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Configuring item mapping rules

You can configure item mapping rules to specify how field values are copied into items created from other items, such as issues created from test runs, and how items are linked. These rules allow you to copy additional information between items and offer more flexibility when copying values from custom fields. For example, you can map a custom test run pop-up menu field to any issue field without creating a custom issue pop-up menu.

Keep the following in mind:

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Item Mapping Rules.

The Configure Item Mapping Rules dialog box opens.

2. Select a rule Type.

3. Click Add to create a new rule. See Adding item mapping rules.

4. Select a rule in the Custom Mappings list to modify it. See Editing item mapping rules.

5. Select a rule and click Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Bottom to organize the field order.

If multiple fields are mapped to the same field in a new item, the values are added in the order they appear in the Custom Mappings list.

6. Click Restore Default Values to restore the default mapping rules. See Default item mapping rules.

7. Select a rule and click Delete to delete it.

8. Click Export to export the item mapping rules. See Exporting item mapping rules.

9. Click Import to import the item mapping rules. See Importing item mapping rules.

10. Click OK to save the changes.

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