You are here: Modifying Files > Removing files

Removing files

When a file is removed, its contents are not deleted from Surround SCM and it can be restored.

1. Select the files and choose Activities > Remove File.

The Remove Files dialog box opens.

2. Enter any Comments, such as the reason for removing the files.

3. Select Permanently destroy files to delete the selected files from Surround SCM.

4. Optionally expand the Changelist options area to select options for removing the files as part of a changelist. See Adding file actions to changelists.

5. Click OK.

You are prompted to confirm the removal.

6. Click Yes.

The file is removed from the repository. It is also deleted if you chose to destroy the file.

Note: To view a list of removed files, select the repository that contained the files. Choose Activities > Properties and then click the Removed Items tab.


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