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Using Changelists

Changelists are used to group related file actions and allow for atomic transactions where all actions are treated as one unit. For example, you can use changelists to track files that were changed to fix a specific issue or manage updates made to files related to a large functional component.

You can create changelists when you perform actions on files and repositories. See Creating changelists. The actions are added to a pending changelist and files and repositories are not made in Surround SCM until the changelist is committed. Before committing changelists, you can work with pending changelists to view the details, modify any actions included in it, attach it to a TestTrack item, or add it to a code review. See Managing changelists.

To update the files and repositories in a pending changelist, commit the changelist. When you commit a changelist, all actions included in it are performed as a single transaction. If an action in a changelist fails, the entire operation is canceled. See Committing pending changelists.

You can also use changelists to undo a group of related actions. For example, if you checked in multiple files related to the same bug fix as part of a changelist but you need to rollback the files because the changes affected other functionality, you can use the changelist to rollback all the changes at the same time without having to rollback files individually. See Rolling back changelist actions.

Note: The Surround SCM administrator or another high-level user sets access to changelists. See Setting changelist server options.


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