You are here: Getting Started > Managing server connections > Adding server connections

Adding server connections

You need to add a connection to access Surround SCM Servers that source files are stored on. Your Surround SCM administrator can provide the server address and port number.

1. Choose File > Connect to Server to open the Surround SCM login dialog box.

2. Click Setup.

The Setup Server Connections dialog box opens.

3. Click Add.

The Add Surround SCM Server dialog box opens.

4. Enter a Server name.

Use a descriptive name, such as a department name, to make it easy to identify the server.

5. Enter the Server address and Server port number.

Surround SCM clients connect to the server on this port via TCP/IP. The default port number is 4900. Valid values are 1-65535.

Note: If you received a server settings file from your Surround SCM administrator, import it instead of manually entering the information. Click Import, select the XML file and, click Open. The Server address, Server port, and Public key fingerprint fields are automatically populated. The public key provides additional security required to connect to the Surround SCM Server. Contact your Surround SCM administrator for additional help.

6. Click OK.

The server connection is added and you return to the Setup Server Connections dialog box.

7. To change the order of the servers displayed in the login dialog box, select a server and click Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Bottom.

8. Click Close when you finish.