You are here: Configuring the Surround SCM Server > Setting general mainline options > Supported keywords

Supported keywords

Keywords are case-sensitive placeholders that can be added to text files. When viewing, getting, or checking in files, Surround SCM looks for keywords and automatically embeds the corresponding information. For example, Pat checks in a file that includes the $Author$ keyword. Surround SCM replaces the keyword with $Author: PatUser$.

Note: Keywords cannot be expanded for binary files.

Keyword Value
$Archive$ Repository path and filename
$Author$ User who checked in last file revision
$Branch$ Branch name
$Date$ Date and time of last check in
$File$ Unqualified filename
$Header$ File, Revision, Author, Date
$JustDate$ Date of last check in
$Log$ Dates and times the modified file was checked in
$Logfile$ Repository path and filename
$Modtime$ Date and time of last modification (same value as timestamp column)
$NoKeywords$ Disables expansion of keywords that follow it
$Revision$ Revision number (branch relative)
$Workfile$ Unqualified filename


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