You are here: Exporting and Importing Data > Exporting items to Microsoft Word

Exporting items to Microsoft Word

You can export TestTrack items to Microsoft Word if you need to produce documents that contain TestTrack data in a specific format, or to view or share data offline. For example, some organizations export items to Word to produce the following types of documents:

To perform an export, you select items to export and a template to use. You can export from a variety of areas in TestTrack. Sort order of items in the resulting document depends on the item type and how items are exported. See Areas to export from and item sorting.

The template defines the TestTrack information and formatting in the resulting document. The available templates depend on the selected items to export. Templates are typically added to TestTrack by an administrator or another high-level user. See Adding Microsoft Word export templates to TestTrack.

Tip: If you need to transfer requirement documents between TestTrack projects, use XML export and import. See Exporting to XML and Importing XML files.

1. Select the items to export. See Areas to export from and item sorting for information about where you can export from.

You may want to sort items or apply filters before selecting the items to export. In most cases, sort order of items in the resulting document is based on the sorting applied in the list window.

Tip: To export multiple item types in the same document, export them from a folder.

2. Choose File > Export > Microsoft Word Export.

The Export to Microsoft Word dialog box opens. If you are editing an item you are exporting, you are prompted to save it. Click Save to save the item and continue the export.

3. Select a template.

Templates are available on the following tabs.

Tip: To quickly find a template, search for it by name or click the Recent Searches button to view recent searches. Click the Clear Search button to clear the results.

4. Click Export.

The Save As dialog box opens.

5. Choose a location to save the file in and enter a File name.

The default file name includes the template name, date, and time (e.g., Issue Details 03-24-2016 05-07-56 pm.docx). If you are exporting from a folder, the folder name is prepended to the file name. If you are exporting a requirement document, the document name is prepended to the file name. You can enter a different name.

6. Click Save.

The export starts and the progress is displayed. When the export completes, the exported document opens. Click Yes if you are prompted to update the fields in the document by Word.