TestTrack 2016.1 Project Database ERDs
List of tables
Table details
NoteContains a list of target users for automation rule actions. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TRGACTN table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
ACTIONIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLink to a record ID in TRGACTN table
TARGETNoNUMERIC(5)NoTarget for automation rule action; includes the following values:
0 (action not set)
1 (Entered by user)
2 (assigned users)
3 (Found by users)
4 (Modified by users)
5 (last user to enter event)
6 (user)
7 (security group)
8 (current user)
9 (unassigned)
TGTOPTNoNUMERIC(10)NoIf target is a user, links to user ID in USERS table. If target is last user to enter an event, contains the event ID. If target is Found by or Modified by users, contains user; includes the following values:
0 (first user)
1 (last user)
2 (all users)
Otherwise, contains 0.
NoteContains additional information on attachments to test cases and test runs. Each table row represents one file attached to the given record. This table has one-to-one relationship with ATTACHMT table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
ATTACHTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesAttachment type: 0 (Regular attachment), 1 (Script), 2 (Run Result)
TYPENoNUMERIC(2)YesIndicates Attachment table type (tableID_Attachments or tableID_SCCFiles)
OWNERTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity Type to which attachment belongs to
OWNERIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity record ID to which attachment belongs to
SCRPTORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoThis field is valid only if attachment type is script. Indicates order script is displayed in scripts tab and executed.
SCRPTSTATNoVARCHAR(1020)NoThis field is valid only if attachment type is script. Indicates status of the script.
NoteContains file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the given record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the REPORTBY table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the REPORTBY table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoThe table attachment is linked to. (Defect, Defect event, Test case, Test case event, Test run, or Test run event)
ATTTYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoFile attachment type; includes the following values: 1 (Macintosh binary file), 2 (other file type)
ENTITYRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a REPORTBY table or DEFECTEVTS table record ID in case of Defects, otherwise links to Entity record ID.
FILENAMENoVARCHAR(800)NoOriginal file name, before it was attached to an entity.
MACTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh type (valid for Macintosh only)
MACCREATORNoNUMERIC(10)NoMacintosh creator (valid for Macintosh only)
DATEMODIFYNoDATETIMENoFile modification date
ARCHVFILENoVARCHAR(96)YesAttachment filename in the project's attachment archive, which may be the project's Attach directory or the ATTARCHIVE database table.
COMPRESSEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoReserved for future use
ATTACHINDBNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if archive file contents are stored in database (valid for RDBMS only)
FIELDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoContains field id of field containing image for WYSIWYG inline images.
IMGWIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoWidth of original image added as inline WYSIWYG image.
IMGHEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoHeight of original image added as inline WYSIWYG image.
NoteContains file attachment archive information. Each table row represents one file attachment.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
ARCHVFILENoVARCHAR(96)NoAttachment filename in the project's attachment archive, which may be the project's Attach directory or the ATTARCHIVE database table.
FILEDATANoIMAGENoBinary attachment data
NoteContains the changes made to defect, test case or test run records. Each row records changes made to an entity and information regarding who, when, and how changes were made. Change information is stored in such a way that, if the user information is modified or deleted at a later date, the audit log table represents the information as it was when the changes were made.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
DATETIMENoDATETIMEYesDate and time change was made; changed item identified by ENTITYTYPE and ENTITYID
LOGINNAMENoVARCHAR(356)YesUser login name
FULLNAMENoVARCHAR(260)YesFull name (last, first) of user making the changes
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity to which the changes are linked to, defects, test cases or test runs
ENTITYIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLink to the record ID in the table specified by ENTITYTYPE
AUTOREASONNoVARCHAR(1020)YesDescription of how item was changed (e.g., renumbered, changed via bulk field changes)
ENTITYIDENNoVARCHAR(1020)NoDescription of changed item
MANREASONNoVARCHAR(1020)NoReason, entered by user, describing why changes were made; identified by ENTITYTYPE and ENTITYID
MODSOURCENoVARCHAR(1020)NoDescription of source of changes (e.g, Web, SOAP, XML)
MODTYPENoVARCHAR(1020)NoDescription of how source changes were made (e.g. Edit Window, List window, bulk field changes)
CHANGESNoTEXTNoXML-formatted text documents changes
HASHNoVARCHAR(1020)NoAn MD5 hash of the LOGINNAME and DATETIME; verifies that data for this row has not been modified
SIGCAPTUREDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if electronic signatured is captured for this change.
NoteContains live chart report information. Each table row represents one live chart report.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
REPORTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID that uniquely identifies a report.
NAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoName field.
TITLENoVARCHAR(4000)NoTitle field used on report output.
IDOWNERNoNUMERIC(10)NoReport owner, links to a record ID in USERS table.
ACCESSSTATNoNUMERIC(2)NoReport access state; values are: 1 (Shared) and 3 (Private)
ENTITYMASKNoNUMERIC(10)NoA bitmask of the entity types that the chart supports.
DFCTFLTRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoIssue filter the chart uses.
TSTCFLTRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest case filter the chart uses.
TSTRFLTRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest run filter the chart uses.
RQMTFLTRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRequirement filter the chart uses.
RDMTFLTRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRequirement document filter the chart uses.
XMLNoTEXTNoXML text containing additional parameters. (Stored as XML to allow for future expansion).
NoteContains live chart report attributes.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
CHARTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in CHARTS table.
USERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in USERS table.
FILTERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter the chart uses.
ISINTFILTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if filter is interactive.
SHWENTTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoIndicates entity type of the chart settings.
ISRECURNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if folder recursive option is selected
FOLDRECIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FOLDER table.
FOLDOWNIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoIndicates folder owner ID
ZORDERNoNUMERIC(5)NoIndicates Z order of the window.
WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoWidth of live chart window in pixels
HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoHeight of live chart window in pixels
XPOSNoNUMERIC(10)NoX position of the live chart window in the MDI client area.
YPOSNoNUMERIC(10)NoY position of the live chart window in the MDI client area.
ISMAXNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if live chart window was maximized when client was closed.
SHWTITLENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if chart title should be visible.
SHWLGNDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if chart legend should be visible.
SHWXAXISNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if chart X axis should be visible.
SHWYAXLTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if chart left Y axis should be visible.
SHWYAXRTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if chart right Y axis should be visible.
SHWXAXLBLNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if chart X axis labels should be visible.
SHWYLTLBLNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if chart left Y axis labels should be visible.
SHWYRTLBLNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if chart right Y axis labels should be visible.
SHWDATLBLNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if chart data labels should be visible.
NoteContains information related to custom fields on a requirement document. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single document. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DOCUMENT table and FLDDFNTN table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DOCUMENT table
IDCUSTRECNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table
CUSTVALUENoTEXTNoIf custom field is an edit box, this is the text the user enters; if custom field is a pop-up menu, comma separated record IDs will be set.
HASERRORNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if there is a custom field calculation error.
NoteContains custom field values for requirement document events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DOCEVTS and the FLDDFNTN tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDCUSTRECNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table
CUSTVALUENoTEXTNoCustom field value (comma separated record IDs for drop-down list)
IDEVENTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DOCEVTS table
NoteContains information related to custom fields on a requirement. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single requirement. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the REQMNT table and FLDDFNTN table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in REQMNT table
IDCUSTRECNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table
CUSTVALUENoTEXTNoIf custom field is an edit box, this is the text the user enters; if custom field is a pop-up menu, comma separated record IDs will be set.
HASERRORNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if there is a custom field calculation error.
NoteContains custom field values for requirement events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the REQEVTS and the FLDDFNTN tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDCUSTRECNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table
CUSTVALUENoTEXTNoCustom field value (comma separated record IDs for drop-down list)
IDEVENTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in REQEVTS table
NoteContains custom field values for defect events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DEFECTEVTS and the FLDDFNTN tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDCUSTRECNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table
CUSTVALUENoTEXTNoCustom field value (comma separated record IDs for drop-down list)
IDDEFEVTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DEFECTEVTS table
NoteContains custom field values for test case events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TCEVTS and the FLDDFNTN tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDCUSTRECNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table
CUSTVALUENoTEXTNoCustom field value (comma separated record IDs for drop-down list)
IDDEFEVTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in TCEVTS table
NoteContains custom field values for test run events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TREVTS and the FLDDFNTN tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDCUSTRECNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table
CUSTVALUENoTEXTNoCustom field value (comma separated record IDs for drop-down list)
IDDEFEVTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in TREVTS table
NoteContains field level mappings for creating-type-from-type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
SRCFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID for the source field.
DSTNFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID for the destination field.
ORDERNUMNoNUMERIC(5)NoOrder number of mapping rule within mapping rule dialog.
PARENTACTIONIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRefers to the parent row in OBJCTGEN.
NoteContains information related to custom fields on a defect. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single defect. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DEFECTS table and the FLDDFNTN table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DEFECTS table
CUSTVALUENoTEXTNoIf custom field is an edit box, this is the text the user enters; if custom field is a pop-up menu, links to a record ID.
IDCUSTRECNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table
HASERRORNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if there is a custom field calculation error.
NoteContains information related to custom fields on a test case. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single test case. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TESTCASE table and FLDDFNTN table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in TESTCASE table
CUSTVALUENoTEXTNoIf custom field is an edit box, this is the text the user enters; if custom field is a pop-up menu, comma separated record IDs will be set.
IDCUSTRECNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table
CVVRSTATENoNUMERIC(5)NoType of coverage variable:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Required)
2 (Excluded)
3 (Generated)
4 (Additional)
5 (All Coverage)
HASERRORNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if there is a custom field calculation error.
NoteContains information related to custom fields on a test run. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single test run. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TESTRUN table and FLDDFNTN table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in TESTRUN table
CUSTVALUENoTEXTNoIf custom field is an edit box, this is the text the user enters; if custom field is a pop-up menu, comma separated record IDs will be set.
IDCUSTRECNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table
CVVRSTATENoNUMERIC(5)NoType of coverage variable:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Required)
2 (Excluded)
3 (Generated)
4 (Additional)
5 (All Coverage)
HASERRORNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if there is a custom field calculation error.
NoteContains dashboard chart widget information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
XMLNoTEXTNoXML that contains all chart settings.
NoteReserved for future use.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesReserved for future use.
CONTENTNoTEXTNoReserved for future use.
NoteContains dashboard burn down or burn up widget information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
RECURSIVENoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if folder recursive option is selected.
OVERRIDEPLANNINGNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if widget uses own planning information instead of folder release planning information.
STARTDATENoDATETIMENoWidget planning period start date.
ENDDATENoDATETIMENoWidget planning period end date.
INCLUDEWEEKENDSNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if planning information includes weekends.
BURNDOWNNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the widget type is burn down. 0 indicates the widget type is burn up.
FOLDERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoFolder that contains items to include in widget data.
DATATOCHARTNoNUMERIC(10)NoTime tracking fields; includes the following values:
0 (Hours)
1 (Story Points for burn down widget or Story Points Done for burn up widget)
2 (Story Points Accepted for burn up widget)
UNITSNoNUMERIC(10)NoUnits to display; includes the following values:
0 (Days)
1 (Weeks)
2 (Months)
ENABLEDTYPESNoNUMERIC(10)NoBit flags that indicate item types included in the widget:
0x01 (Defects)
0x02 (Test Cases)
0x04 (Test Runs)
0x08 (Requirements)
0x10 (Requirement Documents)
NoteContains dashboard count widget information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
FILTERENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesItem type included in the widget.
FILTERIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesFilter the widget uses.
HASGRADIENTNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the widget uses a gradient.
NoteContains dashboard information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
NAMENoVARCHAR(256)YesDashboard name.
DESCRIPTIONNoVARCHAR(1020)NoDashboard description.
LAYOUTNoNUMERIC(10)YesDashboard layout; includes the following values:
1 (One column)
2 (Two equal-sized columns)
3 (Two columns with a larger left column)
4 (Two columns with a larger right column)
5 (Three equal-sized columns)
HASHEADERNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the dashboard includes a header area above the columns.
NoteContains the order to display dashboards in for a specified user.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
VIEWIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesDashboard ID.
USERIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesLink to a record ID in USERS table.
ORDERNUMNoNUMERIC(10)YesOrder number of the dashboard on the Dashboards window or page.
ISACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the dashboard is the active dashboard when the Dashboards window or page opens.
ISVISIBLENoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the dashboard is shown in a tab on the Dashboards window or page.
NoteContains information about the widgets included in a dashboard.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
VIEWIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesDashboard ID.
LOCATIONYesNUMERIC(10)YesDashboard column that includes the widget. 0 indicates the widget is in the dashboard header area.
ORDERNUMYesNUMERIC(10)YesOrder number of the widget in the specified dashboard column.
NoteContains basic information included in all dashboard widgets.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
TITLENoVARCHAR(512)YesWidget name.
DESCRIPTIONNoVARCHAR(1020)NoWidget description.
WIDGETTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesfromIdentifies the table to retrieve widget settings from; includes the following values:
NoteContains dashboard recent activity

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
DATELOGNoDATETIMEYesDate/time the activity occurred.
CHANGETYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesActivity type:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Item added)
2 (Item edited)
3 (Workflow event)
4 (Items merged)
USERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who performed the action.
ENTITYIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoItem the activity was performed on.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoItem type the activity was performed on.
EVTDEFIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in EVENTS table.
EVTUSERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser in the workflow event By field.
EVTDATENoDATETIMENoDate in the workflow event Date field.
TIMESPENTNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoTime in the workflow event Hours field.
RSLTSTATENoNUMERIC(10)NoResulting state for the workflow event.
ASGNDUSERSNoVARCHAR(4000)NoUsers the item was assigned to.
EVTMARKSUSPECTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the item was marked as suspect.
NOTESNoTEXTNoWorkflow event notes.
NoteContains event information for each event recorded with a defect. Each table row represents a single defect event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DEFECTS table, the EVENTS table, the USERS table, and the STATES table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
EVTDEFIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in EVENTS table
ORDERNUMNoNUMERIC(5)NoIdentifies order the defect event was created relative to other defect events; an internal counter for a specific defect
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in DEFECTS table
EVTMUPARNTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DEFECTEVTS table; if event is a response to a multi-user assignment, field is the record ID of the parent event; if event is not a response to a multiuser assignment, field contains the value -1
IDUSERNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in USERS table; if user created event, it has the record ID of the user; if event was generated by TestTrack, it has a record ID of -2
NOTESNoTEXTNoNotes field
TIMESPENTNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoIf event definition for this event (EVENT table) has the time reporting option selected, field stores the amount of time entered by the user; if event does not record time spent, this field has the value -1
RSLTSTATENoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in STATES table; if event affects resulting defect state, field contains the record ID of resulting state; if event does not affect resulting state, a value of 0 is stored in field
RELVERSIONNoVARCHAR(1020)NoNotes field if event is configured to include release notes information
ASGNDUSERSNoVARCHAR(4000)NoIf event is an assignment event (EVENT table), field contains a list of record IDs linked to the USERS table; if event is not an assignment, field is empty
GENBYTYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoValue that identifies how event was created; includes following values:
0 (created by user)
1 (created by multi-user assignment)
2 (created by auto assignment)
3 (created by auto escalation)
CREATORIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoStores record id of who created the event in the following cases:
- Escalation rule record id
- Trigger rule record id
- User record id of user that performed an action generating a system comment event
DEFASGEFFNoNUMERIC(2)NoStores assignment of event at the time it was run (intended to preserve history if the event definition is
modified); includes the following values:
1 (event results in new assignment)
2 (event has no effect on assignment)
3 (event clears assignment)
OVRWFNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if event is a result of a Workflow Override
OVRWFUSRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to the USERS table; if event is a result of a Workflow Override, field stores the record ID of user; otherwise, the value 0 is written to field
SSPLNKITMSNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if user specified to mark dependent items as suspect.
NoteContains defect information. Each table row represents one defect. Additional information associated with a defect is found in the DEFECTEVTS table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the STATES, FLDTYPE, FLDPROD, FLDDISPO, FLDPRIOR, FLDCOMP and FLDSEVER tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the USERS table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
DATECREATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) defect was added to the database
IDCREATEBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the defect, Links to a record ID in USERS table
DATEMODIFYNoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) defect was last modified
IDMODIFYBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the defect, Links to a record ID in USERS table
DEFECTNUMNoNUMERIC(10)NoDefect number, value is zero if number not yet assigned
SUMMARYNoVARCHAR(1020)NoSummary field
STATUSNoNUMERIC(10)NoDefect state, links to a record ID in STATES table
INITSTATUSNoNUMERIC(10)NoInitial defect state
IDTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoType field, links to a record ID in FLDTYPE table
IDPRODUCTNoNUMERIC(10)NoProduct field, links to a record ID in FLDPROD table
REFERENCENoVARCHAR(1020)NoReference field
IDENTERBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoEntered by field, links to a record ID in USERS table
IDDISPOSITNoNUMERIC(10)NoDisposition field, links to a record ID in FLDDISPO table
IDPRIORITYNoNUMERIC(10)NoPriority field, links to a record ID in FLDPRIOR table
IDCOMPONNoNUMERIC(10)NoComponent field, links to a record ID in FLDCOMP table
IDSEVERITYNoNUMERIC(10)NoSeverity field, links to a record ID in FLDSEVER table
DATEENTERNoDATETIMENoDate entered field (in GMT)
ADDLOCATNoNUMERIC(5)NoMethod used to add defect; includes the following values:
0 (unknown)
1 (Add defect window)
2 (SoloSubmit)
3 (SoloBug file)
4 (Email import)
5 (Text file import)
6 (TestTrack user duplicated a defect) If a defect was created during a conversion from a TestTrack 1.8.x or Workgroup database, value is set to "unknown"
WORKAROUNDNoTEXTNoWorkaround field
IDTICKETNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future functionality
NOTIFYNoVARCHAR(4000)NoList of users/customers notified when defect changes, links to the USERS table
CURASGTONoTEXTNoStores names of users defect is currently assigned to for external reporting tools.
NoteContains historical log information about changes made to defect records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the defect records. Each row has a defect record ID that matches a record ID in the DEFECTS table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDUSERNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made change, links to a record ID in USERS table
DATELOGNoDATETIMENoDate/time the change occurred
NOTESNoVARCHAR(4000)NoDescription of the change
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DEFECTS table
NoteAssociates defect historical log and audit log information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
AUDITIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in AUDITLOG table
HISTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in DEFLOG table
NoteContains text strings used in the interface. This table contains the Rename Field Label values.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
DISPLAYNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText string used in the user interface display
NoteContains the original values for fields that were changed after a document snapshot was created. The document itself always stores the current value.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DOCSNPST table
IDFIELDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table indentifying the field.
HASVALUENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if OrigValue field represents original value. If false the original value was NULL.
ORIGVALUENoTEXTNoContains the original value for the field stored as the string value.
NoteContains event information for each event recorded with a document. Each table row represents a single document event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DOCUMENT table, the EVENTS table, the USERS table, and the STATES table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
EVTDEFIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in EVENTS table
ORDERNUMNoNUMERIC(5)NoIdentifies order the document event was created relative to other document events; an internal counter for a specific document.
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in DOCUMENT table
EVTMUPARNTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DOCEVTS table; if event is a response to a multi-user assignment, field is the record ID of the parent event; if event is not a response to a multiuser assignment, field contains the value -1
IDUSERNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in USERS table; if user created event, it has the record ID of the user; if event was generated by TestTrack, it has a record ID of -2
DATEEVENTNoDATETIMENoDocument event date
NOTESNoTEXTNoNotes field
TIMESPENTNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoIf event definition for this event (EVENT table) has the time reporting option selected, field stores the amount of time entered by the user; if event does not record time spent, this field has the value -1
RSLTSTATENoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in STATES table; if event affects resulting document state, field contains the record ID of resulting state; if event does not affect resulting state, a value of 0 is stored in field
RELVERSIONNoVARCHAR(1020)NoNotes field if event is configured to include release notes information
ASGNDUSERSNoVARCHAR(4000)NoIf event is an assignment event (EVENT table), field contains a list of record IDs linked to the USERS table; if event is not an assignment, field is empty
GENBYTYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoValue that identifies how event was created; includes following values:
0 (created by user)
1 (created by multi-user assignment)
2 (created by auto assignment)
3 (created by auto escalation)
CREATORIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoStores record id of who created the event in the following cases:
- Escalation rule record id
- Trigger rule record id
- User record id of user that performed an action generating a system comment event
DEFASGEFFNoNUMERIC(2)NoStores assignment of event at the time it was run (intended to preserve history if the event definition is
modified); includes the following values:
1 (event results in new assignment)
2 (event has no effect on assignment)
3 (event clears assignment)
OVRWFNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if event is a result of a Workflow Override
OVRWFUSRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to the USERS table; if event is a result of a Workflow Override, field stores the record ID of user; otherwise, the value 0 is written to field
SSPLNKITMSNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if user specified to mark dependent items as suspect.
VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoContains the version number of the document that was current when the event was entered.
NoteRelates users to favorited Word export templates.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
ProjectIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
TemplateIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTemplate record ID.
UserIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesUser record ID.
NoteRelates security groups to Word export templates they can use.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
ProjectIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
TemplateIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTemplate record ID.
UserGroupIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesSecurity group record ID.
NoteContains Word export templates.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
ProjectIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
idRecordYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
TemplateNameNoNVARCHAR(128)YesTemplate name.
TemplateDescNoNVARCHAR(1000)NoTemplate description.
TemplateTypeNoNUMERIC(10)YesTemplate type; includes the following values:
0: Microsoft Word
IsDraftNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the template is marked as a draft.
DocTemplateNameNoNVARCHAR(512)NoTemplate file name.
EntityMaskNoNUMERIC(10)NoItem types at the top level of the template file; includes the following bit values:
0x01 = Issue
0x02 = Test case
0x04 = Test run
0x08 = Requirement
0x10 = Document
0x20 = Folder
ContainsStringNoNVARCHAR(512)NoItem types the template file supports.
CreatedUserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of user who created the template.
CreatedDateNoDATETIMENoDate/time the template was created.
LastModUserIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the last user who uploaded a new version of the template file.
LastModDateNoDATETIMENoDate/time a new version of the template file was last uploaded.
OrigDocTemplateNoVARBINARY(max)NoBuffer that contains the original uploaded template file.
DocumentStructureNoVARBINARY(max)NoBuffer JSON representation of the XML data structure parsed from OrigDocTemplate.
NoteContains historical log information about changes made to requirement document records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the document records. Each row has a document record ID that matches a record ID in the DOCUMENT table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDUSERNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made change, links to a record ID in USERS table
DATELOGNoDATETIMENoDate/time the change occurred
NOTESNoVARCHAR(4000)NoDescription of the change
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DOCUMENT table
NoteContains document snapshot information. Each table row represents one document snapshot.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
IDDOCUMENTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DOCUMENT table
DATECREATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) snapshot was added to the database
IDCREATEBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the snapshot. Links to a record ID in USERS table
VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoSnapshot version number
LABELNoVARCHAR(128)NoSnapshot label
COMMNTNoTEXTNoSnapshot comment
NoteContains the requirement relationship tree for the current version of the document.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDDOCUMENTYesNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in DOCUMENT table
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DOCTREE table; Field contains the record ID of the parent node in the tree. If the node is at the top level ParnetID contains 0.
IDREQMNTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in REQMNT table
SIBORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoContains the order of this node in relation to its siblings in the parent node.
ISSUSPECTNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if the node is marked as suspect.
NoteContains requirement document information. Each table row represents one requirement document.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
DATECREATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) document was added to the database
IDCREATEBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the document. Links to a record ID in USERS table
DATEMODIFYNoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) document was last modified
IDMODIFYBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the document. Links to a record ID in USERS table
DOCNUMNoNUMERIC(10)NoDocument number, value is zero if number not yet assigned
NAMENoVARCHAR(1020)NoDocument name.
IDSTATUSNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent document state, links to a record ID in STATES table
ADDLOCATNoNUMERIC(5)NoMethod used to add requirement document, includes the following values:
0 (unknown)
1 (Add requirement document window)
4 (Email import)
5 (Text file import)
6 (TestTrack user duplicated a requirement document)
13 (Microsoft Word import)
VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent document version number.
DESCRPTNNoTEXTNoDocument description
PGWIDTHNoNUMERIC(10, 3)NoCurrent page width for multi-line text fields in specification window.
LEFTMARGINNoNUMERIC(10, 3)NoCurrent left margin indent in specification window.
UNITTYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoUnits that the page width and left margin are specified in.
0 - Pixels
1 - Inches
2 - Centimeters
NOTIFYNoTEXTNoList of users/customers notified when document changes, links to the USERS table
CURASGTONoTEXTNoStores names of users document is currently assigned to for external reporting tools.
INITSTATUSNoNUMERIC(10)NoInitial document state.
NoteContains draft version/inactive custom fields. Each table row represents one draft custom field.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesTable this field is linked to.
SOURCEFIELDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID FLDDFNTN table.
XMLNoTEXTNoDraft field data.
Table: EMAIL
NoteContains tracked email information. Each table row represents one email. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the EMAILASSOC table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ISORPHANNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if email is associated with an entity
SUBJECTNoVARCHAR(1020)NoEmail subject
BODYNoTEXTNoEmail message body
DATESENTNoDATETIMENoDate/time email was sent
DATERECDNoDATETIMENoDate/time email was received
THDMSGIDNoVARCHAR(1020)NoEmail message ID in thread
DIRECTIONNoNUMERIC(5)NoIndicates if email was sent or received; includes the following values:
0 (outgoing)
1 (incoming)
ISHTMLNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the email is in HTML format
NoteContains information about records tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoEntity type the email is associated with
ENTITYRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to a record ID in corresponding entity table
EMAILIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to a record ID in EMAIL table
NoteContains email recipient information. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the EMAIL table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
EMAILIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to a record ID in EMAIL table
TYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoRecipient type; includes the following values:
1 (From)
2 (To)
3 (Cc)
4 (Bcc)
USERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to a record ID in USERS table
ADDRESSNoVARCHAR(252)NoRecipient email address
NoteContains email template information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
EMAILDESCNoVARCHAR(1020)NoDescription of when email template is used
SUBJECTNoVARCHAR(1020)NoEmail template subject field
TEMPLATENoTEXTNoEmail template message body
NAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoEmail template name
MULTIPLENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if multiple recipients can be specified; if set to N, multiple emails with a single recipient will be sent
MAILGROUPSNoVARCHAR(4000)NoSpecifies which security groups can be sent the message, links to the USERGRP table
HTMLNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if the email is sent in HTML format
ALLOWALLNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates that all groups can receive this email
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoEntity type the template is associated to
NoteContains event definition information. Each table row represents one event definition. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the FLDDFNTN table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoEntity type to which event is linked to
NAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoEvent name
EVENTDESCNoVARCHAR(1020)NoEvent description
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlat indicates if the event is active in the workflow
EVENTORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoIdentifies order events are displayed on workflow configuration screens
INFORMNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if event is informational only or affects current state of the entity
ALLOWATTCHNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if files can be attached to the event
TIMETRKNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if time tracking is enabled for the event
TIMETRKOPTNoNUMERIC(2)NoValue indicates how time tracking operates; includes the following values:
1 (display sum of event hours)
2 (display last event hours)
ASSIGNEFFNoNUMERIC(2)NoStores assignment value of event; includes the following values:
1 (event results in new assignment)
2 (event has no effect on assignment)
3 (event clears assignment)
RSLTSTATESNoVARCHAR(4000)NoSpecifies valid states for event, links to STATES table
QKLINKICONNoVARCHAR(1020)NoSpecifies file name used as a graphic on the TestTrack Web list window for creating this type of event
EVENTICONNoIMAGENoBinary data for the toolbar icon displayed on the TestTrack Windows client
INCEVTICONNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if icon be displayed on the Windows toolbar
EVTICONNMNoVARCHAR(1020)NoName of file used for event icon
EVTINCRELNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if event notes should be included with release notes
ALLOWMUASNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if multiple user assignment is allowed
REQESIGSNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates electronic signature is required to complete this event
HIDEDLGNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates to hide dialog if there are no fields to be shown. Currently it is implemented only for test runs.
EVVSRWMODNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if event notes should be included with the requirement document review mode; applies to requirements only.
DNLNKSUSPNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if the event should include the "Mark dependent items as suspect" option.
NoteContains information that enables integration with external source control providers, such as Git

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
PROVIDERTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoDefines the provider type:
1 - SCM Provider
PROVSUBTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesDefines the provider type sub type:
0 - Other
1 - Surround SCM
2 - Git
3 - GitHub
APIKEYNoVARCHAR(256)NoContains the provider key which uniquely identifies the provider when it connects to the project
NAMENoVARCHAR(1024)YesContains the provider name. This field is required and must be unique.
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the provider is active.
SERVERADDRNoVARCHAR(2048)NoSurround SCM Server Path
SERVERPORTNoNUMERIC(10)NoSurround SCM Server port
COMMITURLNoVARCHAR(4000)NoCommit viewer URL path string.
FILEURLNoVARCHAR(4000)NoFile viewer URL path string.
REPOURLNoVARCHAR(4000)NoGitHub repository URL path string.
PROVIDERCGIURLNoVARCHAR(4000)NoThe URL of the external provider CGI.
NoteContains external item associations, such as for JIRA issues.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
ProjectIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
idRecordYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ProviderIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that identifies the external association provider row for the external item.
ItemIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that identifies the TestTrack item associated with the external item.
ItemTypeNoNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack item type associated with the external item.
CreatedDateNoDATETIMENoDate/time the association was created.
ProviderDataNoVARBINARY(max)NoExternal data from the provider that identifies the specific external item.
NoteContains external item association providers, such as JIRA.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
ProjectIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
idRecordYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
LocationNoNVARCHAR(512)YesURL or other location for the provider.
EnabledNoNUMERIC(10)YesIndicates if the provider is enabled in TestTrack.
ProviderDataNoVARBINARY(max)NoJSON identification data given from the provider to TestTrack.
ConfigDataNoVARBINARY(max)NoJSON data representing the provider configuration in the TestTrack project.
NoteContains calculated custom field details. Each table row represents one calculated custom field.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
IDFIELDDEFNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table.
IDFIELD1NoNUMERIC(10)NoFor time span calculated fields, this will store the Field ID of the first time field.
IDFIELD2NoNUMERIC(10)NoFor time span calculated fields, this will store the Field ID of the second time field
UNITNoNUMERIC(2)NoFor time span calculated fields, this will store the unit to use for the difference
ROUNDINGNoNUMERIC(2)NoFor time span calculated fields, this will store the rounding behavior
FIELDCALCTYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoField calculation type. (kCalcType_NotSet = 0, kCalculationWithFormula, kCalculatedPopup, kCalculatedTimespan, kMappedField)
INCLWEEKENDSNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag to indicate if weekend is included in calculation.
LASTERRORDATENoDATETIMENoThis will store the last time that this field had an error (on any item).
LASTLOGDATENoDATETIMENoThis will store the last time that an error message was logged for this field.
FORMULANoTEXTNoThis will store the formula for the calculated field.
NoteContains the definition of field relationships setup for this database. Each table row represents one field relationship.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoParent entity type the relationship is linked to.
CHILDTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoChild entity type the relationship is linked to.
IDPARENTNoNUMERIC(10)YesIdentifies parent field in the field relationship.
IDCHILDNoNUMERIC(10)YesIdentifies child field in the field relationship.
RULESNoTEXTNoList of record IDs for parent and child fields that describe the relationship of the field items.
NoteContains field value style settings. May be associated with multiple fields.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
NAMENoVARCHAR(1020)YesStyle name in style list.
ORDERNUMNoNUMERIC(10)YesOrder of style in style list.
BOLDNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the style is bold.
ITALICNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the style is italics.
UNDERLINENoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the style is underlined.
STRIKEOUTNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the style is strikeout.
COLORNoVARCHAR(24)YesStyle text color in 6 hex digits.
BACKGROUNDCOLORNoVARCHAR(24)YesStyle background color in 6 hex digits.
HIDETEXTNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if text is hidden when the style is applied.
ICONNoIMAGENoBinary data containing the icon image file.
NoteAssociates a field and popup value with a style. The field style mapping associates a field style with a workflow state or a pop-up menu item. If the parent type is 1, the parent ID column is interpreted as a workflow state and the child columns are interpreted as states that use the style. If parent type is 2, the parent ID represents the record ID of the pop-up menu. The child IDs represent the pop-up menu items that use the style.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
PARENTTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesHow to interpret the data in the ParentID and ChildID columns. Valid values are Workflow or PopupItem.
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesIf ParentType is Workflow, this is the entity type of the workflow (e.g. tableID_Defects, tableID_TestCases, etc.). If ParentType is PopupItem, this is the record ID of the pop-up list this entry is for.
CHILDIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesIf ParentType is Workflow, this is the workflow state record ID. If ParentType is PopupItem, this is the pop-up item record ID.
FIELDSTYLEIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID for field style to apply to the associated item.
NoteContains restriction items in a filter. Each table row represents one displayed line in a filter. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the FILTER table. Each row has a filter record ID that matches a record ID in the FILTER table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
FILTERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter record ID.
FILTORDERNoNUMERIC(3)NoRestriction item order, relative to other items.
BNOTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if Not flag is set.
OPENPARENNoNUMERIC(2)NoNumber of open parentheses that appear before
restriction item.
CLOSEPARENNoNUMERIC(2)NoNumber of close parentheses that appear after restriction
FILTERTYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoOperator applied to the next restriction item; includes the following values:
0 (none)
2 (AND operator)
3 (OR operator)
RESTRICTNNoTEXTNoFilter restriction information; field can use information from a filter restriction definition and code them into a string value stored in this field
PROMPTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if filter is interactive and should prompt user for values when used.
NoteContains filter information. Each table row represents one filter for the given entity type. Additional information associated with a filter is found in the FILTDISP table, which has a many-to-one relationship to this table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FILTERTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesFilter entity type
NAMENoVARCHAR(252)YesName field
FILTERDESCNoVARCHAR(1020)NoDescription field
IDOWNERNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter owner, links to a record ID in USERS table.
ACCESSSTATNoNUMERIC(1)YesFilter access state; includes the following values:
1 (Shared)
3 (Private)
NoteContains the components pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up item order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for this pop-up menu item.
NoteContains the custom field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the FLDPULIST table. Each row in this table has a Pop-up list record ID that matches a record ID in the FLDPULIST table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDPULISTNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in FLDPULIST table.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoItem order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for pop-up menu item.
NoteContains definitions for fields of all entity type and event fields. Each table row represents a single field. Custom pop-up fields, for both entity and entity events, have many-to-one relationship with the FLDPULIST table that links to pop-up menu items in FLDCUSTM table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoTable this field is linked to.
FIELDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField ID that uniquely identifies a field in an entity type.
POSITIONNoNUMERIC(5)NoFor custom fields, order field displays on the custom field tab; for inherent fields, value is -1.
FIELDCODENoVARCHAR(1020)NoCharacter string used as a replacement field code for email templates.
FIELDTYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoStores value that describes field type; includes the following values:
1 (pop-up menu)
2 (string)
3 (Boolean)
4 (date)
5 (version field)
6 (Component)
7 (Disposition)
FIELDOPTSNoNUMERIC(10)NoStores value that describes data allowed for this field; includes the following values:
0 (no option specified)
1 (integer values)
2 (floating point values)
3 (include time - only for date fields)
5 (memo field)
6 (Hyperlink)
FLDFLGOPTSNoNUMERIC(10)NoStores field flag options; includes the following values:
0 (no option specified)
1 (Include Global users or customers)
2 (Include Local users or customers)
4 (Multi-select field)
ATTFLAGNoNUMERIC(10)NoBit flag indicates which text import/export options are available; the following options can be combined with an OR operator:
0x0001 (field can be imported via text import)
0x0002 (field can be exported via text export)
0x0004 (field defaults to checked on text export dialog)
0x0008 (field defaults to checked on text import dialog)
SHORTNAMENoVARCHAR(1020)NoField name as displayed with entity or event dialog.
LONGNAMENoVARCHAR(1020)NoField name as displayed in list windows, filters, and reports.
WEBCODENoVARCHAR(1020)NoCharacter string used to parse data read-in from TestTrack Web; data cannot be modified.
MAXSIZENoNUMERIC(10)NoMaximum field length, only applies to custom fields for entity and entity events; all other fields have value of -1.
NUMROWSNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of rows for multi-line text fields; minimum value is 2, maximum is 10.
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if the field is being used.
EDTREQDFLTNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if required fields and default values can be modified.
DEFAULTVALNoNUMERIC(10)NoDefault value for this field; stored values are based on field type; for string fields, the only value allowed is -4 (blank record ID); for pop-up menus, the allowed values are: 0 (not set record ID) and any valid record ID in corresponding table; for user fields, allowed values are: -2 (current user), 0 (not set record ID); for date fields, allowed values are: 0 (not set record ID), 1 (current date).
ALLOWDEFLTNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if the default can be set.
ENTITYRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to record ID of event definition (EVENTS) if definition is for an event field; for entity fields, value is 0.
REQUIREDNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if the field is required.
IDPULISTNoNUMERIC(10)NoThis is applicable only for pop-up menu items; indicates TableID for inherent fields, Record ID in FLDPULIST for custom pop-up menu items; All other fields have value of 0.
DEFAULTSTRNoTEXTNoReserved for future use.
NoteContains the disposition pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPop-up item order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for pop-up menu item.
NoteContains the priority pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPopup item order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for pop-up menu item.
NoteContains the product pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPopup item order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for pop-up menu item.
NoteContains pop-up list names. FLDDFNTN table maps to FLDPULIST record ID for each pop-up menu item. List of actual values for each PU List is stored in FLDCUSTM table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
LISTNAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoPop-up list name.
NoteContains the additional folder details for the folder table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
FLDRTYPIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoForeign key to folder type table.
FLDRDTLSNoTEXTNoFolder WYSIWYG text entered for the folder.
ALLWEDTDTLNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if users can edit the folder details field from the list window.
STARTDATENoDATETIMENoFolder release planning start date.
ENDDATENoDATETIMENoFolder release planning end date.
INCLWKENDSNoNUMERIC(1)NoFolder release planning include weekends flag.
NONWKDYSNoNUMERIC(10)NoFolder release planning non working days.
WORKHRSNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoFolder release planning work hours.
AVAILUSRSNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoFolder release planning available users.
PTOHRSNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoFolder release planning vacation and holiday hours.
STORYPTSNoNUMERIC(10)NoFolder release planning target stroy points.
NoteContains the reproduced pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPopup item order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for pop-up menu item.
NoteContains folder item information. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-toone relationship with the FOLDER table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
FOLDERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to a record ID in the FOLDER table.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoEntity type the item is related to.
ENTITYIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to a record ID in the DEFECT, TESTCASE, or TESTRUN table.
NoteContains historical log information about changes to folders. Each row in this table represents a log entry for a folder. Each row has a folder record ID that matches a record ID in the FOLDER table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDUSERNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made change, links to a record ID in USERS table.
DATELOGNoDATETIMENoDate/time the change occurred.
NOTESNoVARCHAR(4000)NoDescription of the change.
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in the FOLDER table.
NoteContains requirement importance pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPopup item order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for pop-up menu item.
NoteContains folder type information. Each table row represents one type value.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
NAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoFolder type name.
DESCRPTNNoVARCHAR(1020)NoFolder type description.
OPENICONNoIMAGENoOpen folder icon image.
OPNICONNMNoVARCHAR(1020)NoFilename of the image file that was selected for the open folder icon image.
CLOSEDICONNoIMAGENoClosed folder icon image.
CLSICONNMNoVARCHAR(1020)NoFilename of the image file that was selected for the closed folder icon image.
ISACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if folder type is active.
ALLOWURLNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if folder type should support URLs.
ALLWWYGTXTNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if folder type should support WYSIWYG text.
ALLWTMTRKNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if folder type should support release planning
ORDERNUMNoNUMERIC(5)NoOrder number of the folder type within the list.
BANNERCLRNoVARCHAR(24)NoBanner color for the folder type
DEFAULTTASKBOARDNoNUMERIC(10)NoThe default Task Board to use for this folder type.
ENABLETASKBOARDNoNUMERIC(1)NoBoolean indicating if task boards are enabled for the folder type.
NoteContains the severity pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPopup item order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for pop-up menu item.
NoteContains test object type pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPopup item order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for pop-up menu item.
NoteContains test run set pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPopup item order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for pop-up menu item.
NoteContains the type pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPopup item order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for pop-up menu item.
NoteContains the version pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FIELDORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoPopup item order, relative to other items.
DESCRIPTORNoVARCHAR(1020)NoText displayed for pop-up menu item
NoteContains folder information. Each table row represents one folder. Folder item information is in the FLDRITEM table. This table has a one-to-many relationship with the FLDRITEM table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
OWNERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in USERS table.
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the parent folder.
FLDRORDERNoNUMERIC(5)NoFolder order, relative to other folders.
NAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoFolder name.
DESCRPTNNoVARCHAR(1020)NoFolder description.
DATECREATENoDATETIMENoDate/time folder was created.
IDCREATEBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who created the folder, links to a record ID in USERS table
DATEMODIFYNoDATETIMENoDate/time folder was last modified.
IDMODIFYBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the folder, links to a record ID in USERS table
ADDEDFROMNoNUMERIC(5)NoHow folder was added; includes the following values:
0 (location unknown)
1 (add window)
2 (SoloSubmit page)
3 (SoloBug import)
4 (email import)
5 (text import)
6 (duplicated)
7 (XML import)
9 (help desk - obsolete)
10 (QA Wizard Pro)
11 (generated test run)
12 (TestTrack Outlook add-in)
MULTIDESCNoTEXTNoReserved for future use.
URLNoTEXTNoReserved for future use.
TASKBOARDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the task board used when viewing the folder.
NoteAssociates folder historical log and audit log information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
AUDITIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in AUDITLOG table
HISTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in DOCLOG table
NoteContains email notification hyperlink information. Each row contains the information for one hyperlink sent to a user. The table contains the information needed to match a hyperlink to the user who was sent the hyperlink and the record it links to.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
DTCREATEDNoDATETIMEYesDate/time hyperlink created.
USERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to USERS table for person who is to view defect (i.e., person email notification was sent to)
NMTIMESUSDNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of times user has accessed hyperlink.
DTLASTLOGNNoDATETIMENoDate/time user last accessed hyperlink.
OTHERNoVARCHAR(40)YesSecurity information, verifies authenticity of hyperlink request
DEFECTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to DEFECTS table for the defect to be viewed.
NoteContains input mapping rule for a formula based calculated custom field.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDFIELDCALCNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in FIELDCALC table.
IDFIELDDEFNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table.
IDPUVALUENoNUMERIC(10)YesPopup list ID value.
VALUENoVARCHAR(1020)NoInput map value.
NoteContains a list of user-defined link definitions.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
LINKORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoOrder of row in list of link definitions.
LINKNAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoUnique name for link definition.
LINKCOMMNTNoVARCHAR(1020)NoComment associated with link definition.
LINKPARENTNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if link definition requires a parent.
LINKACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if link definition is active.
LINKENTSNoVARCHAR(255)NoIndicates allowed entities for this link.
COMNTREQDNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if link comment is required when creating a new link using this definition.
ALLWDPRNTSNoVARCHAR(255)NoList of table ids allowed to be parent in link using this definition.
ALLWDCHLDNoVARCHAR(255)NoList of table ids allowed to be children or peers in link using this definition.
MAXITEMSNoNUMERIC(10)NoNumber of items allowed to be linked together using this definition.
ALLWSUSPCTNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if children or peers in link using this definition should be marked as suspect when suspect event is added to parent.
NoteContains history of changes made to links.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
LINKIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to parent record in LINKS table.
HISTORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoOrder that events appear in link's history.
HISTDATENoDATETIMENoDate link was changed.
FIRSTNAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoFirst name of user who made change.
LASTNAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoLast name of user who made change.
HISTINFONoVARCHAR(1020)NoDetailed description of change.
NoteContains the information for a single item within a link in the LINK table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
LINKIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to parent record in LINKS table.
ITEMORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoItem order in peer/child list; value of 0 indicates parent item in link.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoTable link item is associated with;
ENTITYIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of defect item is linked to.
ITEMSTATUSNoNUMERIC(5)NoReserved for future use.
SUSPSTATNoNUMERIC(10)NoIndicates suspect status of linked items.
0 (Not suspect)
1 (Suspect status caused by workflow)
2 (Suspect status was set manually)
SUSPBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecordID of user who made link suspect.
SUSPDATENoDATETIMENoDate & time when link was made suspect.
SUSPNOTESNoVARCHAR(1020)NoNotes entered by user when link was made suspect.
SRCTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoTable ID of the item in the link that made this link suspect.
SRCIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID of the item in the link that made this link suspect.
DATEADDEDNoDATETIMENoIndicates date/time item was added to the link.
Table: LINKS
NoteContains a list of link items that have been added to a link.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
LINKDEFIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLink to LINKDFNTN table, identifies link type.
LINKSTATUSNoNUMERIC(5)NoReserved for future use.
LINKCOMMNTNoVARCHAR(1020)NoComment entered by user when link was created.
NoteContains the options that describe the workflow behaviors for items in the LINKDFNTN table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies parent project for row.
LINKDEFIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesLink to LINKDFNTN table, identifies link type.
LINKRLTNNoNUMERIC(5)NoThe enumerated relationship type of this behavior:
1 - Parent
2 - Child
3 - Peer
LINKOPTIONNoNUMERIC(5)NoThe enumerated option for the workflow behavior:
1 - Prevent parent from closing if children are open
2 - Prevent child from re-opening if parent is closed
3 - Prevent child from closing if parent is open
4 - Prevent parent from re-opening if children are closed
5 - Close peers in order
6 - Re-open peers in reverse order
NoteContains list window information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
USERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to a record ID in USERS table.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoEntity type of the list window.
WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoList window width in pixels.
HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoList window height in pixels.
XPOSNoNUMERIC(10)NoX position of the list window in the MDI client area.
YPOSNoNUMERIC(10)NoY position of the list window in the MDI client area.
ISOPENNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if window was open when client was closed.
ZORDERNoNUMERIC(5)NoZ order of the window.
CLIENTWNoNUMERIC(5)NoWidth of the MDI client area the window was displayed in (for applying width correction).
CLIENTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoHeight of the MDI client area the window was displayed in (for applying height correction).
NoteContains list window tab information. Each table row represents one tab. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the LISTWND table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
LISTWNDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to a record ID in LISTWND table.
NAMENoVARCHAR(512)NoTab name.
PRISORTNoNUMERIC(10)NoPrimary sort field ID.
SECSORTNoNUMERIC(10)NoSecondary sort field ID.
PRISRTORDRNoNUMERIC(1)NoPrimary sort column order.
SECSRTORDRNoNUMERIC(1)NoSecondary sort column order.
FILTERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter the list window uses.
QUICKLINKSNoNUMERIC(10)NoIndicates if TestTrack Web quick link icons are displayed.
EVENTSNoVARCHAR(4000)NoList of selected TestTrack Web event quick link icons.
TABORDERNoNUMERIC(5)NoTab order, relative to other tabs.
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the tab is selected.
NoteContains create-type-from-type mappings.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
SRCENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoThe source entity type of the object generation action.
SRCSUBTYPEIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoThe source subtype of the object generation action.
DSTENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoThe destination entity type of the object generation action.
DSTSUBTYPEIDNoNUMERIC(10)No The destination subtype of the object generation action.
ADDTOFOLDERNoNUMERIC(1)NoTrue if generated items should be added to the same folders as the source item.
COPYFIELDDATANoNUMERIC(1)NoTrue if additional field information should be copied, e.g. "Copy description fields from all issue reported by records to the requirement description"
LINKDEFIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoThe ID of the link definition to use.
PROMPTTOLINKNoNUMERIC(1)NoTrue if the user is prompted to add the link.
PARENTINLINKNoNUMERIC(10)NoAn enumeration indicating which item is made the parent in the link if the link is a parent/child link. Source(0), destination(1), special(2).
ACTTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoAn enumeration indicating what type of object generation this is, Create(0), Generate(1), or Insert Shared Steps(2).
ADDTODOCUMENTNoNUMERIC(1)NoTrue if the newly created requirement should be added to a document.
NoteContains ouput mapping for a calculated pop-up custom field.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDFIELDCALCNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in FIELDCALC table.
MAPCONDNoNUMERIC(10)YesAn enumerated value corresponding to "Greater Than", "Equal To", etc. (kCondition_Invalid, kCondition_Greater, kCondition_GreaterOrEqual, kCondition_Less, kCondition_LessOrEqual, kCondition_Equal, kCondition_NotEqual, kCondition_DefaultValue)
MAPPINGNoNUMERIC(10)YesThe output value
MAPORDERNoNUMERIC(10)YesOrder of this mapping rule in the list of output mappings
MAPVALUENoVARCHAR(80)NoNumeric portion of the condition
NoteContains TestTrack internal information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
DBVERSIONNoVARCHAR(40)NoDatabase version number, specifies database table format.
NoteAssociates a parent record with a child record.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ASSOCTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesHow data in the ParentID and ChildID columns is interpreted. Can only be 1 initially.
1 - Indicates PARENTID in SCCFILE.idRecord and a CHILDID in USERS.idRecord, which associates a source control file record with multiple AuthorIDs (TestTrack user IDs).
2 - Indicates PARENTID in TASKBOARD.idRecord and a CHILDID in SUBTYPES.idRecord.
3 - Indicates PARENTID in TASKBOARDCOLUMN.idRecord and a CHILDID in STATES.idRecord.
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecordID of an SCCFILE if AssocType is 1.
CHILDIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesAuthorID (TestTrack user ID) for the SCCFILE parent if AssocType is 1.
NoteContains the options and settings used when connecting to this RDBMS database. Works like a Windows INI file and each entry has a name/value pair.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
OPTDESCNoVARCHAR(128)NoOption name.
OPTVALUENoVARCHAR(1020)NoOption value.
NoteAssociates requirement document historical log and audit log information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
AUDITIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in AUDITLOG table
HISTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in DOCLOG table
NoteContains defect reported by information. Each table row represents one report of a defect. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DEFECTS table because TestTrack allows multiple reports of a single defect. Each row in this table has a defect record ID that matches a record ID in the DEFECTS table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDFOUNDBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoFound by field, links to a record ID in USERS table.
DATEFOUNDNoDATETIMENoFound by date field.
ORDERNUMNoNUMERIC(5)NoIdentifies reported by record order, relative to other reported by records; internal counter for a specific defect.
VERSNFOUNDNoVARCHAR(128)NoVersion found in field. This field stores the text of the item if selected from the FLDVERSN table.
DESCRPTNNoTEXTNoDescription field.
IDREPRODNoNUMERIC(10)NoReproduced field, links to a record ID in FLDREPRO table.
REPROSTEPSNoTEXTNoSteps to reproduce field.
TSTCONTYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoComputer configuration field type; includes the following values:
1 (User's Test Configuration)
2 (Standard Test Configuration)
IDCONFIGNoNUMERIC(10)NoStandard computer configuration field, links to a record ID in SYSCONF table
OTHERHWSWNoTEXTNoOther hardware and software field.
CONTACTNoVARCHAR(252)NoUser contact information, either phone number or email address.
IDDEFRECNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in DEFECTS table.
NoteContains the original values for fields that were changed after a requirement version was created. The requirement itself always stores the current value.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in REQVRSN table
IDFIELDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table indentifying the field.
HASVALUENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if OrigValue field represents original value. If false the original value was NULL.
ORIGVALUENoTEXTNoContains the original value for the field stored as the string value.
NoteContains event information for each event recorded with a requirement. Each table row represents a single requirement event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the REQMNT table, the EVENTS table, the USERS table, and the STATES table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
EVTDEFIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in EVENTS table
ORDERNUMNoNUMERIC(5)NoIdentifies order the requirement event was created relative to other requirement events; an internal counter for a specific requirement.
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in REQMNT table
EVTMUPARNTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in REQEVTS table; if event is a response to a multi-user assignment, field is the record ID of the parent event; if event is not a response to a multiuser assignment, field contains the value -1
IDUSERNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in USERS table; if user created event, it has the record ID of the user; if event was generated by TestTrack, it has a record ID of -2
DATEEVENTNoDATETIMENoRequirement event date
NOTESNoTEXTNoNotes field
TIMESPENTNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoIf event definition for this event (EVENT table) has the time reporting option selected, field stores the amount of time entered by the user; if event does not record time spent, this field has the value -1
RSLTSTATENoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in STATES table; if event affects resulting defect state, field contains the record ID of
resulting state; if event does not affect resulting state, a value of 0 is stored in field
RELVERSIONNoVARCHAR(1020)NoNotes field if event is configured to include release notes information
ASGNDUSERSNoVARCHAR(4000)NoIf event is an assignment event (EVENT table), field contains a list of record IDs linked to the USERS table; if
event is not an assignment, field is empty
GENBYTYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoValue that identifies how event was created; includes following values:
0 (created by user)
1 (created by multi-user assignment)
2 (created by auto assignment)
3 (created by auto escalation)
CREATORIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoStores record id of who created the event in the following cases:
- Escalation rule record id
- Trigger rule record id
- User record id of user that performed an action generating a system comment event
DEFASGEFFNoNUMERIC(2)NoStores assignment of event at the time it was run (intended to preserve history if the event definition is
modified); includes the following values:
1 (event results in new assignment)
2 (event has no effect on assignment)
3 (event clears assignment)
OVRWFNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if event is a result of a Workflow Override
OVRWFUSRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to the USERS table; if event is a result of a Workflow Override, field stores the record ID of user; otherwise, the value 0 is written to field
SSPLNKITMSNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if user specified to mark dependent items as suspect.
VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoContains the version number of the requirement that was current when the event was entered.
NoteContains historical log information about changes made to requirement records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the requirement records. Each row has a requirement record ID that matches a record ID in the REQMNT table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDUSERNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made change, links to a record ID in USERS table
DATELOGNoDATETIMENoDate/time the change occurred
NOTESNoVARCHAR(4000)NoDescription of the change
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in REQMNT table
NoteContains requirement information. Each table row represents either one requirement.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
DATECREATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) requirement was added to the database
IDCREATEBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the requirement. Links to a record ID in USERS table
DATEMODIFYNoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) requirement was last modified
IDMODIFYBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the requirement. Links to a record ID in USERS table
DATEENTERNoDATETIMENoDate entered field (in GMT)
IDENTERBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoEntered by field, links to a record ID in USERS table
REQNUMNoNUMERIC(10)NoRequirement number, value is zero if number not yet assigned
TAGNoVARCHAR(88)NoContains the requirement tag number.
SUMMARYNoVARCHAR(1020)NoSummary field
IDSTATUSNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent requirement state, links to a record ID in STATES table
IDTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoRequirement type, links to a record ID in SUBTYPE table
ADDLOCATNoNUMERIC(5)NoMethod used to add requirement, includes the following values:
0 (unknown)
1 (Add requirement window)
4 (Email import)
5 (Text file import)
13 (MS Word Import)
VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoCurrent requirement version number.
IDPRIORITYNoNUMERIC(10)NoImportance field, links to a record ID in FLDRPRIO table
DESCRPTNNoTEXTNoDescription field.
NOTIFYNoTEXTNoList of users/customers notified when requirement changes, links to the USERS table
CURASGTONoTEXTNoStores names of users requirement is currently assigned to for external reporting tools.
INITSTATUSNoNUMERIC(10)NoInitial requirement state.
NoteContains requirement version information. Each table row represents one requirement version.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
IDREQMNTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in REQMNT table
DATECREATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) requirement version was added to the database
IDCREATEBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who created the requirement version. Links to a record ID in USERS table
VERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoContains the version number of the requirement version.
NoteContains report chart information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
CHRTRPTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesReport chart is associated with. Links to a record ID in RPDETL, RPDIST, RPLIST, or RPTREND table.
CHRTPOSNoNUMERIC(2)NoChart position in the report.
CHRTTYPNoNUMERIC(2)NoChart type; includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Pie)
2 (3DPie)
3 (Bar)
4 (3DBar)
5 (Floating Bar)
6 (3D Floating Bar)
7 (Area)
8 (3DArea)
9 (Line)
10 (3DLine)
TITLENoVARCHAR(4000)NoChart title.
TITLESZNoNUMERIC(2)NoChart title size; Includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Very Small)
2 (Small)
3 (Medium)
4 (Large)
5 (Very Large)
DATAFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReport data type; includes the following values:
-1 (Invalid)
0 (Defects)
4 (Customers)
1 (Users)
2 (Security Groups)
3 (Test Configs)
8 (Defect Filters)
9 (Reports)
10 (Workbook Tasks)
TITLECLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoTitle font color (RGB format).
WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoChart width in pixels.
HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoChart height in pixels.
BKGCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoChart background color (RGB format).
DATPRVLSTNoVARCHAR(4000)NoList of field IDs to chart.
PIELBLSNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if labels used on a pie chart.
PIELBLSZNoNUMERIC(2)NoSize of pie chart labels.
PIESHWPCTSNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if percentage amount is shown on slice of a pie chart.
PIELBLPOSNoNUMERIC(5)NoPie chart label position in pixels.
PIELBLCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoPie chart label color (RGB format).
BARSHWGRDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if grid is shown on a bar chart.
BARSHOWXNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if x-axis is shown on a bar chart.
BARSHOWYNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if y-axis is shown on a bar chart.
BARXTTLENoVARCHAR(128)NoBar chart x-axis title.
BARXTTLESZNoNUMERIC(2)NoBar chart x-axis size.
BARYTTLENoVARCHAR(128)NoBar chart y-axis title.
BARYTTLESZNoNUMERIC(2)NoBar chart y-axis title.
BARAXSLBLSNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if value labels are shown along axis of a graph of a bar chart.
BARXLBLSZNoNUMERIC(2)NoBar chart x-axis labels size
BARXLBLCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoBar chart x-axis labels color (RGB format).
BARYLBLSZNoNUMERIC(2)NoBar chart y-axis labels size.
BARYLBLCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoBar chart y-axis labels color (RGB format).
BARLBLSPCNoNUMERIC(5)NoSpacing between bar chart columns.
BARDNSTYNoNUMERIC(5)NoPlacing of marks on the y-axis of a bar chart; the higher the percentage, the more dense the marks displayed.
BARXTTLCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoBar chart x-axis title color (RGB format).
BARYTTLCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoBar chart y-axis title color (RGB format).
BARGRDCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoBar chart grid color (RGB format).
NoteContains custom report information. Each table row represents one custom report.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
NAMENoVARCHAR(512)NoName field.
TITLENoVARCHAR(4000)NoTitle field used on report output.
IDOWNERNoNUMERIC(10)NoReport owner, links to a record ID in USERS table.
ACCESSSTATNoNUMERIC(2)NoReport access state; values are: 1 (Shared) and 3 (Private)
STYLENAMENoVARCHAR(1020)NoName of the .xslt file from the \StyleSheets\Custom directory.
STYLEDIRNoVARCHAR(1020)NoDirectory where the .xslt file referenced in StyleName is located.
STYLREPTYPNoNUMERIC(2)NoReport type; includes the following values: 0 (Unknown), 1 (Detailed), 2 (Distribution), 3 (List), 4 (Trend), 5 (Custom).
STYLSCOPENoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates where report stylesheet is applicable; includes the following values: 0 (Unknown), 1 (Local) - not valid for this type, 2 (Server), 3 (Database)
STYLDTPRVNoNUMERIC(10)NoIndicates report data type for the report; includes the following values:
-1 (Invalid)
0 (Defects)
1 (Users)
2 (Security Groups)
3 (Test Configs)
4 (Customers)
8 (Defect Filters)
9 (Reports)
10 (Workbook Tasks)
13 (Test Cases)
14 (Test Runs)
15 (Folders)
16 (All Types)
18 (Documents)
19 (ReqDocuments)
DATEPRFROMNoDATETIMENoContains the from date if specified in the Options tab.
DATEPRTONoDATETIMENoContains the thru date if specified in the Options tab.
IDFOLDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoFolder idRecord for folder specified on the Source tab.
RECURSIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoRecursive folder checkbox as specified on the Source tab.
ENTITYMASKNoNUMERIC(10)NoA bitmask of the entity types that the chart supports.
DFCTFLTRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoIssue filter the report uses.
TSTCFLTRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest case filter the report uses.
TSTRFLTRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest run filter the report uses.
RQMTFLTRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRequirement filter the report uses.
RDMTFLTRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRequirement document filter the report uses.
SRTPRFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoPrimary sort column field ID.
SRTSCFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoSecondary sort column field ID.
SRTPRORDERNoNUMERIC(2)NoPrimary sort order.
SRTSCORDERNoNUMERIC(2)NoSecondary sort order.
OPTIONSNoTEXTNoXML text containing additional parameters... - Include Links - Link Defiition list of links to include, list of folder types to include - Show Chart - Show Data (Stored as XML to allow for future expansion).
NoteContains detail report information. Each table row represents one detail report.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
IDOWNERNoNUMERIC(10)NoReport owner, links to a record ID in USERS table.
IDFILTERNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter the report uses.
NAMENoVARCHAR(512)NoName field.
TITLENoVARCHAR(4000)NoTitle field used on report output.
ACCESSSTATNoNUMERIC(1)NoReport access state; values are: 1 (Shared) and 3 (Private)
STYLENAMENoVARCHAR(1020)NoXSLT document for file name.
STYLEDIRNoVARCHAR(1020)NoDirectory where STYLENAME file is located.
STYLREPTYPNoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates type of report; includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Detail)
2 (Distribution)
3 (List)
4 (Trend)
STYLSCOPENoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates where report stylesheet is applicable; includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Local)
2 (Server)
3 (Database)
BRKAFTITEMNoNUMERIC(1)NoInsert page break between items flag.
TYPETOSHOWNoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates report object type; includes the following values:
1 (Defects)
2 (Users)
3 (Security Groups)
4 (Test Configurations)
5 (Customers)
STYLDTPRVNoNUMERIC(10)NoIndicates report data type; includes the following values:
-1 (Invalid)
0 (Defects)
4 (Customers)
1 (Users)
2 (Security Groups)
3 (Test Configs)
8 (Defect Filters)
9 (Reports)
10 (Workbook Tasks)
PRINTALLNoNUMERIC(1)NoInclude all entities in report or only selected entities (where an entity is defined by the selection in the TYPETOSHOW field).
SHOWLISTNoVARCHAR(4000)NoList of entities to include in report (where an entity is defined by the selection in the TYPETOSHOW field); list has user record IDs that link to the USERS, USERGRP, or SYSCONF table.
SRTPRFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoPrimary sort column field ID.
SRTSCFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoSecondary sort column field ID.
SRTPRORDERNoNUMERIC(2)NoOrder primary sort column is sorted.
SRTSCORDERNoNUMERIC(2)NoOrder secondary sort column is sorted.
NoteContains distribution report information. Each table row represents one distribution report.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
NAMENoVARCHAR(512)NoName field.
TITLENoVARCHAR(4000)NoTitle field used on report output.
IDOWNERNoNUMERIC(10)NoReport owner, links to a record ID in USERS table.
ACCESSSTATNoNUMERIC(1)NoReport access state; values are: 1 (Shared) and 3 (Private).
STYLENAMENoVARCHAR(1020)NoXSLT document file name.
STYLEDIRNoVARCHAR(1020)NoDirectory where STYLENAME file is located.
STYLREPTYPNoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates type of report; Includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Detailed)
2 (Distribution)
3 (List)
4 (Trend)
STYLSCOPENoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates where report stylesheet is applicable; includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Local)
2 (Server)
3 (Database)
STYLDTPRVNoNUMERIC(10)NoIndicates report data type for the report; includes the following values:
-1 (Invalid)
0 (Defects)
4 (Customers)
1 (Users)
2 (Security Groups)
3 (Test Configs)
8 (Defect Filters)
9 (Reports)
10 (Workbook Tasks)
REPORTONNoNUMERIC(2)NoReport on field option; includes the following values:
1 (Action by user)
2 (Reported by field)
3 (Status by field)
USERACTIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser action selected from pop-up menu, used if REPORTON field is set to “Action by user”'; includes the
following values:
1 (Found)
2 (Assigned)
3 (Fixed)
4 (Verified)
5 (Closed)
REPRTBYFLDNoNUMERIC(10)NoReported by field selected from pop-up menu, used if REPORTON field is set to Reported by field; Includes the following values:
1 (Status)
2 (Type)
3 (Priority)
4 (Product)
5 (Resolution)
6 (Test Configuration)
7 (Component)
8 (Disposition)
STATSBYFLDNoNUMERIC(2)NoStatus by field selected from pop-up menu, used if REPORTON field is set to “Status by field”; includes the following values:
1 (Type)
2 (Priority)
3 (Product)
4 (Component)
DATEPRFROMNoDATETIMENoFrom field in the report options.
DATEPRTHRUNoDATETIMENoThrough field in the report options.
INCTOTALSNoNUMERIC(1)NoInclude totals field.
IDFILTERNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter the report uses.
XAXISFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoX-axis column field ID.
YAXISFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoY-axis column field ID.
SRTPRFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoPrimary sort column field ID.
SRTSCFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoSecondary sort column field ID.
SRTPRORDERNoNUMERIC(2)NoPrimary column sort order.
SRTSCORDERNoNUMERIC(2)NoSecondary column sort order.
EXCLCOLSNoVARCHAR(4000)NoReserved for future use.
RECPERPGNoNUMERIC(5)NoRecords per printed page.
HIDEEMPTYRNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if empty rows are displayed.
HIDEEMPTYCNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if empty columns are displayed.
TYPETOSHOWNoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates report object type; includes the following values:

1 (Defects)
2 (Users)
3 (Security Groups)
4 (Test Configurations)
5 (Customers)
NoteContains external report information. Each table row represents one external report.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
IDFILTERNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter the report uses.
IDOWNERNoNUMERIC(10)NoReport owner, links to a record ID in USERS table.
NAMENoVARCHAR(512)NoName field.
TITLENoVARCHAR(4000)NoTitle field used on report output.
ACCESSSTATNoNUMERIC(1)NoReport access state; values are: 1 (Shared) and 3 (Private)
ORGNLNAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoOriginal name of external report.
ADDLINFONoTEXTNoAdditional information about the report.
EXRPTIDNoTEXTNoExternal report identifier field.
SRVCGUIDNoVARCHAR(38)NoExternal reporting service identifier field.
OUTPTYPNoNUMERIC(10)NoOutput format of the report.
NoteDescribes the layout of a field type on a report. The field type default uses the values from the XSL file. Each field type has a parent type that is used unless the field has a defined format. In this case, the field's format is used.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID uniquely identifying a row in this table
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
FRMTFNTNoNUMERIC(2)NoFont family; includes the following values:

-1 (use XSL value)
1 (serif)
2 (sans serif)
3 (cursive)
4 (monospace)
5 (fantasy)
CHRTRPTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoSpecifies report format is associated with (customization can only be applied to list reports); links to a record ID in RPLIST table.
FNTSZNoNUMERIC(5)NoFont size in pixels.
FNTWTNoNUMERIC(2)NoFont weight or thickness; includes the following values:
-1 (use xsl value)
0 (100)
1 (200)
2 (300)
3 (400)
4 (500)
5 (600)
6 (700)
7 (800)
8 (900)
FNTCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoFont color (RGB format).
FNTBKGCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoFont background color (RGB format).
HALIGNNoNUMERIC(2)NoField horizontal alignment; includes the following values:
-1 (use xsl value)
0 (left)
1 (center)
2 (right)
3 (justify)
VALIGNNoNUMERIC(2)NoField vertical alignment; includes the following values:
-1 (use xsl value)
0 (top)
1 (middle)
2 (bottom)
3 (baseline)
WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoField width.
HEIGHTNoNUMERIC(5)NoField height.
BRDRSZNoNUMERIC(5)NoBorder size.
TBLBKGCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoBackground field color (RGB format).
FRMTPADNoNUMERIC(5)NoCell padding.
FRMTSPNoNUMERIC(5)NoCell spacing.
FRMTTYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoField format; includes the following values:
-1 (Invalid)
0 (Field)
1000 (Header)
2000 (Detail Table)
3000 (Detail Column Heading)
4000 (Detail Row Heading)
5000 (Detail Data Cells)
6000 (Detail Row Totals)
7000 (Detail Column Totals)
8000 (Footer)
PRNTTYPNoNUMERIC(5)NoParent field format; includes the following values:
-1 (Invalid)
0 (Field)
1000 (Header)
2000 (Detail Table)
3000 (Detail Column Heading)
4000 (Detail Row Heading)
5000 (Detail Data Cells)
6000 (Detail Row Totals)
7000 (Detail Column Totals)
8000 (Footer)
Table: RPIDS
NoteContains a row for each report defined in the database, regardless of report type.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
TYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoReport type; includes the following values:
1 (Detail)
2 (Distribution)
3 (List)
4 (Trend)
NoteContains list report information. Each table row represents one list report.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
NAMENoVARCHAR(512)NoReport name.
IDOWNERNoNUMERIC(10)NoReport owner, links to a record ID in USERS table.
TITLENoVARCHAR(4000)NoReport title.
ACCESSSTATNoNUMERIC(1)NoReport access; includes the following values:
1 (Shared)
3 (Private)
STYLENAMENoVARCHAR(1020)NoXSLT document file name.
STYLEDIRNoVARCHAR(1020)NoDirectory where the STYLENAME file is located.
STYLREPTYPNoNUMERIC(2)NoReport type; includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Detailed)
2 (Distribution)
3 (List)
4 (Trend)
STYLSCOPENoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates where report stylesheet is applicable; includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Local)
2 (Server)
3 (Database)
STYLDTPRVNoNUMERIC(10)NoReport data type; includes the following values:
-1 (Invalid)
0 (Defects)
4 (Customers)
1 (Users)
2 (Security Groups)
3 (Test Configs)
8 (Defect Filters)
9 (Reports)
10 (Workbook Tasks)
TYPETOSHOWNoNUMERIC(2)NoReport object type; includes the following values:
1 (Defects)
2 (Users)
3 (Security Groups)
4 (Test Configurations)
5 (Customers)
GRIDLINESNoNUMERIC(1)NoPrint grid lines.
SHOWLISTNoVARCHAR(4000)NoList of entities to include in the report (where an entity is defined by the selection in the TYPETOSHOW field); list has user record IDs that link to USERS, USERGRP, or SYSCONF table
SRTPRFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoPrimary sort column field ID.
IDFILTERNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter the report uses.
SRTSCFLDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoSecondary sort column field ID.
SRTPRORDERNoNUMERIC(2)NoOrder the primary sort column is sorted.
SRTSCORDERNoNUMERIC(2)NoOrder the secondary sort column is sorted.
RECPERPGNoNUMERIC(5)NoRecords per printed page.
NoteContains trend report information. Each table row represents one trend report.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
NAMENoVARCHAR(512)NoReport name.
TITLENoVARCHAR(4000)NoReport title.
IDOWNERNoNUMERIC(10)NoReport owner, links to a record ID in USERS table.
ACCESSSTATNoNUMERIC(1)NoReport access state; includes the following values:
1 (Shared)
3 (Private)
STYLENAMENoVARCHAR(1020)NoXSLT document file name
STYLEDIRNoVARCHAR(1020)NoDirectory where the STYLENAME file is located.
STYLREPTYPNoNUMERIC(2)NoReport type; includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Detailed)
2 (Distribution)
3 (List)
4 (Trend)
STYLSCOPENoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates where the report stylesheet is applicable; includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (Local)
2 (Server)
3 (Database)
STYLDTPRVNoNUMERIC(10)NoReport data type; includes the following values:
-1 (Invalid)
0 (Defects)
4 (Customers)
1 (Users)
2 (Security Groups)
3 (Test Configs)
8 (Defect Filters)
9 (Reports)
10 (Workbook Tasks)
13 (Test Cases)
14 (Test Runs)
DATEPRFROMNoDATETIMENoFrom field (date/time).
DATEPRTHRUNoDATETIMENoThrough field (date/time).
PERDUNITSNoNUMERIC(2)NoPeriod units; includes the following values:
1 (Days)
2 (Weeks)
3 (Months)
INCTOTALSNoNUMERIC(1)NoInclude totals field.
REPORTONNoNUMERIC(2)NoReport on field; includes the following values:
1 (Defect status)
2 (Defect action by field)
DEFEVTREPTNoNUMERIC(10)NoDefect action selected in pop-up menu, only used if REPORTON field is set to Defect action by field; includes the following values:
1 (Found)
2 (Fixed)
3 (Verified Passed)
4 (Verified Failed)
5 (Closed)
SECNDFIELDNoNUMERIC(10)NoStatus by field selected in pop-up menu, field is used if the REPORTON field is set to Defect action by field; includes the following values:
1 (Type)
2 (Priority)
3 (Resolution)
IDFILTERNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter the report uses.
INCALLSTSNoNUMERIC(1)NoInclude all status events for each defect.
INCTOTOPNoNUMERIC(1)NoShow number of events open in each period.
EXCLCOLSNoVARCHAR(4000)NoReserved for future use.
RECPERPGNoNUMERIC(5)NoRecords per printed page.
HIDEEMPTYCNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if empty columns are displayed.
TYPETOSHOWNoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates report object type; includes the following values:
0 (Defects)
4 (Customers)
1 (Users)
2 (Security Groups)
3 (Test Configs)
8 (Defect Filters)
9 (Reports)
10 (Workbook Tasks)
13 (Test Cases)
14 (Test Runs)
NoteAssociates requirement historical log and audit log information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
AUDITIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in AUDITLOG table
HISTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in REQLOG table
NoteContains SCC file information. Each table row represents one SCC file that is attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
ENTITYRIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in corresponding entity table.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity type to which SCC File is linked to.
FILENAMENoVARCHAR(1020)NoFile name in SCC system.
VERSIONNoTEXTNoVersion number of fix in the SCC system.
CHGLSTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoChange list record ID from the SCMCHGLST table.
PROVIDERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from the SCMPROVIDER table if the file was submitted by a configured external source control provider.
HYPERLINKNoTEXTNoFull file URL path to view the file if generated by XML import because the provider was not available.
AUTHORNoTEXTNoAuthor who changed file for commit. Text string or user ID if committed by TestTrack user.
HYPERLINKDETAILNoTEXTNoJSON submitted by the external provider if the provider hook used a set of name/value pairs for field code replacement.
CHANGETYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoType of file change associated with the attachment:
0 (Unknown)
1 (File added)
2 (File edited)
3 (File removed)
ISPENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the changelist is in a pending state.
NoteContains SCC project information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
PROJPATHNoTEXTNoPath that is internal to SCC application.
NoteContains source control changelist information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
ENTITYRIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity Record ID to which changelist is associated with.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity type to which changelist is associated with.
CHGLSTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesChangelist ID stored in the source control application.
COMMITTEDNoNUMERIC(1)YesFlag indicates if changelist is committed.
MLNENAMENoTEXTNoMainline name.
NAMENoTEXTNoChangelist name.
PROVIDERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoProvider ID from the SCMPROVIDER table if the file was submitted by a configured source control provider.
BRANCHNAMENoTEXTNoBranch the change was committed to.
ATTACHDATENoDATETIMENoDate and time the changelist was committed to TestTrack from the source control provider.
HYPERLINKNoTEXTNoFull file URL path to view the file if generated by XML import because the provider was not available.
AUTHORNoTEXTNoAuthor who changed file for commit. Text string.
AUTHORIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser ID if committed by TestTrack user.
HYPERLINKDETAILNoTEXTNoJSON submitted by the source control provider if the provider hook used a set of name/value pairs for field code replacement.
ISPENDINGNoNUMERIC(1)YesIndicates if the changelist is in a pending state.
NoteContains settings for sharing filters with security groups.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ENTITYIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoIdentifies the item being shared with a security group. Currently only filters and reports are shared.
USRGROUPIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoIdentifies which security groups are shared with the item.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoIndicates which entity type is being shared by this record. Currently only filters and reports are shared with security groups.
NoteContains the requirement relationship tree for a snapshot of the document.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDSNAPSHOTYesNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in DOCSNPST table
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in SNPSTTRE table; Field contains the record ID of the parent node in the tree. If the node is at the top level ParnetID contains 0.
IDREQMNTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in REQMNT table
REQVERSIONNoNUMERIC(10)NoContains the version number of the requirement that was current when the snapshot was created.
SIBORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoContains the order of this node in relation to its siblings in the parent node.
NoteContains the spell check options for a specified user. Each row contains the options for one specific user.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesLink to USERS table; a value of 0x7FFFFFFF is used to store default system options.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
DMTLEXNoIMAGENoCustom dictionary words (user's or system-wide).
SPELLOPTNoNUMERIC(10)NoBit field used to store different spell check options; values that can be used in this field are:
0x00000001 - Ignore capitalized words
0x00000002 - Ignore words that have mixed case.
0x00000004 - Ignore words in uppercase
0x00000008 - Ignore words with numbers
0x00000100 - Report doubled words
0x00000200 - Ignore case sensitive words
0x00004000 - Make phonetic suggestions
0x00080000 - Make typographic suggestions
0x00400000 - Ignore domain names

Other bit values are used internally by TestTrack; only the bit fields listed above can be modified via ODBC
LANGCODENoNUMERIC(10)NoSpecifies language used when spell checking; there are over 50 allowed values, but typical values are:
24941 - American English
25202 - British English
25441 - Canadian English
LEXSRCHNoNUMERIC(10)NoSearch depth used for spell checking; following are used by:
0 - fast but less accurate
1 - moderately fast and accurate
2 - slow but accurate
NoteContains information about states that an entity can transition into.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoThe table state is linked to.
NAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoState name.
STATEDESCNoVARCHAR(1020)NoState description.
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if the state is active in the workflow.
STATEORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoIdentifies the order the state displays on the workflow configuration screens.
ATTRIBNoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates if state is open or closed; includes the following values:
1 (open)
2 (closed)
ONLYASSIGNNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if only assigned users can enter event
MULTIRULENoNUMERIC(2)NoFor states which are multi-user assignments, rule determines when state is completed and the corresponding entity moves to new state; includes the following values:
1 (use the first response)
2 (wait for all responses - use highest priority response)
3 (wait for highest priority response)
CNGENTSTRSNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if this state can generate test runs; applies to test cases only.
COMPLSTATNoNUMERIC(5)NoIndicates test run result, passed/failed/other; applies to test runs only.
LOCKEDNoNUMERIC(2)NoIndicates if the item is locked in this state.
CNGENTSTCSNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if this state can generate test cases; applies to requirements only.
NoteContains test run step details.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
ISTCNOTENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag to indicate if this step is from test case.
NORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoOrder of steps.
STEPTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoStep type (eComment = 1, eInsertedTestCase = 2, eStep = 3, eEmptyLine = 4, eCheckBox = 5 etc)
ATTCHMNTSNoTEXTNoStep data attachments.
NoteContains user group subtype command security settings.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
SECGRPIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to idRecord in USERGRP table.
SUBTYPEIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to idRecord in SUBTYPE table.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesTable ID for item type. Currently only requirements are supported.
COMMDENIEDNoVARCHAR(3500)NoCommand security options.
NoteContains default values and required field settings for fields by subtype.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
FLDDEFIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to the idRecord in the FLDDRNTN table.
SUBTYPEIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to the idRecord in the SUBTYPE table.
DEFAULTVALNoNUMERIC(10)YesDefault value for this field; stored values are based on field type; for string fields, the only value allowed is -4 (blank record ID); for pop-up menus, the allowed values are: 0 (not set record ID) and any valid record ID in corresponding table; for user fields, allowed values are: -2 (current user), 0 (not set record ID); for date fields, allowed values are: 0 (not set record ID), 1 (current date).
REQUIREDNoNUMERIC(1)YesFlag indicates if the field is required.
DEFAULTSTRNoTEXTNoReserved for future use.
NoteContains user group subtype field level security settings.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
SECGRPIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to idRecord in USERGRP table.
SUBTYPEIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to idRecord in SUBTYPE table.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesTable ID for item type. Currently only requirements are supported.
FIELDSECNoTEXTNoField level security options
NoteContains requirement type information. Each table row represents one type value.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesTable this type is linked to. Currently types are only supported for requirements.
DISPORDERNoNUMERIC(3)YesPopup display item order, relative to other types in this table.
NAMENoVARCHAR(252)YesType name
STDESCNoVARCHAR(1020)NoType description
STICONNMNoVARCHAR(1020)NoType icon file name
STPREFIXNoVARCHAR(20)NoType tag prefix
STSUFFIXNoVARCHAR(20)NoType tag suffix
SUMFRMTFNTNoNUMERIC(2)NoReserved for future use
SUMFNTSZNoNUMERIC(5)NoReserved for future use
SUMFNTWTNoNUMERIC(2)NoReserved for future use
SUMFNTCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future use
DTLFRMTFNTNoNUMERIC(2)NoReserved for future use
DTLFNTSZNoNUMERIC(5)NoReserved for future use
DTLFNTWTNoNUMERIC(2)NoReserved for future use
DTLFNTCLRNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future use
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if type is active, can be selected for new items.
NoteContains test configuration information. Each table row represents one system test configuration.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
CONFTYPENoNUMERIC(1)NoSystem configuration type; includes the following values:
1 (User's Test Configuration)
2 (Standard Test Configuration)
SYSNAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoName field.
LOCATIONNoVARCHAR(1020)NoReserved for future use.
COMPMODELNoVARCHAR(1020)NoComputer model field.
COMPBRANDNoVARCHAR(1020)NoComputer brand field.
CPUTYPENoVARCHAR(128)NoCPU type field.
CPUSPEEDNoVARCHAR(128)NoCPU speed field (value specified in MHz).
HDISKTYPTNoVARCHAR(1020)NoHard disk type field.
HDISKSIZENoVARCHAR(1020)NoHard disk size field (value specified in MB).
RAMSIZENoVARCHAR(128)NoRAM field (value specified in MB)
ROMSIZENoVARCHAR(128)NoROM field (value specified in MB).
OSNAMENoVARCHAR(252)NoOperating system field.
OSVERSIONNoVARCHAR(128)NoOperating system version field.
VIDEONAMENoVARCHAR(252)NoVideo controller field.
HASMULTMONNoNUMERIC(1)NoHas multiple monitors field.
HASSCANRNoNUMERIC(1)NoHas scanner field.
SCANRMODELNoVARCHAR(252)NoScanner model field.
HASMODEMNoNUMERIC(1)NoHas modem field.
MODEMMODELNoVARCHAR(252)NoModem model field.
HASPRINTNoNUMERIC(1)NoHas printer field
PRINTMODELNoVARCHAR(252)NoPrinter model field
OTHERHWNoVARCHAR(1020)NoOther hardware and software field.
NoteStores the temporary filters settings that are applied to any given tab when the user logs out.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
TABIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord ID that uniquely identifies the list window tab this filter was assigned to.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoEntity type the filter is associated with.
NAMENoVARCHAR(252)NoName field
FILTERTYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoFilter type: 0 - Normal, 1 - Find, 2 - Drilldown
USERIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in USERS table.
NoteStore the restrictions used by the temporary filters that are applied to any given tab when the user logs out.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
TABFLTRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoIdentifies parent TABFILTER record.
LINEORDERNoNUMERIC(3)NoRestriction item order, relative to other items.
NOTFLAGNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if Not flag is set.
OPENPARENNoNUMERIC(2)NoNumber of open parentheses that appear before
restriction item.
CLOSEPARENNoNUMERIC(2)NoNumber of open parentheses that appear after
restriction item.
RSTNTYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoOperator applied to the next restriction item; includes the following values:
0 (none)
2 (AND operator)
3 (OR operator)
RESTRICTNNoTEXTNoFilter restriction information; field can use information from a filter restriction definition and code them into a
string value stored in this field
NoteContains table lookup mapping values for calculated pop-up custom field.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
IDTABMAPNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in TABULARMAP table.
IDFIELDDEFNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table.
IDPUVALUENoNUMERIC(10)YesThe input pop-up list value for this mapping
NoteContains table lookup mapping for calculated pop-up custom field.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
IDFIELDDEFNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table.
IDPUVALUENoNUMERIC(10)YesThe output pop-up list value for this mapping
NoteContains information for the modify automation rule action. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TRGACTN table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
ACTIONIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLink to a record ID in the TRGACTN table.
ENTITYIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesEntity type.
FIELDIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesField to be modified, links to a record ID in FLDDFNTN table.
FLDTYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoField type; includes the following values:
0 (invalid field type)
1 (text)
2 (text without replace)
3 (date)
4 (date/time)
5 (check box)
6 (pop-up menu)
7 (test case steps)
ACTIONNoNUMERIC(5)NoAction to modify field; includes the following values:
0 (no action)
1 (set to value)
2 (prepend)
3 (append)
4 (replace)
VALANoTEXTNoIf action is set to value, contains value to set (e.g., if field is pop-up menu, contains record ID of value to set).
VALBNoTEXTNoIf action is replace, contains strings to replace VALA with.
Table: TASK
NoteContains workbook task information. Each table row represents one task defined in the workbook.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
TASKTYPENoNUMERIC(2)YesTask type; includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (ToDo)
2 (Defect)
3 (TestCase)
4 (TestRun)
TASKSTATUSNoNUMERIC(2)NoTask status; includes the following values:
0 (Unknown)
1 (On Hold)
2 (Open)
3 (Done)
IDPRIORITYNoNUMERIC(10)NoPriority field, links to a record ID in FLDPRIOR table.
SUMMARYNoVARCHAR(1020)NoTo do summary field.
VERSIONDUENoVARCHAR(128)NoNeed by version field.
DATEDUENoDATETIMENoNeed by date field.
IDASGTOUSRNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser task is assigned to, links to a record ID in USERS table.
IDASGBYUSRNoNUMERIC(10)NoReserved for future use.
TASKDESCNoTEXTNoDescription field.
NoteContains the list of task boards configured for each project.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
ProjectIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
idRecordYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
TaskBoardNameNoVARCHAR(512)YesTask board name.
TaskBoardDescNoVARCHAR(1020)NoTask board description.
ShowEmptyLanesFolderNoNUMERIC(1)YesBoolean indicating if swimlanes should be displayed for empty folders when grouping by folder.
RollUpFieldFolderNoNUMERIC(10)YesField ID for the field to use for rollup value when grouping by folder.
RollUpFieldUserNoNUMERIC(10)YesField ID for the field to use for rollup value when grouping by user.
ShowEmptyLanesTypeNoNUMERIC(1)YesBoolean indicating if swimlanes should be displayed for items with no linked children when grouping by relationship.
RollUpFieldTypeNoNUMERIC(10)YesField ID for the field to use for rollup value when grouping by relationship.
ShowEmptyLanesDocNoNUMERIC(1)YesBoolean indicating if swimlanes should be displayed for empty documents when grouping by document.
RollUpFieldDocNoNUMERIC(10)YesField ID for the field to use for rollup value when grouping by document.
ShowAllReqTypesNoNUMERIC(10)YesBoolean indicating if all requirements types should be displayed when grouping by document.
FlagsNoNUMERIC(10)YesIndicates the enabled group by options for the task board.
NoteContains the list of columns configured for a task board.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
ProjectIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
idRecordYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ParentTaskBoardIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID for the parent task board the column is in.
ColumnNameNoVARCHAR(512)YesTask board column name.
ColumnDescriptionNoVARCHAR(1020)NoTask board column description.
OrderNumNoNUMERIC(5)YesPosition for this column relative to other columns in the task board.
WIPLimitNoNUMERIC(10)NoWork In Progress (WIP) limit for the column. Can be NULL to indicate no WIP limit is set.
NoteContains card color information for each item type in the task board.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
ProjectIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
idRecordYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ParentTaskBoardIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID for the parent task board.
EntityTypeNoNUMERIC(10)YesItem type ID to use the specified color.
SubtypeIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRequirement type ID to use the specified color.
FieldIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesField ID to use the field style color from. Reserved for future use.
DefaultColorNoVARCHAR(6)YesString representation of the color to use for the item type and requirement type.
NoteContains information about item types and requirement types that can be swimlanes when grouping by relationship.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
ProjectIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
idRecordYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
ParentTaskBoardIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID for the parent task board.
EntityTypeNoNUMERIC(10)YesItem type ID.
SubtypeIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesRequirement type ID.
NoteContains event information for each event recorded with a test case. Each table row represents a single test case event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TESTCASE table, the EVENTS table, the USERS table, and the STATES table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
EVTDEFIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in EVENTS table.
ORDERNUMNoNUMERIC(5)NoIdentifies order the test case event was created relative to other test case events; an internal counter for a specific test case.
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in TESTCASE table.
EVTMUPARNTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in TCEVTS table; if event is a response to a multi-user assignment, field is the record ID of the parent event; if event is not a response to a multi-user assignment, field contains the value -1.
IDUSERNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in USERS table; if user created event, it has the record ID of the user; if event was generated by TestTrack, it has a record ID of -2
DATEEVENTNoDATETIMENoTest case event date.
NOTESNoTEXTNoNotes field.
TIMESPENTNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoIf event definition for this event (EVENT table) has the time reporting option selected, field stores the amount of time entered by the user; if event does not record time spent, this field has the value -1.
RSLTSTATENoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in STATES table; if event affects resulting test case state, field contains the record ID of resulting state; if event does not affect resulting state, a value of 0 is stored in field
RELVERSIONNoVARCHAR(1020)NoNotes field if event is configured to include release notes information
ASGNDUSERSNoVARCHAR(4000)NoIf event is an assignment event (EVENT table), field contains a list of record IDs linked to the USERS table; if event is not an assignment, field is empty
GENBYTYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoValue that identifies how event was created; includes following values:
0 (created by user)
1 (created by multi-user assignment)
2 (created by auto assignment)
3 (created by auto escalation)
CREATORIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoStores record id of who created the event in the following cases:
- Escalation rule record ID
- Trigger rule record ID
- User record ID of user that performed an action generating a system comment event
DEFASGEFFNoNUMERIC(2)NoStores assignment of event at the time it was run (intended to preserve history if the event definition is modified); includes the following values:
1 (event results in new assignment)
2 (event has no effect on assignment)
3 (event clears assignment)
OVRWFNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if event is a result of a Workflow Override.
OVRWFUSRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to the USERS table; if event is a result of a Workflow Override, field stores the record ID of user; otherwise, the value 0 is written to field.
SSPLNKITMSNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if user specified to mark dependent items as suspect.
Table: TCLOG
NoteContains historical log information about changes made to test case records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the test case records. Each table row has a test case record ID that matches a record ID in the TESTCASE table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDUSERNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made change, links to a record ID in USERS table.
DATELOGNoDATETIMENoDate time the change occurred.
NOTESNoVARCHAR(4000)NoDescription of the change.
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in TESTCASE table.
NoteAssociates test case historical log and audit log information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
AUDITIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in AUDITLOG table
HISTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in TCLOG table
NoteContains test case information. Each table row represents one test case. Additional information associated with a test case is found in the TCEVTS table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the STATES and FLDTOTP tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the USERS table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
DATECREATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) test case was added to the database.
IDCREATEBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the test case, links to a record ID in USERS table.
DATEMODIFYNoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) test case was last modified.
IDMODIFYBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the test case, links to a record ID in USERS table.
TSTCASENUMNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest case number, value is zero if number not assigned.
SUMMARYNoVARCHAR(1020)NoSummary field.
IDTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoTest object type field, links to a record ID in FLDTOTP table.
ISAUTOTESTNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if this is automated test.
ESTTIMENoNUMERIC(10)NoEstimated time of this test case execution.
STEPSNoTEXTNoTest case steps.
ADDEDFROMNoNUMERIC(6)NoMethod used to add test case; includes the following values:
0 (unknown)
1 (Add test case window)
5 (Text file import)
6 (TestTrack user duplicated a test case)
NOTIFYNoTEXTNoCurrently not in use.
SAVEGRIDNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates to save test runs in grid mode or plain text.
STATUSNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord id of the current state for the test case.
CURASGTONoTEXTNoNames of the users the test case is currently assigned to.
SAVEMODENoNUMERIC(10)NoIndicates how test runs should be generated.
0 (Use existing setting)
1 (Text View)
2 (Grid View)
3 (Detail Grid View)
TESTCASENoNUMERIC(10)NoInitial test case state
NoteContains test run information. Each table row represents one test run. Additional information associated with a test run is found in the TREVTS table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the STATES, FLDTOTP and FLDTRSET tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the USERS table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
DATECREATENoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) test run was added to the database.
IDCREATEBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who added the test run, links to a record ID in USERS table.
DATEMODIFYNoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) test run was last modified.
IDMODIFYBYNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who last modified the test run, links to a record ID in USERS table.
TSTCASERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest case record ID.
SUMMARYNoVARCHAR(1020)NoSummary field.
IDTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoTest object type field, links to a record ID in FLDTOTP table.
ISAUTOTESTNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if this is automated test.
ESTTIMENoNUMERIC(10)NoEstimated time of this test run execution.
STEPSNoTEXTNoTest case steps.
ADDEDFROMNoNUMERIC(6)NoMethod used to add test case; includes the following values:
0 (unknown)
1 (Add test run window)
5 (Text file import)
6 (TestTrack user duplicated a test run)
TSTRUNNUMNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest run number (Auto generated).
IDTRSETNoNUMERIC(10)NoTest run set field, links to a record ID in FLDTRSET table.
NOTIFYNoTEXTNoCurrently not in use.
VIEWGRIDNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates to view test runs in grid mode or plain text.
PRBSTATENoTEXTNoProblem statement for this test run, if any.
STATUSNoNUMERIC(10)NoRecord id of the current state for the test run.
CURASGTONoTEXTNoNames of the users the test run is currently assigned to.
VIEWMODENoNUMERIC(10)NoIndicates how test runs were generated.
0 (Use existing setting)
1 (Text View)
2 (Grid View)
3 (Detail Grid View)
INTSTATUSNoNUMERIC(10)NoInitial testrun state
NoteContains all color settings for home page widgets.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
TILEIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesParent widget record ID
VALUESTARTNoNUMERIC(10)YesNumber of items that must pass the widget filter to start using the specified color
COLORNoVARCHAR(24)YesColor to use. Hex string.
NoteContains custom traceability report information. Each table row represents one custom traceability report.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
NAMENoVARCHAR(512)NoName field.
TITLENoVARCHAR(4000)NoTitle field used on report output.
IDOWNERNoNUMERIC(10)NoReport owner, links to a record ID in USERS table.
ACCESSSTATNoNUMERIC(2)NoReport access state; values are: 1 (Shared) and 3 (Private)
ENTITYMASKNoNUMERIC(10)NoA bitmask of the entity types that the traceability report contains across all columns.
XMLNoTEXTNoXML text containing additional parameters. (Stored as XML to allow for future expansion).
NoteContains information describing which events can be entered for corresponding entities which are in a given state. If the state is a result of a multi-user assignment, also contained within the table is the priority of the resulting states. This table has a one-to-many relationship with the EVENTS table and the STATES table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoTable state is linked to.
STATERECIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoTransition rule that apply to the entity in state referenced by this record ID; links to a record ID in STATES table.
ISDEFAULTNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if state referenced by STATERECID is default state for new defects/test cases /test runs.
EVENTIDSNoVARCHAR(3500)NoSerialized record IDs linked to EVENTS table; record IDs in this field correspond to events that can be entered when an entity is in the STATERECID state
RSTLSTPRTYNoVARCHAR(3500)NoSerialized record IDs linked to STATES table, field used when current state is a multi-user assignment; lists priority of states that are evaluated to determine resulting state of a multi-user assignment.
NoteContains event information for each event recorded with a test run. Each table row represents a single test run event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TESTRUN table, the EVENTS table, the USERS table, and the STATES table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
EVTDEFIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in EVENTS table.
ORDERNUMNoNUMERIC(5)NoIdentifies order the test run event was created relative to other test run events; an internal counter for a specific testrun.
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in TESTRUN table.
EVTMUPARNTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in TREVTS table; if event is a response to a multi-user assignment, field is the record ID of theparent event; if event is not a response to a multi-user assignment, field contains the value -1.
IDUSERNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in USERS table; if user created event, it has the record ID of the user; if event was generated by TestTrack, it has a record ID of -2.
DATEEVENTNoDATETIMENoTest run event date.
NOTESNoTEXTNoNotes field.
TIMESPENTNoNUMERIC(20, 2)NoIf event definition for this event (EVENT table) has the time reporting option selected, field stores the amount of time entered by the user; if event does not record time spent, this field has the value -1.
RSLTSTATENoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in STATES table; if event affects resulting test run state, field contains the record ID of resulting state; if event does not affect resulting state, a value of 0 is stored in field.
RELVERSIONNoVARCHAR(1020)NoNotes field if event is configured to include release notes information.
ASGNDUSERSNoVARCHAR(4000)NoIf event is an assignment event (EVENT table), field contains a list of record IDs linked to the USERS table; if event is not an assignment, field is empty.
GENBYTYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoValue that identifies how event was created; includes following values:
0 (created by user)
1 (created by multi-user assignment)
2 (created by auto assignment)
3 (created by auto escalation)
CREATORIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoStores record id of who created the event in the following cases:
- Escalation rule record id
- Trigger rule record id
- User record id of user that performed an action generating a system comment event
DEFASGEFFNoNUMERIC(2)NoStores assignment of event at the time it was run (intended to preserve history if the event definition is modified); includes the following values:
1 (event results in new assignment)
2 (event has no effect on assignment)
3 (event clears assignment)
OVRWFNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates if event is a result of a Workflow Override.
OVRWFUSRIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to the USERS table; if event is a result of a Workflow Override, field stores the record ID of user; otherwise, the value 0 is written to field.
SSPLNKITMSNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicating if user specified to mark dependent items as suspect.
NoteContains user notification and automation rule action information. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TRIGGERS table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
TRIGGERIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLink to a record ID in TRIGGERS table.
TYPENoNUMERIC(5)YesAction type; includes the following values:
0 (not set)
1 (enter event)
2 (notification)
3 (modify)
4 (run executable)
5 (prevent)
ONLYIFASGNNoNUMERIC(1)NoIf user notification, indicates to only notify currently assigned user.
ENTIFASGNDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIf enter event action, indicates if event is entered if the record is already assigned.
OWNCHGSNoNUMERIC(1)NoIf user notification, indicates if user receives email if they made changes to cause notification to be sent.
ACTOPTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesIf enter event action, contains event ID; if prevent action, field contains message path; otherwise, field is NULL.
ACTOPTSTRNoTEXTNoIf run executable action, contains executable path; if prevent action, contains prevent message.
TRACKEMAILNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if email is tracked for send email actions.
NoteContains automation rule information. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the STATES and FILTERS tables.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
CREATEDATENoDATETIMENoDate/time rule was created.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoEntity type the rule is associated with.
ENABLEDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if the rule is enabled.
NAMENoVARCHAR(400)NoTrigger name.
OWNERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoIf user notification, links to a record ID in USERS table; if automation rule, value is 0.
RULETYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoRule type; includes the following values:
0 (not set)
1 (notification)
2 (before save trigger)
3 (after save trigger)
4 (escalation)
CONDTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoType of trigger condition; includes the following values:
0 (not set)
1 (state transition)
2 (item created)
3 (item merged)
4 (item assigned a number)
5 (item renumbered)
6 (item changed)
7 (item event changed)
8 (item assigned)
9 (test run generated)
TYPEOPTNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in STATES table.
FILTERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter the trigger uses.
TRIGORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoOrder of before save trigger rules.
STOPIFPASSNoNUMERIC(1)NoStops processing of next rule if this rule passes; only applies to before save triggers.
ISPRESAVENoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if rule is before save or after save triggers.
APPLYONCENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates to inactivate the rule after it runs once; only applies to escalations.
RUNONCENoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates to apply the rule once per record; only applies to escalations.
RUNONIMPNoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates to run trigger when performing XML or text import; only applies to triggers.
LASTEVALNoDATETIMENoLast date/time rule was evaluated; not set if the rule is never evaluated.
NoteContains historical log information about changes to automation rules. Each table row represents a log entry for a rule. Each table row has a record ID that matches a record ID in the TRIGGERS table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
TRIGGERIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in TRIGGERS table.
ENTITYIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoEntity type modified by automation rule.
RULENAMENoVARCHAR(400)NoRule name that caused message to be generated.
MSGDATENoDATETIMENoDate/time modification occurred.
RULETYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoRule type; includes the following values:
0 (not set)
1 (notification)
2 (before save trigger)
3 (after save trigger)
4 (escalation)
MSGNoTEXTNoMessage written to log.
NoteContains schedule information for escalation rules.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
TRIGGERIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLink to a record ID in TRIGGERS table.
PERIODNoNUMERIC(5)NoEvaluation frequency; includes the following values:
0 (not set)
1 (daily)
2 (weekly)
3 (monthly)
4 (manually)
USESTRTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIf evaluation is daily, indicates if hour or start time is used.
STARTTIMENoDATETIMENoEvaluation start date/time.
HOURFREQNoNUMERIC(5)NoIf evaluation is daily on a specific hour, contains the hour frequency.
DYSOFWKNoVARCHAR(128)NoIf evaluation is weekly, contains a comma-delimited list of enumerated days of the week to evaluate rule.
USEDYMNTHNoNUMERIC(1)NoIf evaluation is monthly, indicates day of month option is selected.
DYMNTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoDay of month to evaluate rules on.
DAYOPTNoNUMERIC(5)NoIf evaluation is monthly, day to evaluate in month; includes the following values:
0 (not set)
1 (first)
2 (second)
3 (third)
4 (fourth)
5 (last)
DYOFWKNoNUMERIC(5)NoIf evaluation is monthly, contains day of the week to evaluate rule.
MNTHSOFYRNoVARCHAR(128)NoIf evaluation is monthly, contains months to evaluate rule.
Table: TRLOG
NoteContains historical log information about changes made to test run records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the test run records. Each table row has a test run record ID that matches a record ID in the TESTRUN table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDUSERNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser who made change, links to a record ID in USERS table.
DATELOGNoDATETIMENoDate time the change occurred.
NOTESNoVARCHAR(4000)NoDescription of the change.
PARENTIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in TESTRUN table.
NoteAssociates test run historical log and audit log information.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
AUDITIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in AUDITLOG table
HISTIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in TRLOG table
NoteContains database options. Works like a Windows INI file and each entry has a name/value pair.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
OPTDESCNoVARCHAR(252)NoDescription of option represented in this row.
OPTVALUENoVARCHAR(1020)NoValue of option represented in this row.
NoteContains the list of TestTrack projects that reside in the RDBMS database.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project; all other project-related tables link to this id.
TTPROJNAMENoVARCHAR(128)YesProject name, which must be unique within the database.
TTPROJUUIDNoVARCHAR(152)YesUniversally unique project identifier.
TTSERVUUIDNoVARCHAR(152)NoUniversally unique identifier of TestTrack Server that hosts the project.
TTPROJVERSNoVARCHAR(40)NoProject version number.
TTSERVDBIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoServer database ID.
NoteContains user group information. Each table row represents one user group.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
NAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoName field
GROUPDESCNoVARCHAR(1020)NoDescription field.
NOTESNoTEXTNoNotes field.
INUSERPOPUPNoNUMERIC(1)NoInclude users in pop-up menus field.
INCSTPOPUPNoNUMERIC(1)NoInclude customers in pop-up menus field.
IDDEFFLTNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter that restricts issues users in this group can work with.
IDTCFLTNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter that restricts test cases users in this group can work with.
IDTRFLTNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter that restricts test runs users in this group can work with.
IDREQFLTNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter that restricts requirements users in this group can work with.
IDDOCFLTNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter that restricts requirement documents users in this group can work with.
ONLYMYDEFNoNUMERIC(1)NoDefect security option of "Users can only see and work with the defects they reported".
ONLYMYTCNoNUMERIC(1)NoTest case security option of "Users can only see and work with the test cases they reported".
ONLYMYTRNoNUMERIC(1)NoTest run security option of "Users can only see and work with the test runs they reported".
ONLYMYREQNoNUMERIC(1)NoRequirement security option of "Users can only see and work with the requirements they reported".
ONLYMYDOCNoNUMERIC(1)NoRequirement document security option of "Users can only see and work with the requirement documents they reported".
COMMDENIEDNoVARCHAR(3500)NoCommand security options.
FIELDSECNoTEXTNoField level security options
EVTDENIEDNoVARCHAR(3500)NoSerialized list of record IDs linked to EVENTS table; contains record IDs of events that security group members cannot perform.
Table: USERS
NoteContains user and customer information. Each table row represents either one user or one customer.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
ACTIVENoNUMERIC(1)YesFlag indicates if a user is active; if false, user is inactive.
FIRSTNAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoFirst name field.
IDUSRGROUPNoNUMERIC(10)NoUser group field, links to a record ID in USERGRP table.
LASTNAMENoVARCHAR(128)NoLast name field.
LOGINNAMENoVARCHAR(1424)YesLogin name field. As login name is stored as an encrypted string and for local users an empty string of 32 characters is encrypted therefore this field will not be null.
DATELOGOUTNoDATETIMENoDate/time (in GMT) that user last logged out of TestTrack.
NOTESNoTEXTNoNotes field.
PHONETYPE1NoNUMERIC(2)NoFirst phone number type field; includes the following values:
1 (Work)
2 (Fax)
3 (Home)
4 (Pager)
5 (Mobile)
PHONENUM1NoVARCHAR(128)NoFirst phone number field.
PHONETYPE2NoNUMERIC(2)NoSecond phone number type field; includes the following values:
1 (Work)
2 (Fax)
3 (Home)
4 (Pager)
5 (Mobile)
PHONENUM2NoVARCHAR(128)NoSecond phone number field.
BETASITENoNUMERIC(1)NoBeta test site field (used only for customers)
COMPANYNoVARCHAR(252)NoCompany field (used only for customers)
ADDRESSNoVARCHAR(1020)NoAddress field (used only for customers)
IDTESTCONFNoNUMERIC(10)NoLinks to a record ID in SYSCONF table where user's system configuration information is stored.
EMAILTYPENoNUMERIC(2)NoEmail type field; includes the following values:
1 (Internet)
2 (MAPI)
3 (Other)
ISCUSTOMERNoNUMERIC(1)YesFlag indicates if a user is a customer; if false, this is a user, if true, this is a customer.
ISGLOBALNoNUMERIC(1)YesFlag indicates if user is a global user.
EMAILADDRNoVARCHAR(252)NoEmail address field.
ALLOWSSONoNUMERIC(1)NoFlag indicates single sign-on support.
INITIALSNoVARCHAR(32)NoMiddle initials.
DIVISIONNoVARCHAR(252)NoUser's division within company
DEPARTMENTNoVARCHAR(252)NoUser's department within division
ADDLINFONoTEXTNoAdditional info about user, reserved for future use
NoteContains user settings information. Each user has a set of user settings (also referred to as user options). The record ID has a one-to-one relationship with the USERS table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
NOTFSOUNDNoNUMERIC(1)NoPlay a sound option for assignment notification.
NOTFDIALOGNoNUMERIC(1)NoDisplay a dialog box option for assignment notification.
DBLCLKEDITNoNUMERIC(1)NoDouble-click on items field.
NAMEORDERNoNUMERIC(10)NoDisplay names as option; includes the following values:
0 (First Last)
1 (Last First)
RECPERPAGENoNUMERIC(5)NoWeb option to limit number of defects displayed per page on the Work With Defects window.
ASGNINSTATNoNUMERIC(1)NoStatus display option, determines if assignment information is displayed in the status field.
GRAYCLSDEFNoNUMERIC(1)NoGrey out closed defects field.
WARNFLDRELNoNUMERIC(1)NoUser option to display warning when field relationship information may be impacted
AFTDEFADDNoNUMERIC(2)NoAction performed after adding a defect; includes the following values:
0 (Set all fields to their default values)
1 (Retain pop-up menu values)
2 (Close the Add Defect window)
SCCIUNAMENoVARCHAR(1424)NoUsername for the SCC integration; this username is for this TestTrack user.
SCCIPWDNoVARCHAR(2832)NoPassword for the SCC integration; this password is for this TestTrack user.
PROJNAMENoVARCHAR(1020)NoProject name for SCC integration.
DBPATHNoVARCHAR(1020)NoSCC integration connection information.
WEBTZOPTNoNUMERIC(1)NoDetermines time zone to use for web interface; includes the following values: are GMT, server's time zone, or specified time zone (see the WebTzOff field).
WEBTZOFFNoNUMERIC(6)NoSpecified time zone for web interface.
DEFLAYOUTNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates defect view window layout, vertical tab view or single page view.
AFTTCADDNoNUMERIC(2)NoAction performed after adding a test case; includes the following values:
0 (Set all fields to their default values)
1 (Retain pop-up menu values)
2 (Close the Add test case window)
GRAYCLOSTCNoNUMERIC(1)NoDim, or gray out, closed test cases field.
GRAYCOMPTRNoNUMERIC(1)NoDim, or gray out, completed test runs field.
HDDFOVVWTBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if defect Overview tab is displayed or hidden.
HDTCOVVWTBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if test case Overview tab is displayed or hidden.
HDTROVVWTBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if test run Overview tab is displayed or hidden.
ALWSTBBRNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if tab bar is displayed or hidden.
HGHLTCOLORNoVARCHAR(24)NoHighlight color code for type ahead searching.
HGHLTBOLDNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if type ahead search text results are bold
HGHLTUNDERNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if type ahead search results are underlined.
HGHLITALICNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if type ahead search results are italicized.
DRDNCOLORNoVARCHAR(24)NoColor code for column filters in list windows.
OPNSPCDCNoNUMERIC(1)NoOpen requirement document in specification window field.
AFTRQADDNoNUMERIC(2)NoAction performed after adding a requirement; includes the following values:
0 (Set all fields to their default values)
1 (Retain pop-up menu values)
2 (Close the Add Requirement window)
AFTDOCADDNoNUMERIC(2)NoAction performed after adding a requirement document; includes the following values:
0 (Set all fields to their default values)
1 (Retain pop-up menu values)
2 (Close the Add Requirement Document window)
GRAYCLOSRQNoNUMERIC(1)NoDim, or gray out, closed requirements field.
GRAYCLOSDCNoNUMERIC(1)NoDim, or gray out, closed requirement documents field.
HDRQOVVWTBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if defect Overview tab is displayed or hidden on Requirements detail window.
HDDCOVVWTBNoNUMERIC(1)NoIndicates if defect Overview tab is displayed or hidden on Requirement Documents detail window.
ADDCOLORNoVARCHAR(24)NoAdded requirement text color for differences window.
ADDBOLDNoNUMERIC(1)NoAdded requirements text displays in bold for differences window.
ADDUNDERNoNUMERIC(1)NoAdded requirements text displays underlined for differences window.
ADDITALICNoNUMERIC(1)NoAdded requirements text displays in italic for differences window.
ADDSTRIKENoNUMERIC(1)NoAdded requirements text displays in strikeout for differences window.
REMVCOLORNoVARCHAR(24)NoRemoved requirement text color for differences window.
REMVBOLDNoNUMERIC(1)NoRemoved requirements text displays in bold for differences window.
REMVUNDERNoNUMERIC(1)NoRemoved requirements text displays underlined for differences window.
REMVITALICNoNUMERIC(1)NoRemoved requirements text displays in italic for differences window.
REMVSTRIKENoNUMERIC(1)NoRemoved requirements text displays in strikeout for differences window.
NoteContains shortcut menu settings for a specified user.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
USERIDNoNUMERIC(10)YesLinks to a record ID in USERS table.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)YesIdentifies the list window the shortcut menu settings apply to.
CTXACTENUMSNoTEXTNoActions included in the shortcut menu.
SHOWWRKFWSUBNoNUMERIC(1)YesFlag that indicates if workflow events are grouped in a sub-menu.
ALLOWWRKFWEVTSNoTEXTNoReserved for future use.
NoteContains user-defined view column information. Each table row represents one column in a view. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the VIEWINFO table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
VIEWIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to a record ID in VIEWINFO table.
VIEWTYPENoNUMERIC(5)NoView type; includes the following values:
0 (list window tab)
1 (user-definedview)
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoEntity type the view is associated with.
FIELDIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoField displayed in column, links to a record in FLDDFNTN table.
COLORDERNoNUMERIC(5)NoOrder of column, relative to other columns.
WIDTHNoNUMERIC(5)NoColumn width.
NoteContains user-defined view information. Each table row represents one view. This table has a one-to-many relationship with the VIEWCOLINFO table.

Column namePrimary keyData typeNot NULLNote
PROJECTIDYesNUMERIC(10)YesTestTrack project ID, identifies row's parent project.
IDRECORDYesNUMERIC(10)YesRecord ID that uniquely identifies a table row.
USERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoLink to a record in USERS table.
ENTITYTYPENoNUMERIC(10)NoEntity type the view is associated with.
NAMENoVARCHAR(512)NoView name.
PRISORTNoNUMERIC(10)NoPrimary sort field ID.
SECSORTNoNUMERIC(10)NoSecondary sort field ID.
PRISRTORDRNoNUMERIC(1)NoPrimary sort column order.
SECSRTORDRNoNUMERIC(1)NoSecondary sort column order.
FILTERIDNoNUMERIC(10)NoFilter the view uses.
QUICKLINKSNoNUMERIC(10)NoIndicates if TestTrack Web quick link icons are displayed.
EVENTSNoVARCHAR(4000)NoList of selected TestTrack Web event quick link icons.