID)
BRANCH_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (BranchID)
DELETEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the branch was deleted. Deleted branches can be restored if they have not been destroyed. (Deleted)
BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoBranch name. Unique name for mainline, baseline, and snapshot branches. Workspace branches can have the same name only if the OwnerID value is different. (BranchName)
BRANCH_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoBranch type numeric identifier- 0: Workspace, 1: Baseline, 2: Snapshot (BranchType)
OWNER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoBranch owner. Foreign key to the SCMUSERS table.Null for baseline and snapshot branches. (OwnerID)
PARENT_BRANCH_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoParent branch. Foreign key to the BRANCH table. A null value indicates the branch is the mainline. (ParentBranchID)
BASE_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoBase repository for the branch record. Foreign key to the REPOSITORY table. (BaseRepositoryID)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the branch was created (DateCreated)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the branch was last modified (DateModified)
SECURITY_SETTINGSNoNUMERIC(1)NoSecurity type numeric identifier- 0: Branch security that applies to all branches, 1: Branch has its own security, 2: Branch inherits the parent branch security(SecuritySettings)
BASE_PATHNoNVARCHAR(1024)NoBase repository path for the branch (BasePath)
ACCESSED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the branch was last accessed (DateAccessed)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the branch was destroyed. Destroyed branches cannot be restored. (Destroyed)
COMMENTSNoNVARCHAR(max)NoBranch description (Comments)
CommentInformation about who created a branch and when

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCM_MAINLNE table
BRANCH_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCM _BRANCH table
CREATOR_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_USER table
CREATION_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoBranch creation type
STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_STATE table
LABEL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_LABEL table
DATE_CREATEDNoDATETIMENoDate/time the branch was created
CommentAssociates SCM_BRANCH to SCM_ARCHIVE_FILE. A branched file also has its own attributes such as status, current version, and time last renewed. (BranchFile)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID (MainlineID)
BRANCH_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (BranchFileID)
BRANCH_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCHREPOSITORY table Repository that contains this file. (BranchRepoID)
FILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the ARCHIVEFILE table. Base file of this branched file (FileID)
DELETEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file was deleted (Deleted)
STATUS_FLAGNoNUMERIC(10)NoBitwise flag that indicates the branch file status. Foreign key to the SCM_BRANCH_FILE_STATUS table.
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoBranch file name (FileName)
CURRENT_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent file version number (CurrentVersion)
EXPAND_KEYWORD_OPTIONNoCHARACTER(1)NoHow to handle keyword expansion for the file- 0: User server default, 1: Expansion off, 2: Expansion on (ExpandKeywordOption)
TIME_LAST_RENAMEDNoDATETIMENoDate/time branch file was last renamed (TimeLastRenamed)
SHARE_BASE_BRANCH_FILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID in the BRANCHFILE table. Base share file if the file is shared. Not an enforced foreign key relationship. (ShareBaseBranchFileID)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the branched file was destroyed. Destroyed files cannot be restored. (Destroyed)
INHERITED_FILE_REVISION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the inherited file revision for the branch file.
INHERITED_STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the inherited state for the branch file.
INHERITED_BRANCH_FILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the inherited branch file for the branch file.
INHERITED_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the inherited version for the branch file.
CommentDecodes the bitwise STATUS_FLAG values in the SCM_BRANCH_FILE table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
STATUS_FLAGYesNUMERIC(10)YesUnique key value to the SCM_BRANCH_STATUS_FLAG table
STATUS_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)YesDescriptive name for the branched file status value (e.g., Branched, Shared, Shared base, Analyzer filename conflict)
CommentContains file version data for Surround SCM branches (BranchFileVersion)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID (MainlineID)
BRANCH_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the SCM_BRANCH_FILE table, Branch file the version applies to. (BranchFileID)
LOCAL_VERSIONYesNUMERIC(10)YesFile version (LocalVersion)
FILE_REVISION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_FILE_REVISION table. Internal Surround SCM version tree of the file. (FileRevisionID)
VERSION_TIMESTAMPNoDATETIMENoDate/time the file version was added (VersionTimestamp)
VERSION_FLAGNoNUMERIC(5)NoBitwise flag that indicates the file version. Foreign key to the SCM_BRANCH_FILE_VERSION_FLAG table.
STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_STATE table. Workflow state of the file version. (StateID)
ALT_FILE_REVISION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoAlternate file revision ID. References the FILEREVISION table. Used to track versions promoted and rebased to other branches. (AltFilerevisionID)
INHERITED_BRANCH_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a branch record in the BRANCH table if the VersionFlag field indicates that the version was inherited from another branch (InheritedBranchID)
PROMOTED_FROM_BRANCH_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a branch record in the BRANCH table. Branch that the version was promoted from. (PromotedFromBranchID)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file version was destroyed. Destroyed file versions cannot be restored. (Destroyed)
CommentDecodes the version flag on the SCM_BRANCH_FILE_VERSION table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
VERSION_FLAGYesNUMERIC(5)YesVersion flag unique record ID
VERSION_FLAG_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)NoBranch file version description (e.g., Inherited, Alternate version is promoted/no merge, etc.)
CommentLists allowed flags for a branch. A branch can have multiple flags simultaneously.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
BRANCH_FLAGYesNUMERIC(5)YesBranch flag unique identifier
BRANCH_FLAG_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)NoBranch flag description (e.g., Frozen, Destroyed, Inactive, Hidden, Cache on Demand, Case Sensitive Filenames)
CommentBreaks out the BRANCH_FLAG attribute from the SCM_BRANCH table in a many-to-many relationship for branches with multiple flags

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch ID the branch and branch flag pair belong to
BRANCH_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesBranch ID the branch flag applies to
BRANCH_FLAGYesNUMERIC(5)YesBranch flag that applies to the branch
CommentContains repository data for Surround SCM branches (BranchRepository)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID (MainlineID)
BRANCH_REPOSITORY_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (BranchRepoID)
REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to SCM_REPOSITORY table. Base repository. (RepositoryID)
DELETEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the branched repository was deleted (Deleted)
REPOSITORY_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoRepository name (RepositoryName)
BRANCH_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCH table. Branch where the repository is located. (BranchID)
TIME_LAST_RENAMEDNoDATETIMENoDate/time the repository was last renamed (TimeLastRenamed)
WORKFLOW_SETTINGSNoCHARACTER(1)NoRepository workflow settings - 0: No workflow, 1: Inherit parent workflow, 2: Use specific workflow (WorkflowSettings)
USE_WORKFLOW_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_WORKFLOW table. Workflow used for the repository (UseWorkflowID)
PARENT_BRANCH_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_BRANCH_REPOSITORY table. Parent repository. (ParentBranchRepoID)
COMMENTSNoNVARCHAR(max)NoRepository description (Comments)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the repository was destroyed. Destroyed repositories cannot be restored. (Destroyed)
EXCLUDEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates a repository that is excluded from the branch based on the template
CommentLists the fully qualified path to the repository. Useful when constructing sscm links to the application in reports.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID (MainlineID)
BRANCH_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the SCM_BRANCH table
REPO_PATH_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPrimary key to the SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATH table. Unique for each REPO_PATH.
BRANCH_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesUniquely identifies a row. Foreign key to the SCM_BRANCH_REPOSITORY table. This table is not in the source, but is generated to correctly match to the Helix ALM data by repository path.
PARENT_BRANCH_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReference to the SCM_BRANCH REPOSITORY table as the parent branch
REPO_PATHNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFull path to the repository
CommentContains information for pending and committed changelists (Changelist)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch where the changelist resides (MainlineID)
CHANGELIST_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPrimary key to the SCM_CHANGELIST table. Unique within a source or mainline branch. (ChangelistID)
CHANGELIST_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoChangelist name (ChangelistName)
BRANCH_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoOptional branch for the changelist (BranchID)
USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who created the changelist (UserID)
COMPUTER_NAMENoNVARCHAR(64)NoComputer name the changelist was created on (ComputerName)
IS_PENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the changelist is pending (IsPending)
DATE_TIMENoDATETIMENoDate/time the changelist was created (DateTime)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the changelist was destroyed (Destroyed)
CommentContains the custom field values associated with a changelist (ChangeListCustomFieldValue)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch the changelist custom field applies to (MainlineID)
CHANGELIST_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesChangelist event for the custom field (ChangelistEventID)
CUSTOM_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesCustom field identifier (CustomFieldID)
CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesChangelist identifier. Foreign key to the SCM_CHANGELIST table. (ChangelistID)
TEXT_VALUENoNVARCHAR(255)NoText custom field value (TextValue)
INTEGER_VALUENoNUMERIC(10)NoInteger custom field value (IntegerValue)
DOUBLE_VALUENoDOUBLE PRECISIONNoDouble custom field value (DoubleValue)
DATE_TIME_VALUENoDATETIMENoDate/time custom field value (DateTimeValue)
CHECKBOX_VALUENoNUMERIC(1)NoCheck box custom field value (checked or unchecked) (CheckBoxValue)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the row was destroyed (Destroyed)
CommentContains the events associated with a changelist (Changelistevent)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch the changelist event applies to (MainlineID)
CHANGELIST_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPrimary key to the SCM_CHANGELIST_EVENT table. Unique number assigned to each row in a source. (ChangelistEventID)
CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoChangelist the event is associated with (ChangelistID)
EVENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(3)NoEvent type. Look up values in the SCM_EVENT_TYPE table. In the source system, this value is only listed in an enum. (EventType)
MACHINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoComputer that triggered the changelist event (MachineName)
FILE_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile version the changelist event was performed on (FileVersion)
BRANCH_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRepository the event was performed on (BranchRepoID)
BRANCH_FILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile the event was performed on (BranchFileID)
ORIG_BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoOriginal branch name (OrigBranchName)
ORIG_REPOSITORY_NAMENoNVARCHAR(1024)NoOriginal repository name (OrigRepoName)
ORIG_FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoOriginal file name (OrigFileName)
KEEP_CHECKED_OUT_BITMASKNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file should remain checked out (KeepCheckoutOrBitMask)
LOCAL_FILE_OR_NEW_NAMENoNVARCHAR(1024)NoLocal file or new name description (LocalFileOrNewName)
EXCLUSIVE_LOCKNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user has an exclusive lock on the file (ExclusiveLock)
DO_NOT_RETURN_COPYNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates a local copy was not returned (DoNotReturnCopy)
EOL_FORMATNoCHARACTER(1)NoEnd of line format used (EOLFormat)
FILE_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoFile type indicator (FileType)
FILE_MODIFIED_TIMENoDATETIMENoLast date/time the file was modified (FileModifiedTime)
UNDELETE_CHECKIN_IF_DELETEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file was undeleted and checked in (UndeleteAndCheckinIfDeleted)
MAKE_FILE_WRITABLENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file is writable (MakeFileWriteable)
LABEL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoChangelist event label ID (LabelID)
ALLOW_LABEL_OVERRIDENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the label can be overridden (AllowLabelOverride)
FILE_STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile workflow state. Foreign key to the SCM_STATE table. (FileStateID)
FORCE_CHECKIN_WITHOUT_MERGENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if check in should be forced if no merge is necessary (ForceCheckinWOMerge)
UPDATE_IF_NO_CHANGENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the check in information should be updated if there is no change (UpdateIfNoChange)
REMOVE_LOCAL_FILENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the local file should be removed (RemoveLocalFile)
MERGED_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoMerged version number (MergedVersion)
MODIFIED_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoModified version number (ModifiedVersion)
COMMENTSNoNVARCHAR(max)NoChangelist event comments (Comments)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the changelist event was destroyed (Destroyed)
ROLLBACK_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_EVENT table. Event ID for rollbacks.
CommentContains all file check out information (CheckoutFile)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch the file is checked out from (MainlineID)
BRANCH_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesFile ID. Foreign key to the SCM_BRANCH_FILE table (BranchFileID)
USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesUser who checked out the file (UserID)
FILE_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile version checked out (FileVersion)
CHECKOUT_TIMENoDATETIMENoDate/time the file was checked out (CheckoutTime)
CHECKOUT_COMPUTERNoNVARCHAR(64)NoComputer the file was checked out to (CheckoutComputer)
DESTINATION_INFONoNVARCHAR(255)NoDestination information for the file (DestinationInfo)
COMMENTSNoVARCHAR(max)NoChecked out file comments (Comments)
CHECKOUT_FLAGNoCHARACTER(40)NoIndicates if the file is checked out (1) or checked in (0) (CheckoutFlag)
REBASE_PROMOTE_BRANCH_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoBranch ID for rebasing the file (RebasePromoteBranchID)
REBASE_PROMOTE_BRANCH_VERNoNUMERIC(10)NoBranch version for rebasing the file (RebasePromoteBranchVer)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the checked out file was destroyed (Destroyed)
CommentLists security commands used to assign Surround SCM permissions

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
COMMAND_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesCommand number from the enum list in Surround SCM
COMMAND_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(180)YesCommand description (e.g., Edit Server Options, Create Mainline Branch, etc.)
CommentContains custom field rules used in filters, reports, and triggers (ScmCustomFlds)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
CUSTOM_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesCustom field unique identifier (idCustomField)
DELETEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the custom field was deleted (Deleted)
CUSTOM_FIELD_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)YesCustom field name (Name)
CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoCustom field type (type)
DISPLAY_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoOrder to display the custom field (DisplayOrder)
FIELD_CODENoNVARCHAR(128)NoField type (e.g., OWNER, ASSIGNED, etc.) (FieldCode)
DFLT_NOT_SETNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if there is a default field value. Defaults have an exclusive-or relationship. Only one default value is relevant based on the field type. (DfltNotSet)
LIMITSNoNVARCHAR(max)NoCoded value that indicates the custom field limit (Limits)
DFLT_INT_VALUENoNUMERIC(10)NoDefault integer field value (DfltIntValue)
DFLT_TEXT_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoDefault text field value (DfltTextValue)
DFLT_DATE_VALUENoDATETIMENoDefault date field value (DfltDateValue)
DFLT_BOOL_VALUENoNUMERIC(1)NoDefault field value - 1:True, 0: False (DfltBoolValue)
DFLT_DOUBLE_VALUENoDOUBLE PRECISIONNoDefault double field value (DfltDoubleValue)
CommentContains a list of events performed in Surround SCM (event)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID (MainlineID)
EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (EventID)
BRANCH_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the BRANCH table. Branch the event was performed on. (BranchID)
BRANCH_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_BRANCH_REPOSITORY table that references the repository the event was performed on (BranchRepoID)
BRANCH_FILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_BRANCH_FILE table. File the event was performed on. (BranchFileID)
FILE_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile version the event was performed on (FileVersion)
EVENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoForeign key to the SCM_EVENT_TYPE table (EventType)
EVENT_DATENoDATETIMENoEvent timestamp (EventDate)
SCM_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_USER table. User who performed the event. (UserID)
USER_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoUsername that performed the event (UserName)
CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key that references the SCM_CHANGELIST table if the event was part of a changelist. (ChangelistID)
ALT_NAME1NoNVARCHAR(max)NoText field that contains additional event data based on the event type (AltName1)
ALT_NAME2NoNVARCHAR(max)NoText field that contains additional event data based on the event type (AltName2)
ALT_INTEGER1NoNUMERIC(10)NoNumeric field that contains additional event data based on the event type (AltInteger1)
ALT_INTEGER2NoNUMERIC(10)NoNumeric field that contains additional event data based on the event type (AltInteger2)
ALT_INTEGER3NoNUMERIC(10)NoNumeric field that contains additional event data based on the event type (AltInteger3)
COMMENTSNoNVARCHAR(max)NoEvent comments (Comments)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event was destroyed. Destroyed events cannot be restored. (Destroyed)
ROLLBACK_TYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoIndicates the action rolled back. Used when EVENT_TYPE value indicates a rollback.
CommentContains historical information about file custom field value changes (eventcustomfieldvalue)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch the event custom field belongs to (MainlineID)
EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent ID the custom field applies to (EventID)
CUSTOM_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesCustom field applied to the event (CustomFieldID)
IS_PREVIOUS_VALUEYesNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the field value was previously used (IsPreviousValue)
TEXT_VALUENoNVARCHAR(255)NoText custom field value (TextValue)
INTEGER_VALUENoNUMERIC(10)NoInteger custom field value (IntegerValue)
DOUBLE_VALUENoDOUBLE PRECISIONNoDouble custom field value (DoubleValue)
DATE_TIME_VALUENoDATETIMENoDate/time custom field value (DateTimeValue)
CHECKBOX_VALUENoNUMERIC(1)NoCheck box custom field value (checked or unchecked) (CheckBoxValue)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the custom field for the event was destroyed (Destroyed)
CommentRelates a Helix ALM defect to a Surround SCM file and the event that describes the attachment

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch the file belongs to
BRANCH_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the SCM_BRANCH_FILE table. File attached to the defect.
EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent that describes the attachment
BRANCH_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoBranch the file is in
BRANCH_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRepository the file is in
DEFECT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_DEFECT table for a direct link to the defect ID. An explicit foreign key is not available.
DEFECT_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_DEFECT table for a direct link to the defect number. An explicit foreign key is not available.
TT_PROJECT_NAMENoNVARCHAR(4000)NoHelix ALM project the defect references in the Surround SCM event
CommentRelates a Helix ALM defect to a Surround SCM file and the event that describes the attachment

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch the file belongs to (MainlineID)
BRANCH_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the SCM_BRANCH_FILE table. File attached to the requirement
EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent that describes the attachment
BRANCH_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoBranch the file is in
BRANCH_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRepository the file is in
REQUIREMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_REQUIREMENT table for a direct link to the requirement ID. An explicit foreign key is not available.
REQUIREMENT_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_REQUIREMENT table for a direct link to the requirement number. An explicit foreign key is not available.
TT_PROJECT_NAMENoNVARCHAR(4000)NoHelix ALM project the requirement references in the Surround SCM event
CommentRelates a Helix ALM test case to a Surround SCM file and the event that describes the attachment

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch the file belongs to
BRANCH_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the SCM_BRANCH_FILE table. File attached to the test case.
EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent that describes the attachment
BRANCH_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoBranch the file is in
BRANCH_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRepository the file is in
TESTCASE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_TESTCASE table for a direct link to the test case ID. An explicit foreign key is not available.
TESTCASE_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_TESTCASE table for a direct link to the test case number. An explicit foreign key is not available.
TT_PROJECT_NAMENoNVARCHAR(4000)NoHelix ALM project the test case references in the Surround SCM event
CommentLists the event type used for the SCM_EVENT table. This is an enum value in the source product. For reporting purposes, the value is decoded into this table and a foreign key was created to the SCM_EVENT table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
EVENT_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)YesDescription of the event type related to the EVENT_TYPE numeric value (e.g., Added to repository, Promoted to branch, etc.)
CommentContains all file custom field values (filecustomfieldvalue)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch the custom field value applies to (MainlineID)
BRANCH_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesFile the custom field value applies to (BranchFileID)
CUSTOM_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesCustom field the value applies to (CustomFieldID)
TEXT_VALUENoNVARCHAR(255)NoText custom field value (TextValue)
INTEGER_VALUENoNUMERIC(10)NoInteger custom field value (IntegerValue)
DOUBLE_VALUENoDOUBLE PRECISIONNoDouble custom field value (DoubleValue)
DATE_TIME_VALUENoDATETIMENoDate/time custom field value (DateTimeValue)
CHECKBOX_VALUENoNUMERIC(1)NoCheck box custom field value (checked or unchecked) (CheckBoxValue)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the custom field was destroyed (Destroyed)
CommentContains the master list of file revisions in Surround SCM (filerevision)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID (MainlineID)
FILE_REVISION_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (FileRevisionID)
FILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the ARCHIVE_FILE table (FileID)
REVISIONNoNVARCHAR(256)NoRevision number string. Used internally by Surround SCM to build a revision tree of file changes. (Revision)
PARENT_REVISION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key that references the FILEREVISION table. Parent revision (ParentRevisionID)
ARCHIVE_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the file revision was created (ArchiveDate)
MODIFY_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the archive file was modified (ModifyDate)
FILE_SIZENoBIGINTNoFile size (FileSize)
FILE_CRCNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile CRC. Used for binary, MacBinary, and UTF16 files. (FileCRC)
DELTA_COUNTNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of delta chunks (DeltaCount)
DELTA_CHUNKSIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoDelta chunk size (DeltaChunkSize)
DELTA_SIZENoBIGINTNoDelta size (DeltaSize)
DELTA_EOL_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoEnd of line type for delta (DeltaEOLType)
TEXT_CRCNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile text CRC. Used for ASCII, UTF8, and symlink files. (textCRC)
NEXT_BRANCH_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoNext number to add to the FILEREVISION.REVISION value if the file is branched (NextBranchNum)
USER_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoUser who created the revision. Used for keyword expansion. (Username)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the file revision was destroyed. Destroyed file revisions cannot be restored. (Destroyed)
CommentContains information about Surround SCM security groups (SCMGroups)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
GROUP_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPrimary key to the SCM_GROUP table (idGroup)
GROUP_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)NoSecurity group name (Name)
GROUP_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(1020)NoSecurity group description (Description)
GROUP_NOTESNoNVARCHAR(max)NoAdditional security group information (Notes)
SECURITY_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(5)NoSecurity version (SecurityVersion)
CommentLists commands for a Surround SCM security group. The commands are a list in the Surround SCM code. (scmgroupcmds)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
GROUP_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesGroup identifier related to the SCM_GROUP table (idGroup)
COMMAND_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesCommand identifier related to the SCM_COMMAND lookup table (idCommand)
CommentContains all Surround SCM labels (Label)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch the label applies to (MainlineID)
LABEL_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPrimary key to the SCM_LABEL table. Unique within a source/mainline branch. (LabelID)
BRANCH_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoBranch the label applies to (BranchID)
IS_HIDDENNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the label is hidden (IsHidden)
LABEL_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoLabel name (LabelName)
LABEL_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(1024)NoLabel description (LabelDescription)
OWNER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who owns the label (OwnerID)
TIME_CREATEDNoDATETIMENoDate/time the label was created (TimeCreated)
FILE_COUNTNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of files the label is applied to (FileCount)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the label was destroyed (Destroyed)
CommentContains all events related to Surround SCM labels (Labelevent)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch the label event applies to (MainlineID)
LABEL_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTable row unique identifier (LabelEventID)
LABEL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLabel ID the event applies to (LabelID)
EVENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoForeign key to the LABEL_EVENT_TYPE table - 0: Create label, 1: Add label, 2: Remove label from a file, 3: Rename label, 4: Hide label, 5: Unhide label, 6: Update labeled file version (EventType)
SCM_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser ID that performed the event (UserID)
EVENT_TIMENoDATETIMENoDate/time the event occurred (EventTime)
FILE_COUNTNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of files labeled (FileCount)
COMMENTSNoNVARCHAR(max)NoComments entered by the user when the event occurred (Comments)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the label was destroyed (Destroyed)
CommentList of Surround SCM label event types

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
EVENT_TYPEYesNUMERIC(5)YesLabel event type unique identifier
EVENT_TYPE_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)NoLabel event type description (e.g., Create label, Label hidden, etc.)
CommentContains label association and file information (Labelfile)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesMainline branch the file label is associated with (MainlineID)
LABEL_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesFile label (LabelID)
BRANCH_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesFile the label is applied to (BranchFileID)
FILE_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoFile version associated with the label and file (FileVersion)
LABEL_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLabel event (LabelEventID)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the label was destroyed (Destroyed)
CommentContains the list of Surround SCM mainline branches that reside in the RDBMS database (Mainline)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID. All other mainline-related tables link to this ID. (MainlineID)
MAINLINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)NoUnique mainline name (MainlineName)
MAINLINE_UUIDNoNVARCHAR(114)NoUniversally unique mainline identifier (MainlineUUID)
DISASSOCIATEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the mainline was removed, but not destroyed, from the Surround SCM Server (Disassociated)
MAINLINE_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(30)NoMainline schema version number (MainlineVers)
LOAD_BRANCHNoNVARCHAR(1024)NoComma-separated list of branch IDs (from the SCM_BRANCH table) that load into the server cache when the mainline is loaded (LoadBranch)
NAME_CASE_SENSITIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the mainline allows case-sensitive file and repository names. Default is false. (NameCaseSensitive)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the mainline was destroyed. Destroyed mainlines cannot be used or restored. (Destroyed)
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the mainline is active. Originates from the source system REPODBS.ACTIVE field. REPODBS is for reporting purposes and is only required to indicate if the mainline is active. (repodbs.active)
CommentStores the file versions that were merged into the same file on a different branch

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the SCM_MAINLINE table. Mainline branch the data originated from.
MERGE_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
BRANCH_FILE_ID_FROMNoNUMERIC(10)YesFile ID the changes originated from
LOCAL_VERSION_STARTNoNUMERIC(10)YesStarting revision of the merge to file indicated by BRANCH_FILE_ID_FROM
LOCAL_VERSION_ENDNoNUMERIC(10)YesEnding revision of merge to file indicated by BRANCH_FILE_ID_FROM
BRANCH_FILE_ID_TONoNUMERIC(10)YesFile ID the changes are merged into
LOCAL_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)YesFile version where changes were merged indicated by BRANCH_FILE_ID_TO
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the merge was destroyed
CommentContains the master list of Surround SCM repositories (Repository)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
MAINLINE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesParent mainline branch ID (MainlineID)
REPOSITORY_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (RepositoryID)
PARENT_REPOSITORY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the SCM_REPOSITORY table. Parent repository. (ParentRepoID)
DESTROYEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the repository was destroyed. Destroyed repositories cannot be restored. (Destroyed)
CommentContains information about Surround SCM workflow states (scmstates)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
STATE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPrimary key to the SCM_STATE table (idState)
DELETEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the state was deleted (Deleted)
STATE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)YesState name (Name)
STATE_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(1020)NoState description (Description)
CommentContains information about Helix ALM connections configured in Surround SCM (Helix ALMDBCONF)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TTP_DB_CONFIG_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idHelix ALMDbConf)
CONFIG_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)NoHelix ALM connection name (e.g., Helix ALM Bugs) (ConfigName)
DISPLAY_ORDERNoNUMERIC(5)NoIndicates the display order for the record in the Helix ALM configuration list in the Surround SCM Client (DisplayOrder)
TT_PROJ_UUIDNoNVARCHAR(38)NoHelix ALM project unique identifier
TT_SERVER_IPNoNVARCHAR(512)NoHelix ALM Server host and IP address (TTServerIP)
TT_SERVER_PORTNoNUMERIC(5)NoHelix ALM Server port (TTServerPort)
TT_DB_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)NoHelix ALM project name (TTDbName)
TT_DB_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoHelix ALM project ID (TTDbID)
CommentContains information about Surround SCM users (scmusers)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
SCM_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPrimary key to the SCM_USER table (idUser)
SCM_USER_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoUsername (Username)
CommentContains users in Surround SCM security groups (scmusergrp)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
GROUP_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesSecurity group the user belongs to. A user can belong to multiple groups. (idGroup)
SCM_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesUsers in the security group (idUser)
CommentContains information about Surround SCM workflows (scmworkflows)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
WORKFLOW_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idWorkFlow)
WORKFLOW_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)YesWorkflow name (Name)
WORKFLOW_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(1020)NoWorkflow description (Description)
STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoDefault workflow state ID for the workflow (idDefaultState)
ROLLBACK_OPTIONNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the state is rolled back when the file version is rolled back (RollbackOption)
CommentContains states associated with Surround SCM workflows (scmwrkflwstates)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
WORKFLOW_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesWorkflow ID the state is associated with (idWorkFlow)
STATE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesState definition ID that describes the state (idState)
DISPLAY_ORDERNoNUMERIC(5)NoNumeric value that indicates the display order for the state list in the Surround SCM Client (DisplayOrder)
CommentLists the users currently assigned to a defect. Can also be used to view the defects assigned to a user across multiple projects. This table is not available in Helix ALM and is a break out of a multi-list.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from.
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users the defect is assigned to
DEFECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_DEFECT table. Defects assigned to the user.
CommentLists the users currently assigned to a requirement document. Can also be used to view the documents assigned to a user to across multiple projects. This table is not in available in Helix ALM and is a break out of a multi-list.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from.
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users the document is assigned to
DOCUMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesIndicates the requirement document assigned to the user. Foreign key to the TT_DOCUMENT table.
CommentLists the users currently assigned to a requirement. Can also be used to view the requirements assigned to a user across multiple projects. This table is not in available in Helix ALM and is a break out of a multi-list.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from.
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users the requirement is assigned to
REQUIREMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRequirement assigned to the user. Foreign key to the TT_REQUIREMENT table.
CommentLists the users currently assigned to a test case. Can also be used to view the test cases assigned to a user across multiple projects. This table is not in available in Helix ALM and is a break out of a multi-list.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from.
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users the test case is assigned to
TESTCASE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the TT_TESTCASE table. Test case assigned to the user.
CommentLists the users currently assigned to a test run. Can also be used to view the test runs assigned to a user across multiple projects. This table is not in available in Helix ALM and is a break out of a multi-list.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from.
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users the test run is assigned to
TESTRUN_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesForeign key to the TT_TESTRUN table. Test run assigned to the user.
CommentContains the changes made to defect, test case or test run records. Each row records changes made to an entity and information regarding who, when, and how changes were made. Change information isstored in such a way that, if the user information is modified or deleted at a later date, the audit log table represents the information as it was when the changes were made.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesHelix ALM project ID, identifies row’s parent project
AUDITLOG_IDYesNCHAR(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
AUDIT_DATETIMENoDATETIMEYesDate and time change was made; changed item identified by ENTITYTYPE and ENTITYID
LOGIN_NAMENoNVARCHAR(356)YesUser login name
FULL_NAMENoNVARCHAR(65)YesFull name (last, first) of user making the changes
ENTITY_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity to which the changes are linked to, defects, test cases or test runs
ENTITY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLink to the record ID in the table specified by ENTITYTYPE
AUTO_REASONNoNVARCHAR(255)YesDescription of how item was changed (e.g., renumbered, changed via bulk field changes)
ENTITY_IDENNoNVARCHAR(255)NoDescription of changed item
MAN_REASONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoReason, entered by user, describing why changes were made; identified by ENTITYTYPE and ENTITYID
MOD_SOURCENoNVARCHAR(255)NoDescription of source of changes (e.g, Web, SOAP, XML)
MOD_TYPENoNVARCHAR(255)NoDescription of how source changes were made (e.g. Edit Window, List window, bulk field changes)
CHANGESNoNVARCHAR(max)NoXML-formatted text documents changes
HASHNoNVARCHAR(255)NoAn MD5 hash of the LOGINNAME and DATETIME; verifies that data for this row has not been modified
SIG_CAPTUREDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if electronic signatured is captured for this change.
CommentContains custom field values for defect workflow events. Each row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DEFECT_EVENT and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table (idCustRec)
DEFECT_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_DEFECT_EVENT table (idDefEvt)
CUSTOM_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoCustom values for a defect event (CustValue)
CommentContains information related to defect custom fields. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single defect. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DEFECT and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP FIELD tables are set depending on list value type. (CUSTMVAL)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
DEFECT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_DEFECT table (ParentID)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table (idCustRec)
CUSTOM_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoCustom values for a defect (CustValue)
CommentContains custom field values for requirement document workflow events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT and the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending value list type. (CSRDEVTVL)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table (idCustRec)
DOCUMENT_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT table (idEvent)
CUSTOM_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoCustom values for a document event (CustValue)
CommentContains information related to custom fields on a requirement document. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single document. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DOCUMENT table and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending value list type. (CSDOCVAL)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
DOCUMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_DOCUMENT table (ParentID)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table (idCustRec)
CUSTOM_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoDocument custom values (CustValue)
CommentContains custom field pop-up menu values. Each table row represents one pop-up menu item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FIELD_POPUP_LIST table. Each row in this table has a pop-up menu record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_FIELD_POPUP_LIST table. (FLDCUSTM)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
POPUP_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
POPUP_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a record ID in the TT_FIELD_POPUP_LIST table (idPUList)
FIELD_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoItem order relative to other items (FieldOrder)
FIELD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoText displayed for pop-up menu items (Descriptor)
CommentContains custom field values for requirement workflow events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT and the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type. (CSREVTVL)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
REQUIREMENT_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT table (idEvent)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table (idCustRec)
CUSTOM_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoRequirement event custom values (CustValue)
CommentContains information related to requirement custom fields. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single requirement. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_REQUIREMENT and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type. (CSREQVAL)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
REQUIREMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a record ID in the TT_REQUIREMENT table (ParentID)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table (idCustRec)
CUSTOM_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoRequirement custom values (CustValue)
CommentContains custom field values for test case workflow events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type. (CSTTCEVTVAL)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TESTCASE_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT table (idDefEvt)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table (idCustRec)
CUSTOM_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoTest case event custom values (CustValue)
CommentContains information related to custom test case fields. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single test case. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTCASE table and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TESTCASE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_TESTCASE table (ParentID)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table (idCustRec)
COVERAGE_VARIABLE_STATENoNUMERIC(5)NoCoverage variable type- 0: Unknown, 1: Required, 2: Excluded, 3: Generated, 4: Additional, 5: All Coverage (CvVrState)
CUSTOM_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoTest case custom values (CustValue)
CommentContains custom field values for test run workflow events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTRUN_EVENT and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables, user/customer tables, or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type. (CSTTREVTVAL)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table (idCustRec)
TESTRUN_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in TT_TESTRUN_EVENT table (idDefEvt)
CUSTOM_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoTest run event custom values (CustValue)
CommentContains information related to test run custom fields. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single test run. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTRUN and TT_FIELD_DEFINITION tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma-separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD tables are set depending on the list value type. (CUSTTRVAL)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TESTRUN_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_TESTRUN table (ParentID)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table (idCustRec)
COVERAGE_VARIABLE_STATENoNUMERIC(5)NoCoverage variable type- 0: Unknown, 1: Required, 2: Excluded, 3: Generated, 4: Additional, 5: All Coverage (CvVrState)
CUSTOM_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoTest run custom values (CustValue)
CommentContains database option name/value pairs.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
OPTION_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
OPTION_NAMENoVARCHAR(252)NoOption name in the name/value pair
OPTION_VALUENoVARCHAR(1020)NoOption value in the name/value pair
CommentContains Helix ALM defect information. Each table row represents one defect. Additional information associated with a defect is in the TT_DEFECT_EVENT table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the TT_STATE, TT_FIELD_TYPE, TT_FIELD_PRODUCT, TT_FIELD_DISPOSITION, TT_FIELD_PRIORITY, TT_FIELD_COMPONENT, and TT_FIELD_SEVERITY tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the TT_USER table. (DEFECTS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
DEFECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) the defect was added to the database (dateCreate)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the defect. References a record ID in the TT_USER table. (idCreateBy)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) the defect was last modified (dateModify)
MODIFIED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the defect. References a record ID in the TT_USER table. (idModifyBy)
DEFECT_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoDefect number. Value is zero if a number is not assigned. (DefectNum)
SUMMARYNoNVARCHAR(255)NoSummary field (Summary)
STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoDefect state. References a record ID in the TT_STATE table. (Status)
INIT_STATUSNoNUMERIC(10)NoInitial defect state (InitStatus)
TYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoType field. References a record ID in the TT_FIELD_TYPE table. (idType)
PRODUCT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProduct field. References a record ID in the TT_FIELD_PRODUCT table. (idProduct)
REFERENCENoNVARCHAR(255)NoReference field (Reference)
ENTERED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoEntered by field. References a record ID in the TT_USER table. (idEnterBy)
ENTERED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time entered field (in GMT) (dateEnter)
DISPOSITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoDisposition field. References a record ID in the TT_FIELD_DISPOSITION table. (idDisposit)
PRIORITY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoPriority field. References a record ID in the TT_FIELD_PRIORITY table. (idPriority)
COMPONENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoComponent field. References a record ID in the TT_FIELD_COMPONENT table. (idCompon)
SEVERITY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoSeverity field. References a record ID in the TT_FIELDS_SEVERITY table. (idSeverity)
ADD_LOCATION_TYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoMethod used to add the defect- 0: unknown, 1: Add Defect window, 2: SoloSubmit, 3: SoloBug file, 4: Email import, 5: Text file import, 6: Helix ALM user duplicated a defect. If a defect was created during a conversion from a Helix ALM 1.8.x or Workgroup database, the value is set to unknown (AddLocat)
WORKAROUND_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(max)NoWorkaround field (Workaround)
TICKET_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future functionality (idTicket)
CommentContains defect file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the defect record. (ATTACHMT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACHMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
DEFECT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_DEFECT table. Indicates the defect the file is attached to. In Helix ALM, this is EntityRID.
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type - 1: Macintosh binary file, 2: Other file type (AttType)
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(200)NoOriginal file name before attached to the defect (FileName)
MAC_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only) (MacType)
MAC_CREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only) (MacCreator)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile creation date/time (dateCreate)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile modification date/time (dateModify)
FILE_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoFile size (FileSize)
ARCHIVE_FILENAMENoNVARCHAR(24)NoArchive file name used for storage in the database (ArchvFile)
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use (Compressed)
ATTACH_IN_DBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file contents are stored in database (valid for RDBMS only) (AttachInDB)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoWYSIWYG field ID that contains inline images (FieldID)
IMG_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal width of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgWidth)
IMG_HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal height of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgHeight)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_SUBTYPE table. Specifies the subtype field definition the file attachment belongs to. (SubtypeID)
CommentContains defect file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the defect report record. (ATTACHMT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACHMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
REPORTED_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_DEFECT_REPORT table. Defect report the file is attached to. In Helix ALM, this is EntityRID.
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type - 1: Macintosh binary file, 2: Other file type (AttType)
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(200)NoOriginal file name before it was attached to the defect (FileName)
MAC_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only) (MacType)
MAC_CREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only) (MacCreator)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile creation date/time (dateCreate)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile modification date/time (dateModify)
FILE_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoFile size (FileSize)
ARCHIVE_FILENAMENoNVARCHAR(24)NoArchive file name used for storage in the database (ArchvFile)
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use (Compressed)
ATTACH_IN_DBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file contents are stored in database (valid for RDBMS only) (AttachInDB)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoWYSIWYG field ID that contains inline images (FieldID)
IMG_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal width of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgWidth)
IMG_HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal height of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgHeight)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_SUBTYPE table. Specifies the subtype field definition the file attachment belongs to. (SubtypeID)
CommentContains workflow event information for each event recorded on a defect. Each table row represents a single defect event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DEFECT, TT_EVENT, TT_USER, and TT_STATE tables. (DEFECTEVTS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
DEFECT_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_EVENT table (EvtDefID)
ORDER_NUMNoNUMERIC(5)NoOrder the defect event was created relative to other defect events. Internal counter for a specific defect. (OrderNum)
DEFECT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a record in the TT_DEFECT table (ParentID)
PARENT_DEFECT_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in TT_DEFECT_EVENT table. If the event is a response to a multi-user assignment, the field contains the parent event record ID. If the event is not a response to a multi-user assignment, the field contains -1. (EvtMUParnt)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in TT_USER table. If a user created the event, the field contains the user record ID. If the event was generated by Helix ALM, the field contains a record ID of -2 translated to NULL for the data warehouse. (idUser)
EVENT_DATENoDATETIMENoDefect event date/time (dateEvent)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(max)NoNotes field (Notes)
TIME_SPENTNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoIf the definition for this event (TT_EVENT table) has the time tracking option selected, contains the time entered by the user. If time tracking is not enabled, the value is -1. (TimeSpent)
STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_STATE table. If the event affects the resulting state, the field contains the resulting state record ID. If the event does not affect the resulting state, the value is 0. (RsltState)
RELEASE_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoNotes field if the event is configured to include release notes information (RelVersion)
GENERATED_BY_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoHow the event was created - 0: Created by user, 1: Created by multi-user assignment, 2: Created by auto assignment, 3: Created by auto escalation (GenByType)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future use (CreatorID)
DEFAULT_ASSIGN_EFFECTNoNUMERIC(2)NoAssignment for the event when it was added - 1: Event results in new assignment, 2: Event has no effect on assignment, 3: Event clears assignment. Intended to preserve history if the event definition is modified (DefAsgEff)
WORKFLOW_OVERRIDENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event is a result of a workflow override (OvrWF)
WORKFLOW_OVERRIDE_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_USER table. If the event is a result of a workflow override, the value is the record ID in use. Otherwise, the value is 0. (OvrWFUsrID)
ITEM_MARK_SUSPECTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user marked dependent items as suspect (SspLnkItms)
CommentList of assigned users for a defect event. This table is not available in Helix ALM and is a break out of the multi-user AsgndUsers field.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesUser the defect is assigned to
DEFECT_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesDefect assigned to the user
CommentContains defect event file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DEFECT_EVENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record in the TT_DEFECT_EVENT table. (ATTACHMT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACHMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
DEFECT_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_DEFECT_EVENT table. Defect event the file is attached to. (EntityRID)
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type - 1: Macintosh binary file, 2: Other file type (AttType)
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(200)NoOriginal file name before it was attached to an entity (FileName)
MAC_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only) (MacType)
MAC_CREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only) (MacCreator)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile creation date (dateCreate)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile modification date (dateModify)
FILE_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoFile size (FileSize)
ARCHIVE_FILENAMENoNVARCHAR(24)NoArchive file name used for storage in the database (ArchvFile)
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use (Compressed)
ATTACH_IN_DBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file contents are stored in database (valid for RDBMS only) (AttachInDB)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID that contains the WYSIWYG inline image (FieldID)
IMG_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal width of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgWidth)
IMG_HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal height of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgHeight)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_SUBTYPE table. Specifies the subtype field definition the file attachment belongs to. (SubtypeID)
CommentContains historical log information about changes made to defect records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in a defect record. Each row has a defect record ID that matches a record in the TT_DEFECT table. (DEFLOG)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
DEFECT_LOG_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made the change. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idUser)
DEFECT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_DEFECT table (ParentID)
LOG_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the change occurred (dateLog)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(4000)NoChange description (Notes)
CommentContains defect reported by information. Each table row represents one defect report. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DEFECT table because Helix ALM allows multiple reports in one defect. Each row in this table has a defect record that matches a record in the TT_DEFECT table. (Reportby)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
REPORTED_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
DEFECT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a record in the TT_DEFECT table (idDefRec)
FOUND_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoFound by field. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idFoundBy)
FOUND_DATENoDATETIMENoFound by date field (dateFound)
ORDER_NUMNoNUMERIC(5)NoReported by record order relative to other reported by records. Internal counter for a specific defect. (OrderNum)
VERSION_FOUNDNoNVARCHAR(32)NoVersion found field. Stores item text if it is selected from the FLDVERSN table in the application, but that table is not carried over because no foreign key is needed. This value is stored as the actual version. (VersnFound)
REPORT_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(max)NoDescription field (Descrptn)
REPRODUCED_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReproduced field. References a record ID in the TT_FIELD_REPRODUCED table. (idReprod)
REPRODUCED_STEPSNoNVARCHAR(max)NoSteps to reproduce field (ReproSteps)
TEST_CONFIG_TYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoComputer configuration field type - 1: User Test Configuration, 2: Standard Test Configuration (TstConType)
CONFIG_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoStandard computer configuration field. References a record ID in the TT_SYSTEM_CONFIG table. (idConfig)
OTHER_HARDWARE_SOFTWARENoNVARCHAR(max)NoOther hardware and software field (OtherHwSw)
CONTACT_INFORMATIONNoNVARCHAR(63)NoUser contact information (phone number or email address) (Contact)
CommentIf the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Not available in the Helix ALM application.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_DEFECT_VALUE table. Defect and field definition
POPUP_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Custom pop-up menu field
CommentIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table. Not available in the Helix ALM application.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_DEFECT_VALUE table. Defect and field definition
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER table. User or customer.
CommentIf the event custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_DEFECT_EVENT_VALUE table. Defect event and field definition
POPUP_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Custom pop-up menu field
CommentIf the defect event custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_DEFECT_EVENT_VALUE table. Defect event and field definition
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER table. User or customer
CommentLists the states for a requirement document workflow event. In the source system, the Event.RsltStates field is a space-delimited list of states for the event. The data warehouse breaks these states into a normalized list for easier reporting.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
STATE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent resulting state
DOCUMENT_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRequirement document event the state relates to
CommentIf the requirement document custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_EVENT_VALUE table. Document event and field definition
POPUP_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Pop-up menu field
CommentIf the requirement document custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_EVENT_VALUE table. Document event and field definition
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER table. User or customer
CommentContains requirement document information. Each table row represents one requirement document. (DOCUMENT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
DOCUMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) the document was added to the database (dateCreate)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the document. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idCreateBy)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) document was last modified (dateModify)
MODIFIED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the document. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idModifyBy)
DOCUMENT_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoDocument number. Value is 0 if a number is not assigned. (DocNum)
DOCUMENT_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoDocument name (Name)
STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent document workflow state. References a record in the TT_STATE table. (idStatus)
ADD_LOCATIONNoNUMERIC(5)NoLocation in the application the document was added from (e.g., Add Requirement Document window) (AddLocat)
DOCUMENT_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent document version number (Version)
DOCUMENT_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(max)NoDocument description (Descrptn)
PAGE_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(10, 3)NoPage width for multi-line text fields in the Specification Document window (PgWidth)
LEFT_MARGINNoNUMERIC(10, 3)NoLeft margin indent in the Specification Document window (LeftMargin)
UNIT_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoUnits the page width and left margin are specified in- 0: Pixels, 1: Inches, 2: Centimeters (UnitType)
INITIAL_STATENoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the initial state for the document
CommentContains requirement document file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DOCUMENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_DOCUMENT table. (ATTACHMT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACHMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
DOCUMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_DOCUMENT table. Document the attachment is associated with. (EntityRID)
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type - 1: Macintosh binary file, 2: Other file type (AttType)
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(200)NoOriginal file name before it was attached to an entity (FileName)
MAC_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only) (MacType)
MAC_CREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only) (MacCreator)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile creation date (dateCreate)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile modification date (dateModify)
FILE_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoFile size (FileSize)
ARCHIVE_FILENAMENoNVARCHAR(24)NoArchive file name used for storage in the database (ArchvFile)
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use (Compressed)
ATTACH_IN_DBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file contents are stored in the database (valid for RDBMS only) (AttachInDB)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID that contains the WYSIWYG inline image (FieldID)
IMG_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal width of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgWidth)
IMG_HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal height of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgHeight)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_SUBTYPE table. Specifies the subtype field definition the file attachment belongs. (SubtypeID)
CommentContains the original values for fields that changed after a requirement document snapshot was created. The document always stores the current value. (DOCCHNGS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
DOCUMENT_CHANGE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
SNAPSHOT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_DOCUMENT_SNAPSHOT table (ParentID)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table. (idField)
HAS_VALUENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the OrigValue field represents original value. If false, the original value was NULL. (HasValue)
ORIGINAL_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoOriginal value for the field stored as the string value (OrigValue)
CommentContains workflow event information for each event recorded in a requirement document. Each table row represents a single document event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DOCUMENT, TT_EVENT, TT_USER, and TT_STATE tables. (DOCEVTS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
DOCUMENT_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_EVENT table (EvtDefID)
ORDER_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(5)NoIdentifies the order the document event was created relative to other document events. Internal counter for a specific document. (OrderNum)
DOCUMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a record in the TT_DOCUMENT table (ParentID)
PARENT_DOCUMENT_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT table. If the event is a response to a multi-user assignment, the value is the record ID of the parent event. If the event is not a response to a multi-user assignment, the value is -1. (EvtMUParnt)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_USER table. If a user entered the event, the value is the record ID of the user. If the event was generated by Helix ALM, the field contains a record ID of -2. (idUser)
EVENT_DATENoDATETIMENoDocument event date (dateEvent)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(max)NoNotes field (Notes)
TIME_SPENTNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoIf the definition for this event (TT_EVENT table) has the time tracking option selected, contains the time entered by the user. If time tracking is not enabled for the event, the value is -1. (TimeSpent)
RELEASE_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoNotes field if event is configured to include release notes information (RelVersion)
GENERATED_BY_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoHow the event was created - 0: Created by user, 1: Created by multi-user assignment, 2: Created by auto assignment, 3: Created by auto escalation (GenByType)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future use (CreatorID)
DEFAULT_ASSIGN_EFFECTNoNUMERIC(2)NoAssignment for the event when it was run - 1: Event results in new assignment, 2: Event has no effect on assignment, 3: Event clears assignment. Intended to preserve history if the event definition is modified (DefAsgEff)
WORKFLOW_OVERRIDENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event is a result of a workflow override (OvrWF)
WORKFLOW_OVERRIDE_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_USER table. If the event is a result of a workflow override, the value is the record ID of use. Otherwise, field value is 0. (OvrWFUsrID)
ITEM_MARK_SUSPECTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user selected the option to mark dependent items as suspect (SspLnkItms)
DOCUMENT_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoVersion number of the document that was current when the event was entered (Version)
CommentLists assigned users for a requirement document event. This table is not available in Helix ALM and is a break out of the multi-user DocEvts.AsgndUsers field from the application.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users the document events are assigned to
DOCUMENT_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of document events assigned to a user
CommentContains requirement document workflow event file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT table. (ATTACHMT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACHMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
DOCUMENT_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT table. Document event the file is attached to. (EntityRID)
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type - 1: Macintosh binary file, 2: Other file type (AttType)
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(200)NoOriginal file name before it was attached to an entity (FileName)
MAC_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only) (MacType)
MAC_CREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only) (MacCreator)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile creation date (dateCreate)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile modification date (dateModify)
FILE_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoFile size (FileSize)
ARCHIVE_FILENAMENoNVARCHAR(24)NoArchive file name used for storage in the database (ArchvFile)
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use (Compressed)
ATTACH_IN_DBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file contents are stored in database (valid for RDBMS only) (AttachInDB)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID that contains the WYSIWYG inline image (FieldID)
IMG_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal width of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgWidth)
IMG_HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal height of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgHeight)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_SUBTYPE table. Specifies the subtype field definition the file attachment belongs. (SubtypeID)
CommentContains historical log information about changes made to requirement document records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the document records. Each row has a document record ID that matches a record in the TT_DOCUMENT table. (DOCLOG)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
DOCUMENT_LOG_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made change. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idUser)
DOCUMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_DOCUMENT table (ParentID)
LOG_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the change occurred (dateLog)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(4000)NoChange description (Notes)
CommentContains the requirement relationship tree for the current version of the requirement document (DOCTREE)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TREE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
DOCUMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a record in the TT_DOCUMENT table (idDocument)
PARENT_TREE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_DOCUMENT_REQUIREMENT_TREE table. Contains the record of the parent node in the tree. If the node is at the top level, the value is 0. (ParentID)
REQUIREMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_REQUIREMENT table (idReqmnt)
SIBLING_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoOrder of the node relative to siblings in the parent node (SibOrder)
IS_SUSPECTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the node is marked as suspect (IsSuspect)
CommentIf the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_VALUE table. Document and field definition
POPUP_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Custom pop-up menu field
CommentIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_DOCUMENT_EVENT_VALUE table. Document and field definition
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER table. User or customer
CommentContains requirement document snapshot information. Each table row represents one document snapshot. (DOCSNPST)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
SNAPSHOT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
DOCUMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_DOCUMENT table (idDocument)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) snapshot was added to the database (dateCreate)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the snapshot. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idCreateBy)
SNAPSHOT_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoSnapshot version number (Version)
SNAPSHOT_LABELNoNVARCHAR(32)NoSnapshot label (Label)
SNAPSHOT_COMMENTNoNVARCHAR(max)NoSnapshot comment (Commnt)
CommentContains tracked email information. Each table row represents one email. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the group of tables that used to be emailassoc in the application (e.g., TT_EMAIL_DEFECT, TT_EMAIL_DOCUMENT, etc.). (EMAIL)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EMAIL_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
IS_ORPHANNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if email is associated with an entity (IsOrphan)
EMAIL_SUBJECTNoNVARCHAR(255)NoEmail subject (Subject)
EMAIL_BODYNoNVARCHAR(max)NoEmail message body (Body)
SENT_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time email was sent (DateSent)
RECEIVED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time email was received (DateRecd)
THREAD_MESSAGE_IDNoNVARCHAR(255)NoEmail message ID in the thread (ThdMsgID)
EMAIL_DIRECTIONNoNUMERIC(5)NoIndicates if the email was sent or received - 0: outgoing, 1: incoming (Direction)
IS_HTMLNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the email is in HTML format (IsHtml)
CommentContains information about defects that tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity. (EMAILASSOC)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EMAIL_DEFECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
DEFECT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_DEFECT table (EntityRID)
EMAIL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_EMAIL table (EmailID)
PARENT_EMAIL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoParent email ID (ParentID)
CommentContains information about requirement documents that tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity. (EMAILASSOC)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EMAIL_DOCUMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
DOCUMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_DOCUMENT table (EntityRID)
EMAIL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_EMAIL table (EmailID)
PARENT_EMAIL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoParent email ID (ParentID)
CommentContains email recipient information. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_EMAIL table.(EMAILRECP)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EMAIL_RECIPIENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
EMAIL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_EMAIL table (EmailID)
RECIPIENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoRecipient type - 1: From, 2: To, 3: Cc, 4: Bcc (Type)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReference a record ID in the TT_USER table (UserID)
EMAIL_ADDRESSNoNVARCHAR(63)NoRecipient email address (Address)
CommentContains information about the requirements that tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity. (EMAILASSOC)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EMAIL_REQUIREMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
REQUIREMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_REQUIREMENT table (EntityRID)
EMAIL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in TT_EMAIL table (EmailID)
PARENT_EMAIL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoParent email ID (ParentID)
CommentContains information about the test cases that tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity. (EMAILASSOC)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EMAIL_TESTCASE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TESTCASE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_TESTCASE table (EntityRID)
EMAIL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_EMAIL table (EmailID)
PARENT_EMAIL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoParent email ID (ParentID)
CommentContains information about the test runs that tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity. (EMAILASSOC)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EMAIL_TESTRUN_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TESTRUN_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_TESTRUN table (EntityRID)
EMAIL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_EMAIL table (EmailID)
PARENT_EMAIL_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoParent email ID (ParentID)
CommentLists email types. Not available in the Helix ALM application. Used to describe email types to data warehouse users.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
EMAIL_TYPEYesNUMERIC(2)YesEmail type unique identifier
EMAIL_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)YesEmail type description (e.g., Internet, MAPI, Other)
CommentContains Helix ALM entity codes that correspond to the table they represent. Can be used filter states, events, and other areas based on a specific entity type

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
ENTITY_TYPEYesNUMERIC(10)YesHelix ALM internal code for the entity type
ENTITY_TYPE_DESCRIPTIONNoVARCHAR(180)YesEntity name the code relates to
CommentContains workflow event definition information. Each table row represents one event definition. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table. (EVENTS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
ENTITY_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_ENTITY_TYPE table. Entity type the event is linked to. (EntityType)
EVENT_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoEvent name (Name)
EVENT_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoEvent description (EventDesc)
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event is active in the workflow (Active)
EVENT_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoOrder events are displayed in the workflow configuration dialog boxes (EventOrder)
INFORMATIONAL_ONLYNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event is informational only or affects the current state of the entity (Inform)
ALLOW_ATTACHMENTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if files can be attached to the event (AllowAttch)
TIME_TRACK_ENABLENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if time tracking is enabled for the event (TimeTrk)
TIME_TRACK_OPERATIONNoNUMERIC(2)NoHow time tracking works - 1: display sum of event hours, 2: display last even hours (TimeTrkOpt)
ASSIGN_EFFECTNoNUMERIC(2)NoAssignment value - 1: event results in new assignment, 2: event has no effect on assignment, 3: event clears assignment (AssignEff)
QUICK_LINK_ICONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoFile name used as a graphic on the Helix ALM Web list window for the event (QkLinkIcon)
EVENT_ICONNoIMAGENoBinary data for the toolbar icon displayed in the Helix ALM Windows Client (EventIcon)
ICON_ON_WINDOWS_TOOLBARNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if icon is displayed on the Windows toolbar (IncEvtIcon)
EVENT_ICON_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoEvent icon file name (EvtIconNm)
EVENT_IN_RELEASE_NOTESNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event notes should be included with release notes (EvtIncRel)
ALLOW_MULTIPLE_USERSNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if multiple user assignments are allowed (AllowMUAs)
REQUIRE_ELECTRONIC_SIGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if electronic signature is required to complete the event (ReqESigs)
HIDE_DIALOGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates to hide the dialog if there are no fields to display (HideDlg)
INCLUDE_NOTES_REQUIREMENTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if event notes should be included in requirement document review mode. Only applies to requirements. (EvVsRwMod)
DEPENDENT_ITEM_SUSPECTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event should allow marking dependent items as suspect (DnLnkSusp)
CommentList of states for a workflow event. In the source system, the Event.RsltStates field is a space-delimited list of states for the event. The data warehouse breaks these states into a normalized list for easier reporting.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
STATE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent resulting state
EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent the state is related to
CommentContains external source control provider information (Git, GitHub, etc.)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_PROVIDER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
PROVIDER_NAMENoVARCHAR(1024)YesProvider name. Field is required and must be unique.
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if provider is active
PROVIDER_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider type - 1: Source control provider
PROVIDER_SUBTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider subtype - 0: Other, 1: Surround SCM, 2: Git, 3: GitHub
API_KEYNoVARCHAR(256)NoProvider key that uniquely identifies the provider when it connects to the project
SERVER_ADDRESSNoVARCHAR(2048)NoSurround SCM Server address
SERVER_PORTNoNUMERIC(10)NoSurround SCM Server port
REPO_URLNoVARCHAR(4000)NoGitHub repository URL
CommentContains the Component field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDCOMP)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
COMPONENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up menu item order relative to other items (FieldOrder)
FIELD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoText displayed for the pop-up menu item (Descriptor)
CommentContains definitions for fields of all entity types and event fields. Each table row represents a single field. Custom pop-up fields, for both entity and entity events, have many-to-one relationship with the TT_FIELD_POPUP_LIST table that links to pop-up menu items in TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. (FLDDFNTN)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record of event definition. Value is TT_EVENT if the definition is for an event field. Value is 0 for entity fields. (EntityRID)
LINK_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record for a link definition. Value is TT_LINK_DEFINITION if the definition is for a link.
ENTITY_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_ENTITY_TYPE table. Table this field is linked to. (EntityType)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID that uniquely identifies a field in an entity type (FieldID)
FIELD_POSITIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoField position. For custom fields, the field value is the order that the field is displayed on the Custom Field tab. For inherent fields, the value is -1. (Position)
FIELD_CODENoNVARCHAR(255)NoCharacter string used as a replacement field code for email templates (FieldCode)
FIELD_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoField type- 1: pop-up menu, 2: string, 3: Boolean, 4: date, 5: version field, 6: component, 7: disposition (FieldType)
FIELD_OPTIONSNoNUMERIC(10)NoData allowed for the field- 0: no option specified, 1: integer values, 2: floating point values, 3: include time - only for date fields, 5: memo field, 6: hyperlink (FieldOpts)
FIELD_FLAG_OPTIONSNoNUMERIC(10)NoField flag options- 0: no option specified, 1: include global users or customers, 2: include local users or customers, 4: multi-select field (FldFlgOpts)
IMP_EXP_OPTION_FLAGNoNUMERIC(10)NoBit flag that indicates the available text import/export options. Options can be combined with an OR operator- 0x0001: field can be imported via text import, 0x0002: field can be exported via text export, 0x0004: field defaults to selected on text export dialog, 0x0008: field defaults to selected on text import dialog (AttFlag)
SHORT_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoField name displayed in the entity or event dialog (ShortName)
LONG_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoField name displayed in list windows, filters, and reports (LongName)
WEB_CODENoNVARCHAR(255)NoCharacter string used to parse data read-in from Helix ALM Web. Data cannot be modified. (WebCode)
MAX_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoMaximum field length. Only applies to custom fields for the entity and entity events. All other fields have a value of -1. (MaxSize)
NUMBER_OF_ROWSNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of rows for multi-line text fields. Minimum value is 2, maximum is 10. (NumRows)
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the field is in use (Active)
EDIT_REQUIRED_DEFAULTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if required fields and default values can be modified (EdtReqDflt)
DEFAULT_VALUENoNUMERIC(10)NoDefault field value. Stored values are based on field type. For string fields, the only value allowed is -4 (blank record ID). For pop-up menus, the allowed values are 0 (not set record ID) and any valid record ID in corresponding table. For user fields, allowed values are: -2 (current user), 0 (not set record ID). For date fields, allowed values are: 0 (not set record ID), 1 (current date). (DefaultVal)
ALLOW_DEFAULTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the default can be set (AllowDeflt)
REQUIREDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the field is required (Required)
POPUP_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoTable ID for inherent fields. Only applies to pop-up menu items. Record in TT_FIELD_POPUP_LIST for custom pop-up menu items. Value is 0 for other field types. (idPUList)
DEFAULT_STRNoNVARCHAR(max)NoReserved for future use (DefaultStr)
CommentContains the Disposition field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDDISPO)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
DISPOSITION_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up menu item order relative to other items (FieldOrder)
FIELD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoText displayed for the pop-up menu item (Descriptor)
CommentContains pop-up list names. The TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table maps to TT_FIELD_POPUP_LIST record for each pop-up menu item. The list of actual values for each pop-up menu is stored in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. This relationship generally exists only for FieldType of 1 (Dropdown), but in the data warehouse, all possible list items that relate to an encoded list type are pushed to this table as a custom list with values. (FLDPULIST)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
POPUP_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row in a project (idRecord)
(0) None
(1) Dropdown
(2) String - not a list
(3) Boolean - not a list
(4) Date - not a list
(5) Version
(6) Component
(7) Disposition
(8) Priority
(9) Product
(10) Reproducible
(11) Severity
(12) Type
(14) TstObjectType
(15) TestRunSet
(16) RequirementPriority
(100) Users
(101) Customers
(102) Users and Customers
LIST_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoPop-up menu name (ListName)
CommentContains the Priority field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDPRIOR)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
PRIORITY_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up menu item order relative to other items (fieldOrder)
FIELD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoText displayed for the pop-up menu item (Descriptor)
CommentContains the Product field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDPROD)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
PRODUCT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up menu item order relative to other items (FieldOrder)
FIELD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoText displayed for the pop-up menu item (Descriptor)
CommentContains the Reproduced field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDREPRO)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
REPRODUCED_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up menu item order relative to other items (FieldOrder)
FIELD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoText displayed for the pop-up menu item (Descriptor)
CommentContains the requirement Priority field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDRPRIO)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
PRIORITY_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up menu item order relative to other items (FieldOrder)
FIELD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoText displayed for the pop-up menu item (Descriptor)
CommentContains the Severity field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDSEVER)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
SEVERITY_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPop-up menu item order relative to other items (FieldOrder)
FIELD_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up item order, relative to other items (FieldOrder)
FIELD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoText displayed for the pop-up menu item (Descriptor)
CommentContains field value style information

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FIELD_STYLE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
STYLE_NAMENoVARCHAR(1020)YesField value style name
STYLE_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)YesOrder of style in list
BOLDNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if style is bold
ITALICNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if style is italic
UNDERLINENoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if style is underlined
STRIKEOUTNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if style is strikethrough
HIDE_TEXTNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if text is hidden when style is applied
HEX_COLORNoVARCHAR(24)YesText color for style. Hex value
HEX_BACKGROUND_COLORNoVARCHAR(24)YesBackground color for style. Hex value.
ICONNoVARBINARY(max)NoBinary data that contains icon image file
CommentContains associations between field value styles and pop-up menu items or workflow states

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FIELD_STYLE_POPUP_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
FIELD_STYLE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_FIELD_STYLE table. Record ID of field style applied to item.
POPUP_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID of pop-up menu that contains the list value
POPUP_FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID of pop-up menu list value the style is applied to
CommentContains associations between fields and workflow states with field value styles

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FIELD_STYLE_STATE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ENTITY_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesItem type for workflow state
FIELD_STYLE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID of the style applied to item
STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID of workflow state applied to item
CommentContains test object Type field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDTOTP)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from..
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TESTOBJECT_TYPE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up menu item order relative to other items (FieldOrder)
FIELD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoText displayed for the pop-up menu item (Descriptor)
CommentContains the Type field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDTYPE)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TYPE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up menu item order relative to other items (FieldOrder)
FIELD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoText displayed for the pop-up menu item (Descriptor)
CommentContains folder information. Each table row represents one folder. Folder item information is in the area-specific TT_FOLDER_* tables (e.g., TT_FOLDER_DEFECT). This table has a one-to-many relationship with the TT_FOLDER_* tables. (FOLDER)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FOLDER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
OWNER_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_USER table (OwnerID)
PARENT_FOLDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoParent folder record ID (ParentID)
FOLDER_ORDERNoNUMERIC(5)NoFolder order relative to other folders (FldrOrder)
FOLDER_NAMENoNVARCHAR(127)NoFolder name (Name)
FOLDER_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoFolder description (Descrptn)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the folder was created (dateCreate)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who created the folder. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idCreateBy)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the folder was last modified (dateModify)
MODIFIED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the folder. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idModifyBy)
ADDED_FROMNoNUMERIC(5)NoHow the folder was added- 0: location unknown, 1: Add window, 2: SoloSubmit page, 3: SoloBug import, 4: email import, 5: text import, 6: duplicated, 7: XML import, 8: SOAP API, 9: help desk - obsolete, 10: QA Wizard Pro, 11: generated test run, 12: Helix ALM Outlook add-in (AddedFrom)
MULTI_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(max)NoReserved for future use (MultiDesc)
URLNoNVARCHAR(max)NoReserved for future use (URL)
CommentContains folder information for defects. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRITEM)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FOLDER_DEFECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FOLDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FOLDER table (FolderID)
DEFECT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_DEFECT table (EntityID)
CommentContains the additional folder details for the Folder table (FLDRDTL)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FOLDER_DETAIL_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPrimary key to the FOLDER_DETAIL_ID table (idRecord)
FOLDER_TYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoFolder type (FldrTypID)
FOLDER_DETAILSNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFolder details WYSIWYG text (FldrDtls)
ALLOW_EDIT_DETAILSNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if users can edit the folder details from the list window (AllwEdtDtl)
WEB_URLNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFolder web URL (WebUrl)
START_DATENoDATETIMENoFolder release planning start date (StartDate)
END_DATENoDATETIMENoFolder release planning end date (EndDate)
INCLUDE_WEEKENDSNoNUMERIC(1)NoFolder release planning include weekends flag (InclWkEnds)
NON_WORK_DAYSNoNUMERIC(10)NoFolder release planning non-working days (NonWkDys)
WORK_HOURSNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoFolder release planning work hours (WorkHrs)
AVAILABLE_USERSNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoFolder release planning available users (AvailUsrs)
PTO_HOURSNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoFolder release planning vacation and holiday hours (PtoHrs)
STORY_PTSNoNUMERICNoFolder release planning target story points (StoryPts)
CommentContains folder information for requirement documents. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRITEM)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FOLDER_DOCUMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FOLDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FOLDER table (FolderID)
DOCUMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_DOCUMENT table (EntityID)
CommentContains historical log information about changes to folders. Each row in this table represents a log entry for a folder. Each row has a folder record that matches a record in the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRLOG)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FOLDER_LOG_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made change. Links to a record in the TT_USER table. (idUser)
FOLDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_FOLDER table (ParentID)
LOG_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the change occurred (dateLog)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(4000)NoChange description (Notes)
CommentContains folder information for requirements. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRITEM)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FOLDER_REQUIREMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FOLDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FOLDER table (FolderID)
REQUIREMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_REQUIREMENT table (EntityID)
CommentContains folder information for test cases. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRITEM)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FOLDER_TESTCASE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FOLDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FOLDER table (FolderID)
TESTCASE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_TESTCASE table (EntityID)
CommentContains folder information for test runs. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_FOLDER table. (FLDRITEM)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FOLDER_TESTRUN_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FOLDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record ID in the TT_FOLDER table (FolderID)
TESTRUN_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_TESTRUN table (EntityID)
CommentContains folder type information. Each table row represents one type value. (FLDRTYP)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
FOLDER_TYPE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesPrimary key to the TT_FOLDER_TYPE table (idRecord)
FOLDER_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)NoFolder type name (Name)
FOLDER_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoFolder type description (Descrptn)
OPEN_ICONNoIMAGENoOpen folder icon image (OpenIcon)
OPEN_ICON_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoOpen folder icon name (OpnIconNm)
CLOSED_ICONNoIMAGENoClosed folder icon image (ClosedIcon)
CLOSED_ICON_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoClosed folder icon name (ClsIconNm)
IS_ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the folder type is active (IsActive)
ALLOW_URLNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the folder type supports URLs (AllowUrl)
ALLOW_WYG_TEXTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the folder type supports WYSIWYG text (AllwWygTxt)
ALLOW_TM_TRKNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the folder type supports release planning fields (AllwTmTrk)
ORDER_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(5)NoOrder number of the folder type relative to other folder types (OrderNum)
BANNER_COLORNoNVARCHAR(24)NoBanner color for the folder type (BannerClr)
Table: TT_LINK
CommentContains a list of items added to a link (LINKS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
LINK_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
LINK_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_LINK_DEFINITION table. Link type. (LinkDefID)
LINK_STATUSNoNUMERIC(5)NoReserved for future use (LinkStatus)
LINK_COMMENTNoNVARCHAR(255)NoComment entered by a user when the link was created (LinkCommnt)
CommentContains a list of user-defined link definitions (LINKDFNTN)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
LINK_DEFINITION_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
LINK_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoOrder of the row in the list of link definitions (LinkOrder)
LINK_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoUnique link definition name (LinkName)
LINK_COMMENTNoNVARCHAR(255)NoComment associated with the link definition (LinkCommnt)
LINK_REQUIRES_PARENTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the link definition requires a parent (LinkParent)
LINK_ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the link definition is active (LinkActive)
ALLOWED_ENTITIESNoNVARCHAR(255)NoIndicates allowed entities for the link (LinkEnts)
COMMENT_REQUIREDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if a link comment is required when creating a new link using this definition (ComntReqd)
ALLOWED_PARENTSNoVARCHAR(255)NoList of table IDs allowed to be the parent in links using this definition (AllwdPrnts)
ALLOWED_CHILDREN_OR_PEERSNoVARCHAR(255)NoList of table IDs allowed to be children or peers in links using this definition (AllwdChld)
MAX_ITEMS_LINKEDNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of items allowed to be linked using this definition (MaxItems)
ALLOW_MARK_SUSPECTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if children or peers in links using this definition should be marked as suspect when a suspect event is added to the parent (AllwSuspct)
CommentContains a history of changes made to links (LINKHISTRY)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
LINK_HISTORY_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
LINK_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a parent record in the TT_LINK table (LinkID)
HISTORY_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoOrder events are displayed in the link history (HistOrder)
HISTORY_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the link was changed (HistDate)
CHANGED_FIRST_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoFirst name of the user who made change (FirstName)
CHANGED_LAST_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoLast name of the user who made change (LastName)
HISTORY_INFORMATIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoDetailed change description (HistInfo)
CommentContains information for a single item in a link in the TT_LINK table (LINKITEM)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
LINK_ITEM_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
LINK_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a parent record in the TT_LINK table (LinkID)
ITEM_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoItem order in the peer/child list. 0 indicates the parent item in the link. (ItemOrder)
ENTITY_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_ENTITY_TYPE table. Table the linked item is associated with. (EntityType)
ENTITY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID linked to item (EntityID)
ITEM_STATUSNoNUMERIC(5)NoReserved for future use (ItemStatus)
SUSPECT_STATUSNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink is marked as suspect (SuspStat)
SUSPECT_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the user who made link suspect (SuspBy)
SUSPECT_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the link was made suspect (SuspDate)
SUSPECT_NOTESNoNVARCHAR(255)NoNotes entered by the user when the link was made suspect (SuspNotes)
SUSPECT_ENTITY_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoTable ID of the item in the link that made this link suspect (SrcType)
SUSPECT_ENTITY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the item in the link that made this link suspect (SrcID)
ADDED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the link was added (DateAdded)
CommentContains the options that describe the workflow behavior for items in the TT_LINK_DEFINITION table (LINKWRKFLW)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
LINK_WORKFLOW_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
LINK_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_LINK_DEFINITION table. Identifies link type (LinkDefID)
LINK_RELATIONSHIPNoNUMERIC(5)NoIndicates the workflow behavior relationship type-1: Parents, 2: Child, 3: Peer (LinkRltn)
LINK_OPTIONNoNUMERIC(5)NoWorkflow behavior- 1: Prevent parent from closing if children are open, 2: Prevent child from reopening if parent is closed, 3: Prevent child from closing if parent is open, 4: Prevent parent from reopening if children are closed, 5: Close peers in order, 6: Reopen peers in reverse order (LinkOption)
CommentBreaks out the list of Helix ALM location types. This table is not available in Helix ALM.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
ADD_LOCATION_TYPEYesNUMERIC(5)YesLocation type unique identifier
ADD_LOCATION_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)YesDescription of the method used to add an item (e.g., unknown, Add window, etc.)
CommentLists users or customers to notify about defect changes

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users/customers notified when the defect changes. References the TT_USER table.
DEFECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of defects to notify the user about
CommentLists users or customers to notify about requirement document changes

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users/customers notified when the document changes. References the TT_USER table.
DOCUMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of documents to notify the user about
CommentLists users or customers to notify about requirement changes

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users/customers notified when the requirement changes. References the TT_USER table.
REQUIREMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of requirements to notify the user about
CommentLists users or customers to notify about test case changes

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table.Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users/customers notified when the test case changes. References the TT_USER table.
TESTCASE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of test cases to notify the user about
CommentLists users or customers to notify about test run changes

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users/customers notified when the test run changes. References the TT_USER table.
TESTRUN_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of test runs to notify the user about
CommentLists phone number types allowed for Helix ALM users

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
PHONE_TYPEYesNUMERIC(2)YesPhone type unique identifier
PHONE_TYPE_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)YesPhone number type description (e.g., Work, Fax, etc.)
CommentContains the list of Helix ALM projects stored in the RDBMS database (Helix ALMJECTS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesHelix ALM project ID. Identifies the parent project for the row. All other project-related tables link to this ID. (ProjectID)
TT_PROJECT_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)YesProject name. Must be unique in the database. (Helix ALMjName)
TT_PROJECT_UUIDNoNVARCHAR(38)YesUniversally unique project identifier (Helix ALMjUUID)
TT_SERVER_UUIDNoNVARCHAR(38)NoUniversally unique identifier of Helix ALM Server that hosts the project (TTServUUID)
TT_PROJECT_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(10)NoProject version number (Helix ALMjVers)
TT_SERVER_PROJECT_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoProject name on Helix ALM Server
CommentLists the states for a requirement workflow event. In the source system, the Event.RsltStates field is a space-delimited list of states for the event. The data warehouse breaks these states into a normalized list for easier reporting.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
STATE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent resulting state
REQUIREMENT_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRequirement event the state is related to
CommentIf the requirement custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_REQMENT_EVENT_VAL table. Requirement event and field definition
POPUP_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Pop-up menu field
CommentIf the requirement custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_REQMENT_EVENT_VAL table. Requirement event and field definition
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER table. User or customer
CommentContains requirement workflow event file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT table. (ATTACHMT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACHMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
REQUIREMENT_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT table. Requirement this event belongs to. (EntityRID)
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type - 1: Macintosh binary file, 2: Other file type (AttType)
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(200)NoOriginal file name before it was attached to an entity (FileName)
MAC_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only) (MacType)
MAC_CREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only) (MacCreator)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile creation date (dateCreate)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile modification date (dateModify)
FILE_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoFile size (FileSize)
ARCHIVE_FILENAMENoNVARCHAR(24)NoArchive file name used for storage in the database (ArchvFile)
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use (Compressed)
ATTACH_IN_DBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file contents are stored in database (valid for RDBMS only) (AttachInDB)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID that contains the WYSIWYG inline image (FieldID)
IMG_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal width of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgWidth)
IMG_HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal height of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgHeight)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_SUBTYPE table. Specifies the subtype field definition the file attachment belongs to. (SubtypeID)
CommentContains requirement information. Each table row represents one requirement. (REQMNT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
REQUIREMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) the requirement was added to the database (dateCreate)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the requirement. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idCreateBy)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) the requirement was last modified (dateModify)
MODIFIED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the requirement. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idModifyBy)
ENTERED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate entered field (in GMT) (dateEnter)
ENTERED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoEntered by field. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idEnterBy)
REQUIREMENT_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoRequirement number. Value is zero if a number is not assigned. (ReqNum)
TAG_NUMBERNoNVARCHAR(22)NoRequirement tag number (Tag)
SUMMARYNoNVARCHAR(255)NoSummary field (Summary)
STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent requirement state. References a record in the TT_STATE table. (idStatus)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRequirement type. References a record in the TT_SUBTYPE table. (idType)
PRIORITY_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoImportance field. May link to a record in the TT_FIELD_PRIORITY table, but the integrity is not enforced. (idPriority)
ADD_LOCATIONNoNUMERIC(5)NoMethod used to add the requirement- 0: unknown, 1: Add Requirement window, 4: Email import, 5: Text file import, 13: Microsoft Word import (AddLocat)
VERSION_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent requirement version number (Version)
REQUIREMENT_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(max)NoDescription field (Descrptn)
INITIAL_STATENoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the initial state for the requirement
CommentContains requirement file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_REQUIREMENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_REQUIREMENT table. (ATTACHMT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACHMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
REQUIREMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_REQUIREMENT table. Requirement the attachment is associated with. (EntityRID)
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type - 1: Macintosh binary file, 2: Other file type (AttType)
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(200)NoOriginal file name before it was attached to an entity (FileName)
MAC_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only) (MacType)
MAC_CREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only) (MacCreator)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile creation date (dateCreate)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile modification date (dateModify)
FILE_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoFile size (FileSize)
ARCHIVE_FILENAMENoNVARCHAR(24)NoArchive file name used for storage in the database (ArchvFile)
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use (Compressed)
ATTACH_IN_DBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file contents are stored in the database (valid for RDBMS only) (AttachInDB)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID that contains the WYSIWYG inline image (FieldID)
IMG_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal width of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgWidth)
IMG_HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal height of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgHeight)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_SUBTYPE table. Specifies the subtype field definition the file attachment belongs to. (SubtypeID)
CommentContains the original values for fields changed after a requirement version was created. The requirement always stores the current value. (REQCHNGS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
REQUIREMENT_CHANGE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_DEFINITION_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_FIELD_DEFINITION table. Field (idField)
HAS_VALUENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the OrigValue field represents the original value. If false, the original value was NULL. (HasValue)
ORIGINAL_VALUENoNVARCHAR(max)NoOriginal value for the field stored as a string value (OrigValue)
CommentContains workflow event information for each event recorded in a requirement. Each table row represents a single requirement event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_REQUIREMENT, TT_EVENT, TT_USER, and TT_STATE tables. (REQEVTS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
REQUIREMENT_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_EVENT table (EvtDefID)
ORDER_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(5)NoOrder the requirement event was created relative to other requirement events. Internal counter for a specific requirement. (OrderNum)
REQUIREMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a record in the TT_REQUIREMENT table (ParentID)
PARENT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT table. If the event is a response to a multi-user assignment, the field value is the record ID of the parent event. If the event is not a response to a multi-user assignment, the value is -1. (EvtMUParnt)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_USER table. If a user entered the event, the field value is the record ID of the user. If the event was generated by Helix ALM, the field contains a record ID of -2. (idUser)
EVENT_DATENoDATETIMENoRequirement event date (dateEvent)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(max)NoNotes field (Notes)
TIME_SPENTNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoIf event definition for this event (TT_EVENT table) has the time reporting option selected, field stores the amount of time entered by the user; if event does not record time spent, the value is -1 (TimeSpent)
RELEASE_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoNotes field if the event is configured to include release notes information (RelVersion)
GENERATED_BY_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoIdentifies how the event was created - 0: Created by user, 1: Created by multi-user assignment, 2: Created by auto assignment), 3: Created by auto escalation (GenByType)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future use (CreatorID)
DEFAULT_ASSIGN_EFFECTNoNUMERIC(2)NoAssignment for the event when it was run - 1: Event results in new assignment, 2: Event has no effect on assignment, 3: Event clears assignment. Intended to preserve history if the event definition is modified (DefAsgEff)
WORKFLOW_OVERRIDENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event is a result of a workflow override (OvrWF)
WORKFLOW_OVERRIDE_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_USER table. If the event is a result of a workflow override, the field value is the record ID of use. Otherwise, the value is 0. (OvrWFUsrID)
ITEM_MARK_SUSPECTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user selected the option to mark dependent items as suspect (SspLnkItms)
REQUIREMENT_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoVersion number of the requirement that was current when the event was entered (Version)
CommentLists users currently assigned to a requirement. Can use to view requirements assigned to a user across all projects. This table is not available in Helix ALM.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of users requirements are assigned to
REQUIREMENT_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesList of requirements assigned to the user
CommentContains historical log information about changes made to requirement records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the requirement records. Each row has a requirement record that matches a record in the TT_REQUIREMENT table. (REQLOG)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
REQUIREMENT_LOG_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
REQUIREMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_REQUIREMENT table (ParentID)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made change. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idUser)
LOG_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the change occurred (dateLog)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(4000)NoChange description (Notes)
CommentIf the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_REQUIREMENT_VALUE table. Requirement and field definition
POPUP_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Custom pop-up menu field.
CommentIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_REQUIREMENT_EVENT_VALUE table. Requirement and field definition.
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER table. User or customer.
CommentContains requirement version information. Each table row represents one requirement version. (REQVRSN)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
REQUIREMENT_VERSION_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
REQUIREMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a record in the TT_REQUIREMENT table (idReqmnt)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) the requirement version was added to the database (dateCreate)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who created the requirement version. References a record ID in TT_USER table. (idCreateBy)
VERSION_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoRequirement version number (Version)
CommentContains source control changelist information for defects

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
DEFECT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesDEFECT_ID a changelist is associated with from the TT_DEFECT table
SCM_CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesChangelist ID stored in the source control application
COMMITTEDNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the changelist is committed
TT_PROVIDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from TT_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER table if file was submitted by configured source control provider
ATTACH_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the changelist was committed to Helix ALM from the source control provider
AUTHOR_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID for author who changed file for commit. Uses Helix ALM user ID if can be determined. Loose relationship only.
IS_PENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if changelist is in pending state
MAINLINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoMainline branch name
BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoBranch name the change was committed to
HYPER_LINKNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFull file URL to view the file generated on XML import if provider is not available
AUTHORNoNVARCHAR(max)NoAuthor who changed file for commit
HYPER_LINK_DETAILNoNVARCHAR(max)NoJSON submitted by provider if hook includes name/value pairs for field code replacement
CommentContains source control changelist information for requirement documents

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
DOCUMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesDOCUMENT_ID a changelist is associated with from the TT_DOCUMENT table
SCM_CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesChangelist ID stored in the source control application
COMMITTEDNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the changelist is committed
MAINLINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoMainline branch name
TT_PROVIDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from TT_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER table if file was submitted by configured source control provider
ATTACH_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the changelist was committed to Helix ALM from the source control provider
AUTHORNoNVARCHAR(max)NoAuthor who changed file for commit
AUTHOR_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID for author who changed file for commit. Uses Helix ALM user ID if can be determined. Loose relationship only.
BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoBranch name the change was committed to
HYPER_LINKNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFull file URL to view the file generated on XML import if provider is not available
HYPER_LINK_DETAILNoNVARCHAR(max)NoJSON submitted by provider if hook includes name/value pairs for field code replacement
IS_PENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if changelist is in pending state
CommentContains source control changelist information for requirements

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
REQUIREMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesREQUIREMENT_ID a changelist is associated with from the TT_REQUIREMENT table
SCM_CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesChangelist ID stored in the SCM product
COMMITTEDNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the changelist is committed
MAINLINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoMainline branch name
TT_PROVIDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from TT_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER table if file was submitted by configured source control provider
ATTACH_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the changelist was committed to Helix ALM from the source control provider
AUTHORNoNVARCHAR(max)NoAuthor who changed file for commit
AUTHOR_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID for author who changed file for commit. Uses Helix ALM user ID if can be determined. Loose relationship only.
BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoBranch name the change was committed to
HYPER_LINKNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFull file URL to view the file generated on XML import if provider is not available
HYPER_LINK_DETAILNoNVARCHAR(max)NoJSON submitted by provider if hook includes name/value pairs for field code replacement
IS_PENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if changelist is in pending state
CommentContains source control changelist information for test cases

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
TESTCASE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTESTCASE_ID a changelist is associated with from the TT_TESTCASE table
SCM_CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesChangelist ID stored in the SCM product
COMMITTEDNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the changelist is committed
MAINLINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoMainline branch name
TT_PROVIDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from TT_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER table if file was submitted by configured source control provider
ATTACH_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the changelist was committed to Helix ALM from the source control provider
AUTHORNoNVARCHAR(max)NoAuthor who changed file for commit
AUTHOR_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID for author who changed file for commit. Uses Helix ALM user ID if can be determined. Loose relationship only.
BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoBranch name the change was committed to
HYPER_LINKNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFull file URL to view the file generated on XML import if provider is not available
HYPER_LINK_DETAILNoNVARCHAR(max)NoJSON submitted by provider if hook includes name/value pairs for field code replacement
IS_PENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if changelist is in pending state
CommentContains source control changelist information for test runs

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
TESTRUN_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTESTRUN_ID a changelist is associated with from the TT_TESTRUN table
SCM_CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesChangelist ID stored in the SCM product
COMMITTEDNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the changelist is committed
MAINLINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoMainline branch name
TT_PROVIDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from TT_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER table if file was submitted by configured source control provider
ATTACH_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the changelist was committed to Helix ALM from the source control provider
AUTHORNoNVARCHAR(max)NoAuthor who changed file for commit
AUTHOR_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID for author who changed file for commit. Uses Helix ALM user ID if can be determined. Loose relationship only.
BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(max)NoBranch name the change was committed to
HYPER_LINKNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFull file URL to view the file generated on XML import if provider is not available
HYPER_LINK_DETAILNoNVARCHAR(max)NoJSON submitted by provider if hook includes name/value pairs for field code replacement
IS_PENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if changelist is in pending state
CommentContains source control file information for defects. Each table row represents one file attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_SCM_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
DEFECT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a DEFECT_ID in the TT_DEFECT table
SCM_MAINLINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)NoSurround SCM parent mainline branch name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the mainline can only be inferred. References SCM_MAINLINE.MAINLINE_NAME. (MainlineID)
SCM_BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoSurround SCM parent branch name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the branch can only be inferred. References SCM_BRANCH.BRANCH_NAME.
SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATHNoNVARCHAR(4000)NoRelates to the SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATH.REPO_PATH by name. Not related by foreign key as the relationship can only be inferred.
SCM_BRANCH_FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoSurround SCM parent branch file name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the branch file can only be inferred. References SCM_BRANCH_FILE.FILE_NAME.
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(4000)NoFile name in the source control application
FILE_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(max)NoVersion number of the fix in the source control application
FIXED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the fix was made
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoChangelist record ID from the SCMCHGLST table
TT_PROVIDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from TT_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER table if file was submitted by configured source control provider
HYPER_LINKNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFull file URL to view the file generated on XML import if provider is not available
AUTHORNoNVARCHAR(max)NoAuthor who changed file for commit
HYPER_LINK_DETAILNoNVARCHAR(max)NoJSON submitted by provider if hook includes name/value pairs for field code replacement
CHANGE_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoType of file change associated with attachment - 0: Unknown, 1: File added, 2: File edited, 3: File removed
IS_PENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if file change is in pending state
CommentContains source control file information for requirement documents. Each table row represents one file attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_SCM_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
SCM_MAINLINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)NoSurround SCM parent mainline branch name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the mainline can only be inferred. References SCM_MAINLINE.MAINLINE_NAME. (MainlineID)
SCM_BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoSurround SCM parent branch name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the branch can only be inferred. References SCM_BRANCH.BRANCH_NAME.
SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATHNoNVARCHAR(4000)NoReferences the SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATH.REPO_PATH by name. Not related by foreign key as the relationship can only be inferred.
SCM_BRANCH_FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoSurround SCM parent branch file name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the branch file can only be inferred. References SCM_BRANCH_FILE.FILE_NAME.
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(4000)NoFile name in the source control application
FILE_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(max)NoVersion number of the fix in the source control application
FIXED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the fix was made
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoChangelist record ID from the SCMCHGLST table
TT_PROVIDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from TT_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER table if file was submitted by configured source control provider
AUTHORNoNVARCHAR(max)NoAuthor who changed file for commit. Uses Helix ALM user ID if can be determined.
CHANGE_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoType of file change associated with attachment - 0: Unknown, 1: File added, 2: File edited, 3: File removed
HYPER_LINKNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFull file URL to view the file generated on XML import if provider is not available
HYPER_LINK_DETAILNoNVARCHAR(max)NoJSON submitted by provider if hook includes name/value pairs for field code replacement
IS_PENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if file change is in pending state
CommentContains source control file information for requirements. Each table row represents one file attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_SCM_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
SCM_MAINLINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)NoSurround SCM parent mainline branch name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the mainline can only be inferred. References SCM_MAINLINE.MAINLINE_NAME. (MainlineID)
SCM_BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoSurround SCM parent branch name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the branch can only be inferred. References SCM_BRANCH.BRANCH_NAME.
SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATHNoNVARCHAR(4000)NoReferences the SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATH.REPO_PATH by name. Is not related by foreign key as the relationship can only be inferred.
SCM_BRANCH_FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoSurround SCM parent branch file name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the branch file can only be inferred. References SCM_BRANCH_FILE.FILE_NAME.
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(4000)NoFile name in the source control application
FILE_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(max)NoVersion number of the fix in the source control application
FIXED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the fix was made
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoChangelist record ID from the SCMCHGLST table
TT_PROVIDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from TT_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER table if file was submitted by configured SCM provider
AUTHORNoNVARCHAR(max)NoAuthor who changed file for commit. Uses Helix ALM user ID if can be determined.
CHANGE_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoType of file change associated with attachment - 0: Unknown, 1: File added, 2: File edited, 3: File removed
HYPER_LINKNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFull file URL to view the file generated on XML import if provider is not available
HYPER_LINK_DETAILNoNVARCHAR(max)NoJSON submitted by provider if hook includes name/value pairs for field code replacement
IS_PENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if file change is in pending state
CommentContains source control file information for test cases. Each table row represents one file attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_SCM_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
SCM_MAINLINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)NoSurround SCM parent mainline branch name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the mainline can only be inferred. References SCM_MAINLINE.MAINLINE_NAME. (MainlineID)
SCM_BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoSurround SCM parent branch name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the branch can only be inferred. References SCM_BRANCH.BRANCH_NAME.
SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATHNoNVARCHAR(4000)NoReferences the SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATH.REPO_PATH by name. Not related by foreign key as the relationship can only be inferred.
SCM_BRANCH_FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoSurround SCM parent branch file name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the branch file can only be inferred. Relates to SCM_BRANCH_FILE.FILE_NAME.
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(4000)NoFile name in the source control application
FILE_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(max)NoVersion number of the fix in the source control application
FIXED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the fix was made
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoChangelist record ID from the SCMCHGLST table
TT_PROVIDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from TT_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER table if file was submitted by configured SCM provider
AUTHORNoNVARCHAR(max)NoAuthor who changed file for commit. Uses Helix ALM user ID if can be determined.
CHANGE_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoType of file change associated with attachment - 0: Unknown, 1: File added, 2: File edited, 3: File removed
HYPER_LINKNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFull file URL to view the file generated on XML import if provider is not available
HYPER_LINK_DETAILNoNVARCHAR(max)NoJSON submitted by provider if hook includes name/value pairs for field code replacement
IS_PENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if file change is in pending state
CommentContains source control file information for test runs. Each table row represents one file that is attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_SCM_FILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
SCM_MAINLINE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(128)NoSurround SCM parent mainline branch name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the mainline can only be inferred. References SCM_MAINLINE.MAINLINE_NAME. (MainlineID)
SCM_BRANCH_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoSurround SCM parent branch name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the branch can only be inferred. References SCM_BRANCH.BRANCH_NAME.
SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATHNoNVARCHAR(4000)NoReferences the SCM_BRANCH_REPO_PATH.REPO_PATH by name. Not related by foreign key as the relationship can only be inferred.
SCM_BRANCH_FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoSurround SCM parent branch file name. Not explicitly related to the SCM table by foreign key as the branch file can only be inferred. References SCM_BRANCH_FILE.FILE_NAME.
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(4000)NoFile name in the source control application
FILE_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(max)NoVersion number of the fix in the source control application
FIXED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the fix was made
TT_SCM_CHANGELIST_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoChangelist record ID from the SCMCHGLST table
TT_PROVIDER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from TT_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER table if file was submitted by configured source control provider
AUTHORNoNVARCHAR(max)NoAuthor who changed file for commit. Uses Helix ALM user ID if can be determined.
CHANGE_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoType of file change associated with attachment - 0: Unknown, 1: File added, 2: File edited, 3: File removed
HYPER_LINKNoNVARCHAR(max)NoFull file URL to view the file generated on XML import if provider is not available
HYPER_LINK_DETAILNoNVARCHAR(max)NoJSON submitted by provider if hook includes name/value pairs for field code replacement
IS_PENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if file change is in pending state
CommentContains the requirement relationship tree for a snapshot of the document (SNPSTTRE)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
SNAPSHOT_TREE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
SNAPSHOT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a record in the TT_DOCUMENT_SNAPSHOT table (idSnapshot)
PARENT_SNAPSHOT_TREE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_SNAPSHOT_REQUIREMENT_TREE table. Contains the record of the parent node in the tree. If the node is at the top level, PARENT_SNAPSHOT_TREE_ID contains 0. (ParentID)
REQUIREMENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_REQUIREMENT table (idReqmnt)
REQUIREMENT_VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoVersion number of the requirement that was current when the snapshot was created (ReqVersion)
SIBLING_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoOrder of this node relative to its siblings in the parent node (SibOrder)
CommentContains information about states that an entity can transition to (STATES)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
STATE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
ENTITY_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_ENTITY_TYPE table. Table the state is linked to (EntityType)
STATE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoState name (Name)
STATE_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoState description (StateDesc)
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the state is active in the workflow (Active)
STATE_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoOrder the state is displayed in the workflow configuration dialog boxes (StateOrder)
OPEN_CLOSE_ATTRIBUTENoNUMERIC(2)NoOpen or closed - 1: open, 2: closed (Attrib)
ONLY_ASSIGNNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if only assigned users can enter events (OnlyAssign)
MULTI_RULENoNUMERIC(2)NoMulti-user assignment rule that determines when a state is complete and the entity can move to the new state - 1: use the first response, 2: wait for all responses - use highest priority response, 3: wait for highest priority response (MultiRule)
CAN_GENERATE_TEST_RUNNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the state can generate test runs. Only applies to test cases. (CnGenTstRs)
COMPLETION_STATUSNoNUMERIC(5)NoTest run results (passed/failed/other). Only applies to test runs. (ComplStat)
LOCKEDNoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates if the requirement or requirement document is locked in this state (Locked)
CAN_GENERATE_TEST_CASENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the state can generate test cases. Only applies to requirements. (CnGenTstCs)
CommentContains the step or expected result in the STEP_DATA field. The results field is only populated when the record is a step.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
STEPDATA_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTT_STEPDATA table primary key value.
ACTUAL_RESULTSNoNVARCHAR(max)NoText data containing the actual results
IS_TESTCASE_NOTENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the row is a test case note
STEP_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoStep order list
STEP_DATANoNVARCHAR(max)NoStep data list
STAMP_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who entered the stamp
TESTRUN_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_TESTRUN table
CommentContains requirement type information. Each table row represents one type value. (SUBTYPE)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
SUBTYPE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
ENTITY_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_ENTITY_TYPE table. Table the type is linked to. Types are only supported for requirements. (EntityType)
DISPLAY_ORDERNoNUMERIC(3)YesPop-up menu item order relative to other items (DispOrder)
SUBTYPE_ICON_NAMENoNVARCHAR(255)NoType icon file name (StIconNm)
SUBTYPE_PREFIXNoNVARCHAR(5)NoType tag prefix (StPrefix)
SUBTYPE_SUFFIXNoNVARCHAR(5)NoType tag suffix (StSuffix)
SUM_FORMAT_FONTNoNUMERIC(2)NoReserved for future use (SumFrmtFnt)
SUM_FONT_SIZENoNUMERIC(5)NoReserved for future use (SumFntSz)
SUM_FONT_WEIGHTNoNUMERIC(2)NoReserved for future use (SumFntWt)
SUB_FONT_COLORNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future use (SumFntClr)
DETAIL_FORMAT_FONTNoNUMERIC(2)NoReserved for future use (DtlFrmtFnt)
DETAIL_FONT_SIZENoNUMERIC(5)NoReserved for future use (DtlFntSz)
DETAIL_FONT_WEIGHTNoNUMERIC(2)NoReserved for future use (DtlFntWt)
DETAIL_FONT_COLORNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future use (DtlFntClr)
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the type is active. Can be selected for new items. (Active)
CommentContains test configuration information. Each table row represents one system test configuration. (SYSCONF)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
CONFIG_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
CONFIG_TYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoSystem configuration type - 1: User Test Configuration, 2: Standard Test Configuration (ConfType)
SYSTEM_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoName field (SysName)
SYSTEM_LOCATIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoReserved for future use (Location)
COMPUTER_MODELNoNVARCHAR(255)NoComputer model field (CompModel)
COMPUTER_BRANDNoNVARCHAR(255)NoComputer brand field (CompBrand)
CPU_TYPENoNVARCHAR(32)NoCPU type field (CPUType)
CPU_SPEEDNoNVARCHAR(32)NoCPU speed field (in MHz) (CPUSpeed)
HARD_DISK_TYPENoNVARCHAR(255)NoHard disk type field (HDiskTypt)
HARD_DISK_SIZENoNVARCHAR(255)NoHard disk size field (in MB) (HDiskSize)
OS_NAMENoNVARCHAR(63)NoOperating system field (OSName)
OS_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(32)NoOperating system version field (OSVersion)
VIDEO_NAMENoNVARCHAR(63)NoVideo controller field (VideoName)
HAS_MULTIPLE_MONITORNoNUMERIC(1)NoHas multiple monitors field (HasMultMon)
HAS_SCANNERNoNUMERIC(1)NoHas scanner field (HasScanr)
SCANNER_MODELNoNVARCHAR(63)NoScanner model field (ScanrModel)
HAS_MODEMNoNUMERIC(1)NoHas modem field (HasModem)
MODEM_MODELNoNVARCHAR(63)NoModem model field (ModemModel)
HAS_PRINTERNoNUMERIC(1)NoHas printer field (HasPrint)
PRINTER_MODELNoNVARCHAR(63)NoPrinter model field (PrintModel)
OTHER_HARDWARE_SOFTWARENoNVARCHAR(255)NoOther hardware and software field (OtherHW)
CommentContains a break out of the system configuration types. In Helix ALM, the types are stored in memory, but this lookup table may be helpful to data warehouse users.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
CONFIG_TYPEYesNUMERIC(5)YesSystem configuration type unique identifier
CONFIG_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(50)NoSystem configuration description
CommentLists the states for a test case workflow event. In the source system, the Event.RsltStates field is a space-delimited list of states for the event. The data warehouse breaks these states into a normalized list for easier reporting.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
STATE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent resulting state
TESTCASE_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTest case event the state relates to
CommentIf the test case custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_TESTCASE_EVENT_VAL table. Requirement event and field definition
POPUP_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Pop-up menu field
CommentIf the test case custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT_VAL table. Requirement event and field definition
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER table. User or customer
CommentContains test case information. Each table row represents one test case. Additional information associated with a test case is in the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the TT_STATE and TT_FIELD_TESTOBJECT_TYPE tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the TT_USER table. (TESTCASE)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TESTCASE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) test case was added to the database (dateCreate)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the test case. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idCreateBy)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) test case was last modified (dateModify)
MODIFIED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the test case. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idModifyBy)
TESTCASE_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest case number. Value is zero if a number is not assigned. (TstCaseNum)
SUMMARYNoNVARCHAR(255)NoSummary field (Summary)
TESTOBJECT_TYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest object type field. References a record in the TT_FIELD_TESTOBJECT_TYPE table. (idType)
AUTOMATED_TESTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the test case is an automated test (isAutoTest)
ESTIMATED_EXECUTION_TIMENoNUMERIC(10)NoEstimated time to execute the test case (estTime)
TESTCASE_STEPSNoNVARCHAR(max)NoTest case steps (Steps)
ADDED_FROMNoNUMERIC(6)NoMethod used to add test case- 0: unknown, 1: Add Test Case window, 5: Text file import, 6: Helix ALM user duplicated a test case (AddedFrom)
SAVE_GRIDMODENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates to save test runs in grid mode or plain text (SaveGrid) (deprecated as of version 2011.0)
STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the current state for the test case (Status)
SAVE_MODENoNUMERIC(10)NoView used (grid or text) for test runs generated from this test case. Deprecates SAVE_GRIDMODE.
INITIAL_STATENoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the initial state for the test case
CommentContains test case file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTCASE table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_TESTCASE table. (ATTACHMT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACHMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TESTCASE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_TESTCASE table. Indicates the test case the file is attached to. (EntityRID)
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type- 1: Macintosh binary file, 2: Other file type (AttType)
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(200)NoOriginal file name before it was attached to an entity (FileName)
MAC_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only) (MacType)
MAC_CREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only) (MacCreator)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile creation date (dateCreate)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile modification date (dateModify)
FILE_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoFile size (FileSize)
ARCHIVE_FILENAMENoNVARCHAR(24)NoArchive file name used for storage in the database (ArchvFile)
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use (Compressed)
ATTACH_IN_DBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file contents are stored in the database (valid for RDBMS only) (AttachInDB)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID that contains the WYSIWYG inline image (FieldID)
IMG_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal width of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgWidth)
IMG_HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal height of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgHeight)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERICNoForeign key to the TT_SUBTYPE table. Specifies the subtype field definition the file attachment belongs. (SubtypeID)
CommentContains additional information about test case file attachments. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has one-to-one relationship with TT_TESTCASE_ATTACHMENT table. (ATTACHINFO)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACH_INFO_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesAttachment type - 0: Regular attachment, 1: Script, 2: Run Result (AttachType)
ATTACH_TABLE_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)YesAttachment table type (tableID_Attachments or tableID_SCCFiles) (Type)
OWNER_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity type the attachment belongs to (OwnerType)
OWNER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity RID the attachment belongs to (OwnerID)
SCRIPT_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoScript order displayed on the Scripts tab and executed relative to other scripts. Only valid if the attachment type is Script. (ScrptOrder)
SCRIPT_STATUSNoNVARCHAR(255)NoScript status. Only valid if the attachment type is Script. (ScrptStat)
CommentContains workflow event information for each event recorded in a test case. Each table row represents a single test case event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTCASE, TT_EVENT, TT_USER, and TT_STATE tables. (TCEVTS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TESTCASE_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_EVENT table (EvtDefID)
ORDER_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(5)NoOrder the test case event was created relative to other test case events. Internal counter for a specific test case. (OrderNum)
TESTCASE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a record in the TT_TESTCASE table (ParentID)
PARENT_TESTCASE_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT table. If the event is a response to a multi-user assignment, the field value is the record ID of the parent event. If the event is not a response to a multi-user assignment, the value is -1. (EvtMUParnt)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_USER table. If a user entered the event, the field value is the record ID of the user. If the event was generated by Helix ALM, the field contains a record ID of -2 (idUser)
EVENT_DATENoDATETIMENoTest case event date (dateEvent)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(max)NoNotes field (Notes)
TIME_SPENTNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoIf event definition for this event (TT_EVENT table) has the time reporting option selected, stores the amount of time entered by the user. If the event does not record time spent, the value is -1 (TimeSpent)
RELEASE_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoNotes field if the event is configured to include release notes information (RelVersion)
GENERATED_BY_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoHow the event was created - 0: Created by user, 1: Created by multi-user assignment, 2: Created by auto assignment, 3: Created by auto escalation (GenByType)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future use (CreatorID)
DEFAULT_ASSIGN_EFFECTNoNUMERIC(2)NoAssignment for the event when it was run - 1: Event results in new assignment, 2: Event has no effect on assignment, 3: Event clears assignment. Intended to preserve history if the event definition is modified (DefAsgEff)
WORKFLOW_OVERRIDENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event is a result of a workflow override (OvrWF)
WORKFLOW_OVERRIDE_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_USER table. If the event is a result of a workflow override, the field value is the record ID of use. Otherwise, the value is 0. (OvrWFUsrID)
ITEM_MARK_SUSPECTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user selected the option to mark dependent items as suspect (SspLnkItms)
CommentLists users currently assigned to a test case. Can be used to see test cases assigned to a user across all projects. This table is not available in Helix ALM

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER table. User or customer.
TESTCASE_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT table. Test case event the user is assigned to.
CommentContains test case workflow event file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_TESTCASE table. (ATTACHMT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACHMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TESTCASE_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT table. Test case event the file is attached to. (EntityRID)
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type - 1: Macintosh binary file, 2: Other file type (AttType)
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(200)NoOriginal file name before it was attached to an entity (FileName)
MAC_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only) (MacType)
MAC_CREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only) (MacCreator)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile creation date (dateCreate)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile modification date (dateModify)
FILE_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoFile size (FileSize)
ARCHIVE_FILENAMENoNVARCHAR(24)NoArchive file name used for storage in the database (ArchvFile)
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use (Compressed)
ATTACH_IN_DBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file contents are stored in database (valid for RDBMS only) (AttachInDB)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID that contains the WYSIWYG inline image (FieldID)
IMG_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal width of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgWidth)
IMG_HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal height of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgHeight)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_SUBTYPE table. Specifies the subtype field definition the file attachment belongs. (SubtypeID)
CommentContains historical log information about changes made to test case records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the test case records. Each table row has a test case record that matches a record in the TT_TESTCASE table. (TCLOG)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TESTCASE_LOG_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made change. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idUser)
TESTCASE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_TESTCASE table (ParentID)
LOG_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the change occurred (dateLog)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(4000)NoChange description (Notes)
CommentIf the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values are related back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_TESTCASE_VALUE table. Test case and field definition.
POPUP_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Custom pop-up menu field.
CommentIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_TESTCASE_VALUE table. Test case and field definition.
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER table. User or customer.
CommentContains test run information. Each table row represents one test run. Additional information associated with a test run is found in the TT_TESTRUN_EVENT table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the TT_STATE, TT_FIELD_TESTOBJECT_TYPE and TT_TESTRUN_SET tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the TT_USER table. (TESTRUN)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TESTRUN_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) test run was added to the database (dateCreate)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the test run. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idCreateBy)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) test run was last modified (dateModify)
MODIFIED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the test run. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idModifyBy)
TESTCASE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest case record. Foreign key to the TT_TESTCASE table. (TstCaseRID)
SUMMARYNoNVARCHAR(255)NoSummary field (Summary)
TESTOBJECT_TYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest object type field. References a record in the TT_FIELD_TESTOBJECT_TYPE table. (idType)
AUTOMATED_TESTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the test run is an automated test (isAutoTest)
ESTIMATED_TIMENoNUMERIC(10)NoEstimated time of to execute the test run (EstTime)
STEPSNoNVARCHAR(max)NoTest case steps (Steps)
ADDED_FROMNoNUMERIC(6)NoMethod used to add the test run - 0: unknown, 1: Add Test Run window, 5: Text file import, 6: Helix ALM user duplicated a test run (AddedFrom)
TESTRUN_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest run number (auto generated) (TstRunNum)
TESTRUNSET_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest run set field. References a record in the TT_TESTRUN_SET table. (idTRSet)
VIEW_GRIDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates to view test runs in grid or text mode (ViewGrid)
PROBLEM_STATEMENTNoNVARCHAR(max)NoTest run problem statement (optional) (PrbState)
STATE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the current state for the test run (Status)
VIEW_MODENoNUMERIC(10)NoHow the test run was generated. Based on the test case SAVE_MODE value
INITIAL_STATENoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the initial state for the test run
CommentContains test run file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTRUN table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_TESTRUN table. (ATTACHMT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACHMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TESTRUN_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_TESTRUN table. Test run the attachment is associated with. (EntityRID)
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type- 1: Macintosh binary file, 2: Other file type (AttType)
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(200)NoOriginal file name before it was attached to an entity (FileName)
MAC_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only) (MacType)
MAC_CREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only) (MacCreator)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile creation date (dateCreate)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile modification date (dateModify)
FILE_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoFile size (FileSize)
ARCHIVE_FILENAMENoNVARCHAR(24)NoArchive file name used for storage in the database (ArchvFile)
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use (Compressed)
ATTACH_IN_DBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file contents are stored in the database (valid for RDBMS only) (AttachInDB)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID that contains the WYSIWYG inline image (FieldID)
IMG_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal width of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgWidth)
IMG_HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal height of image added inline to a WYSIWYG field (ImgHeight)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_SUBTYPE table. Specifies the subtype field definition the file attachment belongs to. (SubtypeID)
CommentContains additional information about test run file attachments. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has one-to-one relationship with TT_TESTRUN_ATTACHMENT table. (ATTACHINFO)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACH_INFO_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesAttachment type- 0: Regular attachment, 1: Script, 2: Run Result (AttachType)
ATTACH_TABLE_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)YesAttachment table type (tableID_Attachments or tableID_SCCFiles) (Type)
OWNER_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity type the attachment belongs to (OwnerType)
OWNER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity RID the attachment belongs to (OwnerID)
SCRIPT_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoScript order displayed on the Scripts tab and executed relative to other scripts. Only valid if the attachment type is Script. (ScrptOrder)
SCRIPT_STATUSNoNVARCHAR(255)NoScript status. Only valid if the attachment type is Script. (ScrptStat)
CommentContains workflow event information for each event recorded in a test run. Each table row represents a single test run event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTRUN, TT_EVENT, TT_USER, and TT_STATE tables. (TREVTS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TESTRUN_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_EVENT table (EvtDefID)
ORDER_NUMBERNoNUMERIC(5)NoOrder the test run event was created relative to other test run events. Internal counter for a specific test run. (OrderNum)
TESTRUN_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReferences a record in the TT_TESTRUN table (ParentID)
PARENT_TESTRUN_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_TESTRUN_EVENT table. If the event is a response to a multi-user assignment, the field value is the record ID of the parent event. If the event is not a response to a multi-user assignment, the value is -1. (EvtMUParnt)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_USER table. If a user entered the event, the field value is the record ID of the user. If the event was generated by Helix ALM, the field contains a record ID of -2 (idUser)
EVENT_DATENoDATETIMENoTest run event date (dateEvent)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(max)NoNotes field (Notes)
TIME_SPENTNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoIf event definition for this event (TT_EVENT table) has the time reporting option selected, field stores the amount of time entered by the user; if event does not record time spent, the value is -1 (TimeSpent)
RELEASE_VERSIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoNotes field if event is configured to include release notes information (RelVersion)
GENERATED_BY_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoHow the event was created - 0: Created by user, 1: Created by multi-user assignment, 2: Created by auto assignment), 3: Created by auto escalation (GenByType)
CREATED_BYNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future use (CreatorID)
DEFAULT_ASSIGN_EFFECTNoNUMERIC(2)NoAssignment for the event when it was run - 1: Event results in new assignment, 2: Event has no effect on assignment, 3: Event clears assignment. Intended to preserve history if the event definition is modified (DefAsgEff)
WORKFLOW_OVERRIDENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the event is a result of a workflow override (OvrWF)
WORKFLOW_OVERRIDE_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_USER table. If the event is a result of a workflow override, the field value is the record ID of use. Otherwise, the value is 0. (OvrWFUsrID)
MARK_ITEM_SUSPECTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user selected the option to mark dependent items as suspect (SspLnkItms)
CommentLists users currently assigned to a test run. Can be used to view test runs assigned to a user across all projects. This table is not available in Helix ALM. It is a relational table for the AsgndUsers multi-list field.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER_ID. User or customer.
TESTRUN_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_TESTCASE_EVENT table. Test case event the user is assigned to.
CommentContains test run workflow event file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TT_TESTRUN_EVENT table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the TT_TESTRUN table. (ATTACHMT)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
ATTACHMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TESTRUN_EVENT_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences the TT_TESTRUN_EVENT table. Test run event the file is attached to. (EntityRID)
ATTACHMENT_TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type - 1: Macintosh binary file, 2: Other file type (AttType)
FILE_NAMENoNVARCHAR(200)NoOriginal file name before it was attached to an entity (FileName)
MAC_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only) (MacType)
MAC_CREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only) (MacCreator)
CREATED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile creation date (dateCreate)
MODIFIED_DATENoDATETIMENoFile modification date (dateModify)
FILE_SIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoFile size (FileSize)
ARCHIVE_FILENAMENoNVARCHAR(24)NoArchive file name used for storage in the database (ArchvFile)
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use (Compressed)
ATTACH_IN_DBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the archive file contents are stored in database (valid for RDBMS only) (AttachInDB)
FIELD_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID that contains the WYSIWYG inline image (FieldID)
IMG_WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal width of image added as inline WYSIWYG image (ImgWidth)
IMG_HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoOriginal height of image added as inline WYSIWYG image (ImgHeight)
SUBTYPE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to the TT_SUBTYPE table. Specifies the subtype field definition the file attachment belongs to. (SubtypeID)
CommentContains historical log information about changes made to test run records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the test run records. Each table row has a test run record ID that matches a record in the TT_TESTRUN table. (TRLOG)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TESTRUN_LOG_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
TESTRUN_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_TESTRUN table (ParentID)
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made change. References a record in the TT_USER table. (idUser)
LOG_DATENoDATETIMENoDate/time the change occurred (dateLog)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(4000)NoChange description (Notes)
CommentIf the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_TESTRUN_VALUE table. Test run and field definition.
POPUP_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Custom pop-up menu field.
CommentIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_TESTRUN_VALUE table. Test case and field definition.
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER table. User or customer.
CommentContains test run set pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. (FLDTRSET)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TESTRUNSET_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
FIELD_ORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up menu item order relative to other items (FieldOrder)
FIELD_DESCRIPTIONNoNVARCHAR(255)NoText displayed for the pop-up menu item (Descriptor)
Table: TT_TILE
CommentContains information about widgets used on the Home page

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
ENTITY_TYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoItem type the widget is filtered on
TITLENoVARCHAR(512)YesWidget name
DISPLAY_ORDERNoNUMERIC(5)YesWidget position relative to other widgets
HAS_GRADIENTNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if widget scales color to show transitions
TILE_DESCRIPTIONNoVARCHAR(1020)NoWidget description
CommentContains color settings for Home page widgets

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
COLOR_MAP_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
TILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID of parent widget
VALUE_STARTNoNUMERIC(10)YesNumber of items that must pass the widget filter to start using specified color
COLORNoVARCHAR(24)YesWidget color. Hex value.
CommentLists the states for a test run workflow event. In the source system, the Event.RsltStates field is a space-delimited list of states for the event. The data warehouse breaks these states into a normalized list for easier reporting.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
STATE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesEvent resulting state
TESTRUN_EVENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTest run event the state is related to
CommentComment If the custom field is a pop-up menu, the selected values relate back to the pop-up menu list defined in the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_TESTRUN_VALUE table. Test run and field definition.
POPUP_FIELD_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_POPUP_FIELD table. Custom pop-up menu field.
CommentIf the custom field is a list of users or customers, the selected values relate back to the users defined in the TT_USER table

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
EVENT_VALUE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_CUSTOM_TESTRUN_VALUE table. Test run and field definition.
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_USER table. User or customer.
Table: TT_USER
CommentContains user and customer information. Each table row represents one user or one customer. (USERS)

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
TT_USER_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row (idRecord)
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if a user is active. If false, the user is inactive. (Active)
FIRST_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoFirst name field (FirstName)
USER_GROUP_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser group field. In Helix ALM, links to a security group. In the data warehouse, group information is not carried over and the field is not mapped. Reserved for future use. (idUsrGroup)
LAST_NAMENoNVARCHAR(32)NoUser group field. In Helix ALM, links to a security group. In the data warehouse, group information is not carried over and the field is not mapped. Reserved for future use. (idUsrGroup)
LOGIN_NAMENoNVARCHAR(356)NoLogin name field. For local users, NULL is used. (LoginName)
DATE_LOGOUTNoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) the user last logged out of Helix ALM (dateLogout)
NOTESNoNVARCHAR(max)NoNotes field (Notes)
PHONE_TYPE_1NoNUMERIC(2)NoForeign key to the TT_PHONE_TYPE table
PHONE_NUM_1NoNVARCHAR(32)NoFirst phone number field (PhoneNum1)
PHONE_TYPE_2NoNUMERIC(2)NoForeign key to the TT_PHONE_TYPE table
PHONE_NUM_2NoNVARCHAR(32)NoSecond phone number field (PhoneNum2)
BETA_SITENoNUMERIC(1)NoBeta test site field (used for customers only) (BetaSite)
COMPANYNoNVARCHAR(63)NoCompany field (used for customers only) (Company)
ADDRESSNoNVARCHAR(255)NoAddress field (used for customers only) (Address)
CONFIG_IDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReferences a record in the TT_SYSTEM_CONFIG table where the system configuration information is stored for the user (idTestConf)
EMAIL_TYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoForeign key to the TT_EMAIL_TYPE table
EMAIL_ADDRESSNoNVARCHAR(63)NoUser email address (EMailAddr)
IS_CUSTOMERNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if a user is a customer- 0: user, 1: customer. (IsCustomer)
IS_GLOBALNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the user is a global user (IsGlobal)
ALLOW_SSONoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if single sign-on is supported (AllowSSO)
INITIALSNoNVARCHAR(8)NoUser middle initials (Initials)
DIVISIONNoNVARCHAR(63)NoUser division (Division)
DEPARTMENTNoNVARCHAR(63)NoUser department (Department)
ADDL_INFONoNVARCHAR(max)NoAdditional user information. Reserved for future use. (AddlInfo)
CommentContains a row for each Home page widget hidden by a user

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
HIDDEN_TILE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID of user with hidden widget
TILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID of the hidden widget row
CommentContains associations between a parent defect source control file record and one or more user records

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
USER_SCM_FILE_DEFECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTT_USER record for file
TT_SCM_FILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTT_SCM_FILE_DEFECT record user is associated with
CommentContains associations between a parent requirement document source control file record and one or more user records

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
USER_SCM_FILE_DOCUMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTT_USER record for file
TT_SCM_FILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTT_SCM_FILE_DOCUMENT record user is associated with
CommentContains associations between a parent requirement source control file record and one or more user records

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
USER_SCM_FILE_REQUIREMENT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTT_USER record for file
TT_SCM_FILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTT_SCM_FILE_REQUIREMENT record user is associated with
CommentContains associations between a parent test case source control file record and one or more user records

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
USER_SCM_FILE_TESTCASE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTT_USER record for file
TT_SCM_FILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTT_SCM_FILE_TESTCASE record user is associated with
CommentContains associations between a parent test run source control file record and one or more user records

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLComment
TT_SOURCE_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the REP_SOURCE table. System the data originated from.
TT_PROJECT_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReferences the TT_PROJECT table. Project the data originated from. (ProjectID)
USER_SCM_FILE_TESTRUN_IDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
TT_USER_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTT_USER record for file
TT_SCM_FILE_IDNoNUMERIC(10)YesTT_SCM_FILE_TESTRUN record user is associated with