TestTrack 2016.1 Project Database ERDs
List of tables
Table details
ACTNTGTContains a list of target users for automation rule actions. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TRGACTN table.
ATTACHINFOContains additional information on attachments to test cases and test runs. Each table row represents one file attached to the given record. This table has one-to-one relationship with ATTACHMT table.
ATTACHMTContains file attachment information. Each table row represents one file attached to the given record. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the REPORTBY table. Each row has a reported by record ID that matches a record ID in the REPORTBY table.
ATTARCHIVEContains file attachment archive information. Each table row represents one file attachment.
AUDITLOGContains the changes made to defect, test case or test run records. Each row records changes made to an entity and information regarding who, when, and how changes were made. Change information is stored in such a way that, if the user information is modified or deleted at a later date, the audit log table represents the information as it was when the changes were made.
CHARTSContains live chart report information. Each table row represents one live chart report.
CHARTSETContains live chart report attributes.
CSDOCVALContains information related to custom fields on a requirement document. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single document. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DOCUMENT table and FLDDFNTN table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.
CSRDEVTVLContains custom field values for requirement document events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DOCEVTS and the FLDDFNTN tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.
CSREQVALContains information related to custom fields on a requirement. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single requirement. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the REQMNT table and FLDDFNTN table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.
CSREVTVLContains custom field values for requirement events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the REQEVTS and the FLDDFNTN tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.
CSTDEVTVALContains custom field values for defect events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DEFECTEVTS and the FLDDFNTN tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.
CSTTCEVTVALContains custom field values for test case events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TCEVTS and the FLDDFNTN tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.
CSTTREVTVALContains custom field values for test run events. Each table row represents one custom field value for a single event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TREVTS and the FLDDFNTN tables. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.
CUSTMMAPContains field level mappings for creating-type-from-type.
CUSTMVALContains information related to custom fields on a defect. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single defect. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DEFECTS table and the FLDDFNTN table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.
CUSTTCVALContains information related to custom fields on a test case. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single test case. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TESTCASE table and FLDDFNTN table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.
CUSTTRVALContains information related to custom fields on a test run. Each table row represents one custom field value associated with a single test run. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TESTRUN table and FLDDFNTN table. If the custom field is a drop-down list, comma separated record IDs of inherent field tables or user/customer tables or FLDCUSTM tables will be set depending value list type.
DASHBOARDLIVECHARTWIDGETContains dashboard chart widget information.
DASHBOARDSTATICWIDGETReserved for future use.
DASHBOARDSTATUSWIDGETContains dashboard burn down or burn up widget information.
DASHBOARDTILEWIDGETContains dashboard count widget information.
DASHBOARDVIEWContains dashboard information.
DASHBOARDVIEWORDERContains the order to display dashboards in for a specified user.
DASHBOARDVIEWWIDGETContains information about the widgets included in a dashboard.
DASHBOARDWIDGETContains basic information included in all dashboard widgets.
DASHRECACTContains dashboard recent activity
DEFECTEVTSContains event information for each event recorded with a defect. Each table row represents a single defect event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DEFECTS table, the EVENTS table, the USERS table, and the STATES table.
DEFECTSContains defect information. Each table row represents one defect. Additional information associated with a defect is found in the DEFECTEVTS table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the STATES, FLDTYPE, FLDPROD, FLDDISPO, FLDPRIOR, FLDCOMP and FLDSEVER tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the USERS table.
DEFLOGContains historical log information about changes made to defect records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the defect records. Each row has a defect record ID that matches a record ID in the DEFECTS table.
DFLOGASCAssociates defect historical log and audit log information.
DISPNAMEContains text strings used in the interface. This table contains the Rename Field Label values.
DOCCHNGSContains the original values for fields that were changed after a document snapshot was created. The document itself always stores the current value.
DOCEVTSContains event information for each event recorded with a document. Each table row represents a single document event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DOCUMENT table, the EVENTS table, the USERS table, and the STATES table.
DOCEXPORTFAVORITESRelates users to favorited Word export templates.
DOCEXPORTGRPRelates security groups to Word export templates they can use.
DOCEXPORTTEMPLATEContains Word export templates.
DOCLOGContains historical log information about changes made to requirement document records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the document records. Each row has a document record ID that matches a record ID in the DOCUMENT table.
DOCSNPSTContains document snapshot information. Each table row represents one document snapshot.
DOCTREEContains the requirement relationship tree for the current version of the document.
DOCUMENTContains requirement document information. Each table row represents one requirement document.
DRAFTFIELDContains draft version/inactive custom fields. Each table row represents one draft custom field.
EMAILContains tracked email information. Each table row represents one email. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the EMAILASSOC table.
EMAILASSOCContains information about records tracked emails are associated with. Each table row represents an email association with one entity.
EMAILRECPContains email recipient information. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the EMAIL table.
EMAILTMPContains email template information.
EVENTSContains event definition information. Each table row represents one event definition. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the FLDDFNTN table.
EXTERNPROVIDERContains information that enables integration with external source control providers, such as Git
EXTERN_ITEM_ASSOC_ITEMContains external item associations, such as for JIRA issues.
EXTERN_ITEM_ASSOC_PROVIDERContains external item association providers, such as JIRA.
FIELDCALCContains calculated custom field details. Each table row represents one calculated custom field.
FIELDRELContains the definition of field relationships setup for this database. Each table row represents one field relationship.
FIELDSTYLESContains field value style settings. May be associated with multiple fields.
FIELDSTYLESASSOCAssociates a field and popup value with a style. The field style mapping associates a field style with a workflow state or a pop-up menu item. If the parent type is 1, the parent ID column is interpreted as a workflow state and the child columns are interpreted as states that use the style. If parent type is 2, the parent ID represents the record ID of the pop-up menu. The child IDs represent the pop-up menu items that use the style.
FILTDISPContains restriction items in a filter. Each table row represents one displayed line in a filter. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the FILTER table. Each row has a filter record ID that matches a record ID in the FILTER table.
FILTERContains filter information. Each table row represents one filter for the given entity type. Additional information associated with a filter is found in the FILTDISP table, which has a many-to-one relationship to this table.
FLDCOMPContains the components pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.
FLDCUSTMContains the custom field pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the FLDPULIST table. Each row in this table has a Pop-up list record ID that matches a record ID in the FLDPULIST table.
FLDDFNTNContains definitions for fields of all entity type and event fields. Each table row represents a single field. Custom pop-up fields, for both entity and entity events, have many-to-one relationship with the FLDPULIST table that links to pop-up menu items in FLDCUSTM table.
FLDDISPOContains the disposition pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.
FLDPRIORContains the priority pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.
FLDPRODContains the product pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.
FLDPULISTContains pop-up list names. FLDDFNTN table maps to FLDPULIST record ID for each pop-up menu item. List of actual values for each PU List is stored in FLDCUSTM table.
FLDRDTLContains the additional folder details for the folder table.
FLDREPROContains the reproduced pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.
FLDRITEMContains folder item information. Each table row represents one folder item. This table has a many-toone relationship with the FOLDER table.
FLDRLOGContains historical log information about changes to folders. Each row in this table represents a log entry for a folder. Each row has a folder record ID that matches a record ID in the FOLDER table.
FLDRPRIOContains requirement importance pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.
FLDRTYPContains folder type information. Each table row represents one type value.
FLDSEVERContains the severity pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.
FLDTOTPContains test object type pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.
FLDTRSETContains test run set pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.
FLDTYPEContains the type pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.
FLDVERSNContains the version pop-up menu values. Each row in this table represents one pop-up menu item.
FOLDERContains folder information. Each table row represents one folder. Folder item information is in the FLDRITEM table. This table has a one-to-many relationship with the FLDRITEM table.
FRLOGASCAssociates folder historical log and audit log information.
HYPRLNKContains email notification hyperlink information. Each row contains the information for one hyperlink sent to a user. The table contains the information needed to match a hyperlink to the user who was sent the hyperlink and the record it links to.
INPUTMAPContains input mapping rule for a formula based calculated custom field.
LINKDFNTNContains a list of user-defined link definitions.
LINKHISTRYContains history of changes made to links.
LINKITEMContains the information for a single item within a link in the LINK table.
LINKSContains a list of link items that have been added to a link.
LINKWRKFLWContains the options that describe the workflow behaviors for items in the LINKDFNTN table.
LISTWNDContains list window information.
LISTWNDTABContains list window tab information. Each table row represents one tab. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the LISTWND table.
OBJCTGENContains create-type-from-type mappings.
OUTPUTMAPContains ouput mapping for a calculated pop-up custom field.
OWNERLCKContains TestTrack internal information.
PARENTCHILDASSOCAssociates a parent record with a child record.
RDBMSOPTNSContains the options and settings used when connecting to this RDBMS database. Works like a Windows INI file and each entry has a name/value pair.
RDLOGASCAssociates requirement document historical log and audit log information.
REPORTBYContains defect reported by information. Each table row represents one report of a defect. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the DEFECTS table because TestTrack allows multiple reports of a single defect. Each row in this table has a defect record ID that matches a record ID in the DEFECTS table.
REQCHNGSContains the original values for fields that were changed after a requirement version was created. The requirement itself always stores the current value.
REQEVTSContains event information for each event recorded with a requirement. Each table row represents a single requirement event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the REQMNT table, the EVENTS table, the USERS table, and the STATES table.
REQLOGContains historical log information about changes made to requirement records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the requirement records. Each row has a requirement record ID that matches a record ID in the REQMNT table.
REQMNTContains requirement information. Each table row represents either one requirement.
REQVRSNContains requirement version information. Each table row represents one requirement version.
RPCHRTContains report chart information.
RPCUSTOMContains custom report information. Each table row represents one custom report.
RPDETLContains detail report information. Each table row represents one detail report.
RPDISTContains distribution report information. Each table row represents one distribution report.
RPEXTERNContains external report information. Each table row represents one external report.
RPFRMTDescribes the layout of a field type on a report. The field type default uses the values from the XSL file. Each field type has a parent type that is used unless the field has a defined format. In this case, the field's format is used.
RPIDSContains a row for each report defined in the database, regardless of report type.
RPLISTContains list report information. Each table row represents one list report.
RPTRENDContains trend report information. Each table row represents one trend report.
RQLOGASCAssociates requirement historical log and audit log information.
SCCFILEContains SCC file information. Each table row represents one SCC file that is attached to an entity. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the corresponding entity table. Each row has an entity record ID.
SCCPROJContains SCC project information.
SCMCHGLSTContains source control changelist information.
SHRWUSRGRPContains settings for sharing filters with security groups.
SNPSTTREContains the requirement relationship tree for a snapshot of the document.
SPELLCHKContains the spell check options for a specified user. Each row contains the options for one specific user.
STATESContains information about states that an entity can transition into.
STEPDATAContains test run step details.
SUBCMDSCContains user group subtype command security settings.
SUBFLDDFContains default values and required field settings for fields by subtype.
SUBFLDSCContains user group subtype field level security settings.
SUBTYPEContains requirement type information. Each table row represents one type value.
SYSCONFContains test configuration information. Each table row represents one system test configuration.
TABFILTERStores the temporary filters settings that are applied to any given tab when the user logs out.
TABFLTRDSPStore the restrictions used by the temporary filters that are applied to any given tab when the user logs out.
TABMAPVALUEContains table lookup mapping values for calculated pop-up custom field.
TABULARMAPContains table lookup mapping for calculated pop-up custom field.
TACTMODContains information for the modify automation rule action. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TRGACTN table.
TASKContains workbook task information. Each table row represents one task defined in the workbook.
TASKBOARDContains the list of task boards configured for each project.
TASKBOARDCOLUMNContains the list of columns configured for a task board.
TASKBOARDENTITYOPTNSContains card color information for each item type in the task board.
TASKBOARDTYPEENTITYContains information about item types and requirement types that can be swimlanes when grouping by relationship.
TCEVTSContains event information for each event recorded with a test case. Each table row represents a single test case event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TESTCASE table, the EVENTS table, the USERS table, and the STATES table.
TCLOGContains historical log information about changes made to test case records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the test case records. Each table row has a test case record ID that matches a record ID in the TESTCASE table.
TCLOGASCAssociates test case historical log and audit log information.
TESTCASEContains test case information. Each table row represents one test case. Additional information associated with a test case is found in the TCEVTS table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the STATES and FLDTOTP tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the USERS table.
TESTRUNContains test run information. Each table row represents one test run. Additional information associated with a test run is found in the TREVTS table. This table has a one-to-one relationship with the STATES, FLDTOTP and FLDTRSET tables. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the USERS table.
TILECOLORMAPContains all color settings for home page widgets.
TRACEREPORTContains custom traceability report information. Each table row represents one custom traceability report.
TRANSITIONContains information describing which events can be entered for corresponding entities which are in a given state. If the state is a result of a multi-user assignment, also contained within the table is the priority of the resulting states. This table has a one-to-many relationship with the EVENTS table and the STATES table.
TREVTSContains event information for each event recorded with a test run. Each table row represents a single test run event. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TESTRUN table, the EVENTS table, the USERS table, and the STATES table.
TRGACTNContains user notification and automation rule action information. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the TRIGGERS table.
TRIGGERSContains automation rule information. This table has a many-to-many relationship with the STATES and FILTERS tables.
TRIGLOGContains historical log information about changes to automation rules. Each table row represents a log entry for a rule. Each table row has a record ID that matches a record ID in the TRIGGERS table.
TRIGSCHDContains schedule information for escalation rules.
TRLOGContains historical log information about changes made to test run records. Each row in this table represents a log entry in one of the test run records. Each table row has a test run record ID that matches a record ID in the TESTRUN table.
TRLOGASCAssociates test run historical log and audit log information.
TTDBOPTNContains database options. Works like a Windows INI file and each entry has a name/value pair.
TTPROJECTSContains the list of TestTrack projects that reside in the RDBMS database.
USERGRPContains user group information. Each table row represents one user group.
USERSContains user and customer information. Each table row represents either one user or one customer.
USERSETContains user settings information. Each user has a set of user settings (also referred to as user options). The record ID has a one-to-one relationship with the USERS table.
USERSETENTContains shortcut menu settings for a specified user.
VIEWCOLINFOContains user-defined view column information. Each table row represents one column in a view. This table has a many-to-one relationship with the VIEWINFO table.
VIEWINFOContains user-defined view information. Each table row represents one view. This table has a one-to-many relationship with the VIEWCOLINFO table.